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There Is No Cloud, It’s Just Someone Else's Computer

This well-known adage unfortunately isn't a joke, and you should clearly understand who actually owns (has access to all) your cloud data. In most cases, no matter what you do, Big Brother can easily see you encrypted cloud data in clear text if he wants to. End of story. Why is that? Because you routinely entrust encryption keys and certificate management to the cloud. Remember Azure KeyVaults, AWS KMS, CloudHSM, GCP Cloud KMS, where you readily commit your most precious? All privacy is in private keys.

Are there any solutions to this conundrum?

If you have lots of money and lawyers, you may try your chances in court trying to prevent your cloud providers from handing over your encryption keys to third parties, but there are cheaper and more reliable options.

Client-Side Encryption Is Your Best Friend

The first obvious option is the so-called client-side encryption, consisting in encrypting data on the client/sender side before transmitting it to a server side such as a cloud storage service or database. Client-side encryption uses an encryption key that is not available to the service provider, making it impossible for service provider to decrypt hosted data. Note that you keep your keys as well as a client computer (e.g., your laptop) strictly out of the cloud; otherwise your effort is immediately compromised.

Is client-side encryption mainstream? There are lots of open-source cryptographic libraries you can use to encrypt your data before submitting to a cloud, so you are all set. But can you 'transparently' integrate client-side encryption with, say, cloud databases? Transparently means you spend little or no effort on en/decrypting, just do your usual database CRUD operations. Here we have quite a limited choice.


AWS offers DynamoDB Encryption Client in Java and Python only. You can use these SDKs with AWS KMS (no real privacy) or provide your own (full privacy) cryptographic material for encryption (you keep away from the cloud). Unfortunately, at the time of writing, relational databases in AWS lack client-side encryption support.


How about Azure CosmosDB? They created the so-called Always Encrypted client-side option for CosmosDB, in .NET and Java. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the only option to keep your customer-managed keys CMK for client-side encryption (which should be your most valuable private property) suggested by Microsoft is the Azure KeyVault, which undermines the whole privacy idea (goats to wolves) straight away.

Primary Keys Are NOT Encrypted

It is important to note that both AWS DynamoDB and Azure CosmosDB require that you always leave the primary keys (partition/hash and range/sort keys) unencrypted. The motivation is that NoSQL databases need primary keys for proper and efficient storing and fetching data (think of the necessity to repartition your DB when encryption keys are rotated and encrypted primary keys change respectively). This unencrypted primary keys requirement is necessary but a bit disappointing, since it exposes part of your important data. If you ever worked with NoSQL databases, you realize that normally primary keys are composed of many other attributes to make searches efficient, which exposes your data even more. For example, you may use name, surname, and DOB as primary keys (some exposure) but use Bitcoin credentials (extremely sensitive) for client-side encryption. Another example is you use a personal number as a(n unencrypted) primary key, but keep all other patient information fully client-side encrypted. Full client-side encryption is of course possible if you store and operate your DB completely outside the cloud, then encrypt and upload it to the cloud. This is possible with the cloud blob storage in any cloud.


In contrast to AWS and Azure, GCP offers client-side encryption for Cloud SQL. However, their recommended Google’s Tink encryption suite leaves you no option of keeping encryption keys on your premises, only in the cloud KMS. This immediately opens the back door to your encrypted data. As an alternative, you may use another encryption suite, such as AWS encryption SDK. Either way, with Cloud SDK you need to manually encrypt/decrypt data before/after storing it, in contrast to AWS DynamoDB client-side encryption, which encrypts/decrypts transparently.


Client-side encryption options are available, but not abundant. Let's expect more will emerge, since motivations are pretty obvious.


Just keep the key words "client side encryption in your Googling".

Appendix: Python/AWS DynamoDB PoC Implementation

You start by the usual preamble:

session = boto3.Session(region_name=AWS_REGION)
client = session.resource('dynamodb')  # high-level client
table_name = 'test-table-1'
table = client.Table(table_name)  # existing EMPTY table

Then you give the Wrapped CMP, Cryptographic Material Provider, with an asymmetric key:

cmp = get_wrapped_cmp_asymm('key_asymm')  # my keys are in the files: key_asymm_wrap.bin and key_asymm_sign.bin

My utility CMP providing function (in another file), where I define asymmetric wrapping and signing keys, is:

def get_wrapped_cmp_asymm(key_name):
    key_file_wrap = f"{key_name}_wrap.bin"
    with open(key_file_wrap, 'rb') as f:
        rsa_wrapping_private_key_bytes =
    wrapping_key = JceNameLocalDelegatedKey(
    key_file_sign = f"{key_name}_sign.bin"
    with open(key_file_sign, 'rb') as f:
        rsa_signing_private_key_bytes =
    signing_key = JceNameLocalDelegatedKey(
    wrapped_cmp = WrappedCryptographicMaterialsProvider(
        wrapping_key=wrapping_key, unwrapping_key=wrapping_key, signing_key=signing_key
    return wrapped_cmp

Now, I define how to treat all attributes: by default, encrypt and sign every attribute (except private keys which are ALWAYS unencrypted); just for fun, I do not want to encrypt and sign the test attribute:

actions = AttributeActions(
    attribute_actions={'test': CryptoAction.DO_NOTHING}

Next, I just WRAP my usual table as EncryptedTable, using cmp and actions:

encrypted_table = EncryptedTable(

I am all set and can now add items to the encrypted_table, with the usual put_item method:

plaintext_item_1 = {
    '0-pk': 'partition-value-01',
    '1-sk': '1',
    'example': 'data',
    'numbers': 99,
    'test': 'test-value'

Note that I put an unencrypted item which transparently gets encrypted using the cmp above, before being stored on AWS. Similarly, I transparently get the unencrypted item using:

item = encrypted_table.get_item(Key={'0-pk': 'partition-value-01', '1-sk': '1'})

Let me reiterate that everything, namely example and numbers attributes on AWS is getting saved ENCRYPTED. To confirm, let us see what we have on the AWS DynamoDB side:

  "0-pk": {
    "S": "partition-value-01"
  "1-sk": {
    "S": "1"
  "*amzn-ddb-map-desc*": {
  "*amzn-ddb-map-sig*": {
    "B": "3AZffQmyNl0w7QcznfBvCy2TfRmyNfOqnITu1hrO/JDc2M1hAL01E0yqIJSgFtkISIk5TtXdaZoXAfOjN6jHiw=="
  "example": {
    "B": "ITFfW5lICGQIoK29WvZoh0cmwaKteDack3KmgXBZxCo="
  "numbers": {
    "B": "kgPie2XmokAps6XDKx3KwHQEkq0AtlfhoqT8joSQ6xE="
  "test": {
    "S": "test-value"

First off, you see the partition 0-pk and sort 1-sk keys UNENCRYPTED. Second, remember that the test attribute was UNENCRYPTED for fun. Third, most importantly, all other attributes, namely, example and numbres are duly ENCRYPTED! We also see a few of service *amzn fields, which describe encryption.

All right, I revealed everything except how I created my DynamoDB table:

table = client.create_table(
                'AttributeName': '0-pk',
                'KeyType': 'HASH'  # Partition key
                'AttributeName': '1-sk',
                'KeyType': 'RANGE'  # Sort key
                'AttributeName': '0-pk',
                'AttributeType': 'S'
                'AttributeName': '1-sk',
                'AttributeType': 'S'
            'ReadCapacityUnits': 10,
            'WriteCapacityUnits': 10

Here I just define my primary (partition/hash + sort/range) keys, NoSQL business as usual.

And the last most important thing - here is how I generate my wrapping and signing keys, ON PREMISES, and never give them away:

def create_asymmetric_keys():
    wrapping_key_bytes = JceNameLocalDelegatedKey.generate("RSA", 4096).key
    signing_key_bytes = JceNameLocalDelegatedKey.generate("SHA512withRSA", 4096).key
    file_name = 'key_asymm_wrap.bin'
    with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
    os.chmod(file_name, 0o600)
    file_name = 'key_asymm_sign.bin'
    with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
    os.chmod(file_name, 0o600)

This is as simple as possible, for PoC, because in production you need to organize for a proper PKI. Similarly, you may use symmetric keys instead of asymmetric ones if you want.

That's All, Folks! (Or Not?)

Your Next Friend is FHE - Fully Homomorphic Encryption. Stay tuned!