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Solid is designed to be easy to use with TypeScript: its use of standard JSX makes code largely understood by TypeScript, and it provides sophisticated built-in types for its API. This guide covers some useful tips for working with TypeScript and typing your Solid code.

Configuring TypeScript

The Solid starter templates offer good starting points for tsconfig.json.

Most importantly, to use TypeScript with the Solid JSX compiler, you need to configure TypeScript to leave JSX constructs alone via "jsx": "preserve", and tell TypeScript where the JSX types come from via "jsxImportSource": "solid-js". So, a minimal tsconfig.json would look like this:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "jsx": "preserve",
    "jsxImportSource": "solid-js"

If your code base uses a mix of JSX types (e.g., some files are React while other files are Solid), you can set the default jsxImportSource in tsconfig.json for the majority of your code, and then override the jsxImportSource option in specific .tsx files using the following pragma:

/** @jsxImportSource solid-js */


/** @jsxImportSource react */

API Types

Solid is written in TypeScript, so everything is typed out of the box. The API documentation details the types for all API calls, as well as several helpful type definitions to make it easier to refer to Solid notions when you need to specify explicit types. Here, we explore the resulting types when using a few core primitives.


createSignal<T> is parameterized by the type T of the object stored in the signal. For example:

const [count, setCount] = createSignal<number>();

The first createSignal has return type Signal<number>, corresponding to the type we passed to it. This is a tuple of the getter and setter, which each have a generic type:

import type { Signal, Accessor, Setter } from 'solid-js';
type Signal<T> = [get: Accessor<T>, set: Setter<T>];

In this case, the signal getter count has type Accessor<number | undefined>. Accessor<T> is a type definition provided by Solid, in this case equivalent to () => number | undefined. The | undefined gets added in this example because we did not provide a default value to createSignal, so the signal value indeed starts out as undefined.

The signal setter setCount has type Setter<number>, which is a more complicated type definition corresponding roughly to (value?: number | ((prev?: number) => number)) => number, representing the two possibilities for the passed argument: you can call setCount with either a number or a function taking the previous value (if there was one) and returning a number.

The actual Setter type is more complicated, to detect accidentally passing a function to the setter when you might have wanted to set the signal to that function value instead of calling the function to determine the new value. If you're getting a TypeScript error "Argument ... is not assignable to parameter" when calling setCount(value), then try wrapping the setter argument as in setCount(() => value) to make sure that value isn't called.


We can avoid having to explicitly provide the type of the signal when calling createSignal, and avoid the | undefined part of the type, by providing a default value to createSignal:

const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
const [name, setName] = createSignal('');

In this case, TypeScript infers that the signal types are number and string respectively. Thus, for example, count obtains type Accessor<number> and name obtains type Accessor<string> (without | undefined).


Similar to signals, createContext<T> is parameterized by the type T of the context value. We can provide this type explicitly:

type Data = {count: number, name: string};
const dataContext = createContext<Data>();

In this case, dataContext has type Context<Data | undefined>, causing useContext(dataContext) to have matching return type Data | undefined. The reason for | undefined is that the context might not be provided in the ancestors of the current component, in which case useContext returns undefined.

If we instead provide a default value to createContext, we avoid the | undefined part of the type, and often avoid having to explicitly specify the type of the createContext as well:

const dataContext = createContext({count: 0, name: ''});

In this case, TypeScript infers that dataContext has type Context<{count: number, name: string}>, which is equivalent to Context<Data> (without | undefined).

Another common pattern is to define a factory function that produces the value for a context. Then we can grab the return type of that function using TypeScript's ReturnType type helper, and use that to type the context:

export const makeCountNameContext = (initialCount = 0, initialName = '') => {
  const [count, setCount] = createSignal(initialCount);
  const [name, setName] = createSignal(initialName);
  return [{count, name}, {setCount, setName}] as const;
    // `as const` forces tuple type inference
type CountNameContextType = ReturnType<typeof makeCountNameContext>;
export const CountNameContext = createContext<CountNameContextType>();
export const useCountNameContext = () => useContext(CountNameContext);

In this example, CountNameContextType corresponds to the return value of makeCountNameContext:

  {readonly count: Accessor<number>, readonly name: Accessor<string>},
  {readonly setCount: Setter<number>, readonly setName: Setter<string>}

and useCountNameContext has type () => CountNameContextType | undefined.

If you want to avoid the undefined possibility, you could assert that the context is always provided when used:

export const useCountNameContext = () => useContext(CountNameContext)!;

This is a dangerous assumption; it would be safer to actually provide a default argument to createContext so that the context is always defined.

Component Types

import type { JSX, Component } from 'solid-js';
type Component<P = {}> = (props: P) => JSX.Element;

To type a basic component function, use the Component<P> type, where P is the type of the props argument and should be an object type. This will enforce that correctly typed props get passed in as attributes, and that the return value is something that can be rendered by Solid: a JSX.Element can be a DOM node, an array of JSX.Elements, a function returning a JSX.Element, a boolean, undefined/null, etc. Here are some examples:

const Counter: Component = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
  return (
    <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c+1)}>

<Counter/>;              // good
<Counter initial={5}/>;  // type error: no initial prop
<Counter>hi</Counter>    // type error: no children prop

const InitCounter: Component<{initial: number}> = (props) => {
  const [count, setCount] = createSignal(props.initial);
  return (
    <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c+1)}>

<InitCounter initial={5}/>;  // good

If you want your component to take JSX children, you can either explicitly add a type for children to P, or you can use the ParentComponent type which automatically adds children?: JSX.Element. Alternatively, if you'd like to declare your component with function instead of const, you can use the ParentProps helper to type props. Some examples:

import { JSX, ParentComponent, ParentProps } from 'solid-js';
type ParentProps<P = {}> = P & { children?: JSX.Element };
type ParentComponent<P = {}> = Component<ParentProps<P>>;

// Equivalent typings:
//const CustomCounter: Component<{children?: JSX.Element}> = ...
//function CustomCounter(props: ParentProps): JSX.Element { ...
const CustomCounter: ParentComponent = (props) => {
  const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
  return (
    <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c+1)}>

// Equivalent typings:
//const CustomInitCounter: Component<{initial: number, children?: JSX.Element}> = ...
//function CustomInitCounter(props: ParentProps<{initial: number}>): JSX.Element { ...
const CustomInitCounter: ParentComponent<{initial: number}> = (props) => {
  const [count, setCount] = createSignal(props.initial);
  return (
    <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c+1)}>

In the latter example, the props parameter automatically gets typed as props: ParentProps<{initial: number}> which is equivalent to props: {initial: number, children?: JSX.Element}. (Note that, before Solid 1.4, Component was equivalent to ParentComponent.)

Solid provides two other Component subtypes for dealing with children:

import {JSX, FlowComponent, FlowProps, VoidComponent, VoidProps} from 'solid-js';
type FlowProps<P = {}, C = JSX.Element> = P & { children: C };
type FlowComponent<P = {}, C = JSX.Element> = Component<FlowProps<P, C>>;
type VoidProps<P = {}> = P & { children?: never };
type VoidComponent<P = {}> = Component<VoidProps<P>>;

VoidComponent is for components that definitely do not support children. VoidComponent<P> is equivalent to Component<P> when P doesn't provide a type for children.

FlowComponent is intended for "control flow" components like Solid's <Show> and <For>. Such components generally require children to make sense, and sometimes have specific types for children, such as requiring it to be a single function. For example:

const CallMeMaybe: FlowComponent<{when: boolean}, () => void> = (props) => {
  createEffect(() => {
    if (props.when)
  return <>{props.when ? 'Calling' : 'Not Calling'}</>;

<CallMeMaybe when={true}/>;  // type error: missing children
<CallMeMaybe when={true}>hi</CallMeMaybe>;  // type error: children
<CallMeMaybe when={true}>
  {() => console.log("Here's my number")}
</CallMeMaybe>;              // good

Event Handlers

The namespace JSX offers a suite of useful types for working with HTML DOM in particular. See the definition of JSX in dom-expressions for all the types provided.

One useful helper type provided by the JSX namespace is JSX.EventHandler<T, E>, which represents a single-argument event handler for a DOM element type T and event type E. You can use this to type any event handlers you define outside JSX. For example:

import type { JSX } from 'solid-js';
const onInput: JSX.EventHandler<HTMLInputElement, InputEvent> = (event) => {
  console.log('input changed to', event.currentTarget.value);

<input onInput={onInput}/>

Handlers defined inline within on___ JSX attributes (with built-in event types) are automatically typed as the appropriate JSX.EventHandler:

<input onInput={(event) => {
  console.log('input changed to', event.currentTarget.value);

Note that JSX.EventHandler<T> constrains the event's currentTarget attribute to be of type T (in the example, event.currentTarget is typed as HTMLInputEvent, so has attribute value). However, the event's target attribute could be any DOMElement. This is because currentTarget is the element that the event handler was attached to, so has a known type, whereas target is whatever the user interacted with that caused the event to bubble to or get captured by the event handler, which can be any DOM element. One exception is Input and Focus Events when attached directly to input elements will have HTMLInputElement as a target.

The ref Attribute

When we use the ref attribute with a variable, we tell Solid to assign the DOM element to the variable once the element is rendered. Without TypeScript, this looks like:

let divRef;

console.log(divRef); // undefined

onMount(() => {
  console.log(divRef); // <div> element

return (
  <div ref={divRef}/>

This presents a challenge for typing that variable: should we type divRef as an HTMLDivElement, even though it's only set as such after rendering? (Here we assume TypeScript's strictNullChecks mode is turned on; otherwise, TypeScript ignores potentially undefined variables.)

The safest pattern in TypeScript is to acknowledge that divRef is undefined for a period of time, and check when using it:

let divRef: HTMLDivElement | undefined;

divRef.focus();  // correctly reported as an error at compile time

onMount(() => {
  if (!divRef) return;
  divRef.focus();  // correctly allowed

return (
  <div ref={divRef!}>

Alternatively, because we know onMount gets called only after the <div> element gets rendered, we could use a non-null assertion (!) when accessing divRef within onMount:

onMount(() => {

Another fairly safe pattern is to omit undefined from divRef's type, and use a definite assignment assertion (!) in the ref attribute:

let divRef: HTMLDivElement;

divRef.focus();  // correctly reported as an error at compile time

onMount(() => {
  divRef.focus();  // correctly allowed

return (
  <div ref={divRef!}>

We need to use ref={divRef!} because TypeScript assumes that the ref attribute is being set to the divRef variable, and thus divRef should already be assigned. In Solid, it's the other way around: divRef gets assigned to by the ref attribute. The definite assignment assertion divRef! effectively convinces TypeScript that this is what's happening: TypeScript will understand that divRef has been assigned after this line.

With this pattern, TypeScript will correctly flag any accidental uses of refs inside the body of the function (before the JSX block where they get defined). However, TypeScript currently does not flag use of potentially undefined variables within nested functions. In the context of Solid, you need to take care not to use refs inside createMemo, createRenderEffect, and createComputed (before the JSX block that defines the refs), because those functions are called immediately, so the refs won't be defined yet (yet TypeScript won't flag this as an error). By contrast, the previous pattern would catch these errors.

Another common, but less safe, pattern is to put the definite assignment assertion at the point of variable declaration.

let divRef!: HTMLDivElement;

divRef.focus();  // allowed despite causing an error

onMount(() => {
  divRef.focus();  // correctly allowed

return (
  <div ref={divRef}>

This approach effectively turns off assignment checking for that variable, which is an easy workaround, but requires additional care. In particular, unlike the previous pattern, it incorrectly allows premature use of the variable, even outside nested functions.

Control Flow Narrowing

A common pattern is to use <Show> to display data only when that data is defined:

const [name, setName] = createSignal<string>();

return (
  <Show when={name()}>
    Hello {name().replace(/\s+/g, '\xa0')}!

In this case, TypeScript can't determine that the two calls to name() will return the same value, and that the second call will happen only if the first call returned a truthy value. Thus it will complain that name() might be undefined when trying to call .replace().

Here are two workarounds for this issue:

  1. You can manually assert that name() will be non-null in the second call using TypeScript's non-null assertion operator !:

    return (
      <Show when={name()}>
        Hello {name()!.replace(/\s+/g, '\xa0')}!
  2. You can use the callback form of <Show>, which passes in the value of the when prop when it is truthy:

    return (
      <Show when={name()}>
        {(n) =>
          <>Hello {n().replace(/\s+/g, '\xa0')}!</>

    In this case, the typing of the Show component is clever enough to tell TypeScript that n is truthy, so it can't be undefined (or null or false). Remember this null asserted form will throw if accessed when the condition is no longer true.

Special JSX Attributes and Directives


If you use custom event handlers via Solid's on:___/oncapture:___ attributes, you should define corresponding types for the resulting Event objects by overriding the CustomEvents and CustomCaptureEvents interfaces within module "solid-js"'s JSX namespace, like so:

class NameEvent extends CustomEvent {
  type: 'Name';
  detail: {name: string};

  constructor(name: string) {
    super('Name', {detail: {name}});

declare module "solid-js" {
  namespace JSX {
    interface CustomEvents { // on:Name
      "Name": NameEvent;
    interface CustomCaptureEvents { // oncapture:Name
      "Name": NameEvent;

<div on:Name={(event) => console.log('name is',}/>


If you use forced properties via Solid's prop:___ attributes, or custom attributes via Solid's attr:___ attributes, you can define their types in the ExplicitProperties and ExplicitAttributes interfaces, respectively:

declare module "solid-js" {
  namespace JSX {
    interface ExplicitProperties { // prop:___
      count: number;
      name: string;
    interface ExplicitAttributes { // attr:___
      count: number;
      name: string;

<Input prop:name={name()} prop:count={count()}/>
<my-web-component attr:name={name()} attr:count={count()}/>


If you define custom directives for Solid's use:___ attributes, you can type them by extending the DirectiveFunctions interface, like so:

function model(element: HTMLInputElement, value: Accessor<Signal<string>>) {
  const [field, setField] = value();
  createRenderEffect(() => (element.value = field()));
  element.addEventListener("input", (e) => setField(;

declare module "solid-js" {
  namespace JSX {
    interface DirectiveFunctions {  // use:model
      model: typeof model;

let [name, setName] = createSignal('');

<input type="text" use:model={[name, setName]} />;

If you just want to constrain the second argument to the directive function, you can extend the older Directives interface:

declare module "solid-js" {
  namespace JSX {
    interface Directives {  // use:model
      model: Signal<string>;

If you're importing a directive d from another module, and d is used only as a directive use:d, then TypeScript (or more precisely, babel-preset-typescript) will by default remove the import of d (for fear that d is a type, as TypeScript doesn't understand use:d as a reference to d). There are two ways around this issue:

  1. Use babel-preset-typescript's onlyRemoveTypeImports: true configuration option, which prevents it from removing any imports except for import type .... If you're using vite-plugin-solid, you can specify this option via solidPlugin({ typescript: { onlyRemoveTypeImports: true } }) in vite.config.ts.

    Note that this option can be problematic if you don't vigilantly use export type and import type throughout your codebase.

  2. Add a fake access like false && d; to every module importing directive d. This will stop TypeScript from removing the import of d, and assuming you're tree-shaking via e.g. Terser, this code will be omitted from your final code bundle.

    The simpler fake access d; will also prevent the import from being removed, but will typically not be tree-shaken away, so will end up in your final code bundle.