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Merge 895b0b7 into 850c590
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joachimvh committed Jul 23, 2021
2 parents 850c590 + 895b0b7 commit 1adb987
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Showing 10 changed files with 121 additions and 280 deletions.
22 changes: 9 additions & 13 deletions config/ldp/handler/components/error-handler.json
Expand Up @@ -2,20 +2,16 @@
"@context": "^1.0.0/components/context.jsonld",
"@graph": [
"comment": "Changes an error into a valid representation to send as a response.",
"comment": "Wraps around the main error handler as a fallback in case something goes wrong.",
"@id": "urn:solid-server:default:ErrorHandler",
"@type": "WaterfallHandler",
"handlers": [
"@type": "ConvertingErrorHandler",
"converter": { "@id": "urn:solid-server:default:RepresentationConverter" },
"showStackTrace": { "@id": "urn:solid-server:default:variable:showStackTrace" }
"@type": "TextErrorHandler",
"showStackTrace": { "@id": "urn:solid-server:default:variable:showStackTrace" }
"@type": "SafeErrorHandler",
"showStackTrace": { "@id": "urn:solid-server:default:variable:showStackTrace" },
"errorHandler": {
"comment": "Changes an error into a valid representation to send as a response.",
"@type": "ConvertingErrorHandler",
"converter": { "@id": "urn:solid-server:default:RepresentationConverter" },
"showStackTrace": { "@id": "urn:solid-server:default:variable:showStackTrace" }
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion package-lock.json

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Expand Up @@ -166,7 +166,6 @@
"nodemon": "^2.0.7",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"set-cookie-parser": "^2.4.8",
"stream-to-string": "^1.2.0",
"supertest": "^6.1.3",
"ts-jest": "^27.0.3",
"typedoc": "^0.21.2",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/index.ts
Expand Up @@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ export * from './ldp/http/PreferenceParser';
export * from './ldp/http/RawBodyParser';
export * from './ldp/http/RequestParser';
export * from './ldp/http/ResponseWriter';
export * from './ldp/http/SafeErrorHandler';
export * from './ldp/http/SparqlUpdateBodyParser';
export * from './ldp/http/SparqlUpdatePatch';
export * from './ldp/http/TargetExtractor';
export * from './ldp/http/TextErrorHandler';

// LDP/Operations
export * from './ldp/operations/DeleteOperationHandler';
Expand Down
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { getStatusCode } from '../../util/errors/ErrorUtil';
import { getLoggerFor } from '../../logging/LogUtil';
import { createErrorMessage, getStatusCode } from '../../util/errors/ErrorUtil';
import { guardedStreamFrom } from '../../util/StreamUtil';
import { toLiteral } from '../../util/TermUtil';
import { HTTP, XSD } from '../../util/Vocabularies';
Expand All @@ -9,17 +10,27 @@ import type { ResponseDescription } from './response/ResponseDescription';

* Returns a simple text description of an error.
* This class is mostly a failsafe in case all other solutions fail.
* This class is a failsafe in case the wrapped error handler fails.
export class TextErrorHandler extends ErrorHandler {
export class SafeErrorHandler extends ErrorHandler {
protected readonly logger = getLoggerFor(this);

private readonly errorHandler: ErrorHandler;
private readonly showStackTrace: boolean;

public constructor(showStackTrace = false) {
public constructor(errorHandler: ErrorHandler, showStackTrace = false) {
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
this.showStackTrace = showStackTrace;

public async handle({ error }: ErrorHandlerArgs): Promise<ResponseDescription> {
public async handle(input: ErrorHandlerArgs): Promise<ResponseDescription> {
try {
return await this.errorHandler.handleSafe(input);
} catch (error: unknown) {
this.logger.debug(`Recovering from error handler failure: ${createErrorMessage(error)}`);
const { error } = input;
const statusCode = getStatusCode(error);
const metadata = new RepresentationMetadata('text/plain');
metadata.add(HTTP.terms.statusCodeNumber, toLiteral(statusCode, XSD.terms.integer));
Expand Down
105 changes: 12 additions & 93 deletions src/storage/conversion/ChainedConverter.ts
Expand Up @@ -31,107 +31,43 @@ type MatchedPath = {
weight: number;

* An LRU cache for storing `ConversionPath`s.
class LruPathCache {
private readonly maxSize: number;
// Contents are ordered from least to most recently used
private readonly paths: ConversionPath[] = [];

public constructor(maxSize: number) {
this.maxSize = maxSize;

* Add the given path to the cache as most recently used.
public add(path: ConversionPath): void {
if (this.paths.length > this.maxSize) {

* Find a path that can convert the given type to the given preferences.
* Note that this finds the first matching path in the cache,
* not the best one, should there be multiple results.
* In practice this should almost never be the case though.
public find(inType: string, outPreferences: ValuePreferences): MatchedPath | undefined {
// Last element is most recently used so has more chance of being the correct one
for (let i = this.paths.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const path = this.paths[i];
// Check if `inType` matches the input and `outPreferences` the output types of the path
const match = this.getMatchedPath(inType, outPreferences, path);
if (match) {
// Set matched path to most recent result in the cache
this.paths.splice(i, 1);
return match;

* Calculates the weights and exact types when using the given path on the given type and preferences.
* Undefined if there is no match
private getMatchedPath(inType: string, outPreferences: ValuePreferences, path: ConversionPath):
MatchedPath | undefined {
const inWeight = getTypeWeight(inType, path.inTypes);
if (inWeight === 0) {
const outMatch = getBestPreference(path.outTypes, outPreferences);
if (!outMatch) {
return { path, inType, outType: outMatch.value, weight: inWeight * outMatch.weight };

* A meta converter that takes an array of other converters as input.
* It chains these converters by finding a path of converters
* that can go from the given content-type to the given type preferences.
* In case there are multiple paths, the one with the highest weight gets found.
* Will error in case no path can be found.
* Generated paths get stored in an internal cache for later re-use on similar requests.
* Note that due to this caching `RepresentationConverter`s
* that change supported input/output types at runtime are not supported,
* unless cache size is set to 0.
* This is not a TypedRepresentationConverter since the supported output types
* might depend on what is the input content-type.
* This converter should be the last in a WaterfallHandler if there are multiple,
* since it will try to convert any representation with a content-type.
* Some suggestions on how this class can be even more optimized should this ever be needed in the future.
* Most of these decrease computation time at the cost of more memory.
* - Subpaths that are generated could also be cached.
* - When looking for the next step, cached paths could also be considered.
* - The algorithm could start on both ends of a possible path and work towards the middle.
* - When creating a path, store the list of unused converters instead of checking every step.
* - Caching:
export class ChainedConverter extends RepresentationConverter {
protected readonly logger = getLoggerFor(this);

private readonly converters: TypedRepresentationConverter[];
private readonly cache: LruPathCache;

public constructor(converters: TypedRepresentationConverter[], maxCacheSize = 50) {
public constructor(converters: TypedRepresentationConverter[]) {
if (converters.length === 0) {
throw new Error('At least 1 converter is required.');
this.converters = [ ...converters ];
this.cache = new LruPathCache(maxCacheSize);

public async canHandle(input: RepresentationConverterArgs): Promise<void> {
// Will cache the path if found, and error if not
await this.findPath(input);
const type = input.representation.metadata.contentType;
if (!type) {
throw new BadRequestHttpError('Missing Content-Type header.');

public async handle(input: RepresentationConverterArgs): Promise<Representation> {
Expand All @@ -156,24 +92,15 @@ export class ChainedConverter extends RepresentationConverter {
return path.converters.slice(-1)[0].handle(args);

public async handleSafe(input: RepresentationConverterArgs): Promise<Representation> {
// This way we don't run `findPath` twice, even though it would be cached for the second call
return this.handle(input);

private isMatchedPath(path: unknown): path is MatchedPath {
return typeof (path as MatchedPath).path === 'object';

* Finds a conversion path that can handle the given input,
* either in the cache or by generating a new one.
* Finds a conversion path that can handle the given input.
private async findPath(input: RepresentationConverterArgs): Promise<MatchedPath | ValuePreference> {
const type = input.representation.metadata.contentType;
if (!type) {
throw new BadRequestHttpError('Missing Content-Type header.');
const type = input.representation.metadata.contentType!;
const preferences = cleanPreferences(input.preferences.type);

const weight = getTypeWeight(type, preferences);
Expand All @@ -182,15 +109,7 @@ export class ChainedConverter extends RepresentationConverter {
return { value: type, weight };

// Use a cached solution if we have one.
// Note that it's possible that a better one could be generated.
// But this is usually highly unlikely.
let match = this.cache.find(type, preferences);
if (!match) {
match = await this.generatePath(type, preferences);
return match;
return this.generatePath(type, preferences);

Expand Down
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions test/unit/ldp/http/SafeErrorHandler.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import 'jest-rdf';
import { DataFactory } from 'n3';
import type { ErrorHandler } from '../../../../src/ldp/http/ErrorHandler';
import { SafeErrorHandler } from '../../../../src/ldp/http/SafeErrorHandler';
import { BasicRepresentation } from '../../../../src/ldp/representation/BasicRepresentation';
import { NotFoundHttpError } from '../../../../src/util/errors/NotFoundHttpError';
import { readableToString } from '../../../../src/util/StreamUtil';
import { HTTP, XSD } from '../../../../src/util/Vocabularies';
import literal = DataFactory.literal;

describe('A SafeErrorHandler', (): void => {
let error: Error;
let stack: string | undefined;
let errorHandler: jest.Mocked<ErrorHandler>;
let handler: SafeErrorHandler;

beforeEach(async(): Promise<void> => {
error = new NotFoundHttpError('not here');
({ stack } = error);

errorHandler = {
handleSafe: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(new BasicRepresentation('<html>fancy error</html>', 'text/html')),
} as any;

handler = new SafeErrorHandler(errorHandler, true);

it('can handle everything.', async(): Promise<void> => {
await expect(handler.canHandle({} as any)).resolves.toBeUndefined();

it('sends the request to the stored error handler.', async(): Promise<void> => {
const prom = handler.handle({ error } as any);
await expect(prom).resolves.toBeDefined();
const result = await prom;
await expect(readableToString(!)).resolves.toBe('<html>fancy error</html>');

describe('where the wrapped error handler fails', (): void => {
beforeEach(async(): Promise<void> => {
errorHandler.handleSafe.mockRejectedValue(new Error('handler failed'));

it('creates a text representation of the error.', async(): Promise<void> => {
const prom = handler.handle({ error } as any);
await expect(prom).resolves.toBeDefined();
const result = await prom;
expect(result.metadata?.get(HTTP.terms.statusCodeNumber)).toEqualRdfTerm(literal(404, XSD.terms.integer));
await expect(readableToString(!)).resolves.toBe(`${stack}\n`);

it('concatenates name and message if there is no stack.', async(): Promise<void> => {
delete error.stack;
const prom = handler.handle({ error } as any);
await expect(prom).resolves.toBeDefined();
const result = await prom;
expect(result.metadata?.get(HTTP.terms.statusCodeNumber)).toEqualRdfTerm(literal(404, XSD.terms.integer));
await expect(readableToString(!)).resolves.toBe(`NotFoundHttpError: not here\n`);

it('hides the stack trace if the option is disabled.', async(): Promise<void> => {
handler = new SafeErrorHandler(errorHandler);
const prom = handler.handle({ error } as any);
await expect(prom).resolves.toBeDefined();
const result = await prom;
expect(result.metadata?.get(HTTP.terms.statusCodeNumber)).toEqualRdfTerm(literal(404, XSD.terms.integer));
await expect(readableToString(!)).resolves.toBe(`NotFoundHttpError: not here\n`);
60 changes: 0 additions & 60 deletions test/unit/ldp/http/TextErrorHandler.test.ts

This file was deleted.

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