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Data transformers

Transforms request data to another representation


$ composer require solido/data-transformers

How it works

REST APIs communicates via HTTP protocol. Because of this all the data sent to the API are textual representation of the real data, but most of the time it is simply uncomfortable to deal with textual data.
Additionally, transformation from text to a PHP object is often a repetitive task.

All the transformers implements Solido\DataTransformers\TransformerInterface which exposes only one method: transform.

The transform method simply transforms the data passed into another representation and throws Solido\DataTransformers\Exception\TransformationFailedException if transformation fails (ex: data are invalid).

DTO integration

Data transformers express their full potential when paired with DTOs.
As you can read in the dto chapter the DTOs are not simple containers of data, but can be enhanced via extensions and proxy code generation.

Data transformers library provides one of this extension (in the Solido\DataTransformers\TransformerExtension class) which enables the use of #[Transform] attribute (or annotation).

Using #[Transform] attribute on a public or protected property declared on a DTO, code to call the specified transformer will be generated for every property write call.

For example, if I declare MyDTO as follows

use Solido\DataTransformers\Transformer\DateTransformer;

class MyDTO implements MyDTOInterface
     * @var string
    public $name;

     * @var DateTimeImmutable
    public $birthDay;

And I recall the DTO from resolver

$dto = $resolver->resolve(MyDTOInterface::class);

I can set a date on birthDay property simply setting a string into the property:

$dto->birthDay = '1990-05-30';   // Magic happens...

var_dump($dto->birthDay);        // Dumps:
                                 // object(DateTimeImmutable) {
                                 //    ["date"] => "1990-05-30 00:00:00.000000"
                                 //    ...
                                 // }

Usage on methods

Additionally, the #[Transform] attribute works on single-argument methods, transforming the argument before it reaches the body of the method.

?> In the future the single-argument limitation could be removed analyzing the parameters attributes, but at the moment the compatibility with annotation (which can't be applied on parameters) has been retained.

Builtin transformers

This library contains some common text-to-data transformers to be used when parsing request data.


Transforms a data-URI into an UploadedFile object.

Accepts: string (base64-encoded data file, ex: )
Returns: instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile


Transforms a boolean text representation into a bool value.

Accepts: string (one of 1, true, yes, on, y, t, 0, false, no, off, n, f)
Returns: bool


Transforms an ISO8601 (or atom) string into an instance of DateTimeInterface.

Options (as constructor arguments):

$outputTimezone - Set the timezone to apply after the transformation has finished
$asImmutable - Whether to return a DateTimeImmutable (default) or a mutable DateTime object.

Accepts: string (ISO8601 date time - YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:ssZ)
Returns: DateTimeInterface


Accepts: string (YYYY-MM-DD or DD/MM/YYYY)
Returns: DateTimeImmutable

Time part is set to midnight.


Transforms a numeric string into an integer value.

Accepts: string
Returns: int


Transforms a phone number string into an instance of libphonenumber\PhoneNumber.

?> giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php library must be installed

Accepts: string
Returns: libphonenumber\PhoneNumber


Transforms a money representation into a Money object.

?> moneyphp/money library must be installed

Accepts: string (numeric) or { amount: string, currency: string } array
Returns: Money\Money object

!> If only a numeric value is passed, the currency is automatically set to EUR.


Transform a currency string into a Currency object.

?> moneyphp/money library must be installed

Accepts: string
Returns: Money\Currency object

There are also some special transformers:


Applies multiple transformers one after another.

MappingTransformer and NullableMappingTransformer

Applies a transformer to all the elements of an array.
The nullable variant skips null elements, while the other will try to convert also the null values.


Used in endless-pagination, converts a string into a PageToken representation. See pagination component for further information.


Use an urn-to-item converter to transform a textual urn into an entity/document. See utilities section for further information.

Custom transformers

To create a custom transformer you only need to implement Solido\DataTransformers\TransformerInterface and expose the transform method as per interface documentation

interface TransformerInterface
     * Transforms a value to another representation.
     * This method must be able to deal with empty values. Usually this will
     * be an empty string, but depending on your implementation other empty
     * values are possible as well (such as NULL). The reasoning behind
     * this is that value transformers must be chainable. If the
     * transform() method of the first value transformer outputs an
     * empty string, the second value transformer must be able to process that
     * value.
     * By convention, transform() should return NULL if an empty string is passed.
     * @param mixed $value The value in the transformed representation
     * @return mixed The transformed value
     * @throws TransformationFailedException when the transformation fails.
    public function transform($value);