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[resotocore][fix] Maintain security changes (#1899)
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aquamatthias committed Feb 6, 2024
1 parent af74c1d commit 6318aa1
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Showing 4 changed files with 93 additions and 32 deletions.
58 changes: 40 additions & 18 deletions resotocore/resotocore/db/
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from resotocore.query.model import Query, FulltextTerm, MergeTerm, P, Predicate
from import ReportSeverity, SecurityIssue
from resotocore.types import JsonElement, EdgeType
from resotocore.util import first, value_in_path_get, utc_str, uuid_str, value_in_path, json_hash, set_value_in_path
from resotocore.util import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,10 +525,11 @@ def read_checks(issues: List[Json]) -> Dict[str, SecurityIssue]:

def update_security_section(
existing_issues: List[Json], actual_issues: List[SecurityIssue]
) -> Tuple[List[Json], HistoryChange, ReportSeverity, Dict[str, List[Json]]]:
) -> Tuple[List[Json], HistoryChange, ReportSeverity, bool, Json]:
existing = read_checks(existing_issues)
updated: Dict[str, SecurityIssue] = {} # check id -> issue
changes: Dict[str, List[Json]] = defaultdict(list)
diff_compliant: List[Json] = []
diff_vulnerable: List[Json] = []
# use this loop to merge actual issues with the same check
for issue in actual_issues:
if same_check := updated.get(issue.check):
Expand All @@ -529,18 +539,18 @@ def update_security_section(
# now compare the updated with the existing issues
for key, issue in updated.items():
if same_check := existing.get(key):
if same_check.benchmarks != issue.benchmarks or same_check.severity != issue.severity:
vulnerable_diff, compliant_diff = same_check.diff(issue)
if vulnerable_diff or compliant_diff:
if_set(vulnerable_diff, lambda x: diff_vulnerable.append(x.to_json()))
if_set(compliant_diff, lambda x: diff_compliant.append(x.to_json()))
same_check.severity = issue.severity
same_check.benchmarks = issue.benchmarks
updated[key] = same_check
issue.opened_at = now
issue.run_id = report_run_id
# compute deleted issues
if deleted := [v.to_json() for k, v in existing.items() if k not in updated]:
changes["removed"] = deleted
# deleted issues are compliant
diff_compliant.extend(v.to_json() for k, v in existing.items() if k not in updated)
# the node severity is the highest severity of all issues
previous = max((a.severity for a in existing.values()),
severity = max((a.severity for a in updated.values()),
Expand All @@ -551,7 +561,14 @@ def update_security_section(
if (severity < previous or (severity == previous and len(existing) < len(updated)))
else HistoryChange.node_vulnerable
return [a.to_json() for a in updated.values()], change, severity, changes
diff: Json = {
HistoryChange.node_compliant.value: diff_compliant,
HistoryChange.node_vulnerable.value: diff_vulnerable,
if existing:
diff["previous"] = previous.value
changed = bool(diff_compliant or diff_vulnerable)
return [a.to_json() for a in updated.values()], change, severity, changed, diff

async def update_chunk(chunk: Dict[NodeId, List[SecurityIssue]]) -> None:
nonlocal nodes_vulnerable_new, nodes_vulnerable_updated
Expand All @@ -563,7 +580,7 @@ async def update_chunk(chunk: Dict[NodeId, List[SecurityIssue]]) -> None:
node_id = NodeId(node.pop("_key", ""))
node["id"] = node_id # store the id in the id column (not _key)
existing: List[Json] = value_in_path_get(node, NodePath.security_issues, [])
updated, change, severity, diff = update_security_section(existing, chunk.get(node_id, []))
updated, change, severity, changed, diff = update_security_section(existing, chunk.get(node_id, []))
security_section = dict(
opened_at=value_in_path_get(node, NodePath.security_opened_at, now),
Expand All @@ -579,12 +596,13 @@ async def update_chunk(chunk: Dict[NodeId, List[SecurityIssue]]) -> None:
security_section["opened_at"] = now
security_section["reopen_counter"] = security_section["reopen_counter"] + 1 # type: ignore
node["change"] = "node_vulnerable"
node["diff"] = diff
nodes_to_insert.append(dict(action="node_vulnerable", node_id=node_id, data=node))
elif diff: # the content has changed
elif changed:
nodes_vulnerable_updated += 1
nodes_to_insert.append(dict(action="node_vulnerable", node_id=node_id, data=node))
node["diff"] = diff
node["change"] = change.value
node["diff"] = diff
else: # no change
nodes_to_insert.append(dict(action="mark", node_id=node_id, run_id=report_run_id))
# note: we can not detect deleted nodes here -> since we marked all new/existing nodes, we can detect deleted nodes in the next step # noqa
Expand All @@ -593,14 +611,18 @@ async def update_chunk(chunk: Dict[NodeId, List[SecurityIssue]]) -> None:
async def move_security_temp_to_proper() -> None:
temp_name =
accounts_quoted = ",".join(f'"{acc}"' for acc in accounts_list)
account_filter = f"and e.refs.account_id in [{accounts_quoted}]" if accounts else ""
account_filter = f"and in [{accounts_quoted}]" if accounts else ""
aql_updates = [
# Select all new or updated vulnerable nodes. Insert into history and update vertex.
f'for e in {temp_name} filter e.action=="node_vulnerable" insert in {self.node_history} update {{_key: e.node_id, security:}} in {self.vertex_name} OPTIONS {{mergeObjects: false}}', # noqa
# Update security.run_id for all items with the same security issues
f'for e in {temp_name} filter e.action=="mark" update {{_key: e.node_id, security: {{run_id: e.run_id}}}} in {self.vertex_name} OPTIONS {{mergeObjects: true}}', # noqa
# Select all remaining nodes with a different run_id -> they are compliant again
f'for e in {self.vertex_name} filter!=null and!="{report_run_id}" {account_filter} insert MERGE(UNSET(e, "_key", "_id", "_rev", "flat", "hash"), {{id: e._key, change: "node_compliant", changed_at: "{now}", security: MERGE(, {{closed_at: "{now}"}})}}) in {self.node_history} OPTIONS {{mergeObjects: true}} update {{_key: e._key, security: {{reopen_counter:, closed_at: "{now}"}}}} in {self.vertex_name} OPTIONS {{mergeObjects: false}}', # noqa: E501
# Mark all nodes in the graph from the nodes in the temp collection.
f'for e in {temp_name} filter e.action=="mark" update {{_key: e.node_id, security: {{run_id: e.run_id}}}} in {self.vertex_name} OPTIONS {{mergeObjects: true}}', # Noqa
# All unmarked nodes in the graph are compliant again.
# Add history entry and update vertex.
f'for e in {self.vertex_name} filter!=null and!="{report_run_id}" {account_filter} ' # noqa: E501
f'insert MERGE(UNSET(e, "_key", "_id", "_rev", "flat", "hash"), {{id: e._key, change: "{HistoryChange.node_compliant.value}", changed_at: "{now}", diff:{{previous:,}}, security: {{has_issues:false, run_id:"{report_run_id}",,, closed_at: "{now}"}}}}) in {self.node_history} ' # noqa: E501
f'update {{_key: e._key, security: {{reopen_counter:, closed_at: "{now}"}}}} in {self.vertex_name} OPTIONS {{mergeObjects: false}}', # noqa: E501
updates = ";\n".join(map(lambda aql: f"db._createStatement({{ query: `{aql}` }}).execute()", aql_updates))
await self.db.execute_transaction(
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion resotocore/resotocore/model/
Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ class Section:
# This section holds information about security issues detected for this node.
security = "security"

# Available in history nodes.
diff = "diff"

# Following sections are used to lookup special kinds in the graph hierarchy to simplify access.
# See GraphResolver for details.
# All resolved ancestors are written to this section.
Expand All @@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ class Section:
usage = "usage"

# The set of all content sections
content_ordered = [reported, security, desired, metadata]
content_ordered = [reported, security, desired, metadata, diff]
content = set(content_ordered)

# The list of all lookup sections
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16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions resotocore/resotocore/report/
Expand Up @@ -56,23 +56,31 @@ class SecurityIssue:
check: str
severity: ReportSeverity
opened_at: Optional[str] = None
run_id: Optional[str] = None
benchmark: Optional[str] = None
benchmarks: Set[str] = field(factory=set)

def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.benchmark:

def has_changed(self, other: SecurityIssue) -> bool:
return self.severity != other.severity or self.benchmarks != other.benchmarks
def diff(self, other: SecurityIssue) -> Tuple[Optional[SecurityIssue], Optional[SecurityIssue]]:
Diff two security issues and return the differences as a tuple of (vulnerable, compliant).
if self.severity != other.severity: # different severity: the whole issue either improved or got worse
return (other, None) if self.severity < other.severity else (None, other)
elif self.benchmarks != other.benchmarks: # same severity but different benchmarks: compute diff
add = other.benchmarks - self.benchmarks
delete = self.benchmarks - other.benchmarks
return evolve(self, benchmarks=add) if add else None, evolve(self, benchmarks=delete) if delete else None
else: # same severity and same benchmarks: no change
return None, None

def to_json(self) -> Json:
return {
"check": self.check,
"severity": self.severity.value,
"opened_at": self.opened_at,
"run_id": self.run_id,
"benchmarks": list(self.benchmarks),

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46 changes: 37 additions & 9 deletions resotocore/tests/resotocore/db/
Expand Up @@ -852,9 +852,7 @@ async def query_vulnerable() -> List[Json]:

async def query_history(change: str) -> List[Json]:
async with await filled_graph_db.search_history(
QueryModel("security.has_issues").eq(True)) & P("security.run_id").eq(change)), foo_model
) # noqa
QueryModel("security.run_id").eq(change)), foo_model) # noqa
) as cursor:
return [entry async for entry in cursor]

Expand All @@ -870,8 +868,15 @@ async def no_issues() -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[NodeId, List[SecurityIssue]]]:
yield # noqa

async def assert_security(
run_id: str, count: int, expected_vulnerabilities: int, reopen: int = 0, history_count: Optional[int] = None
) -> None:
run_id: str,
count: int,
expected_vulnerabilities: int,
reopen: int = 0,
history_count: Optional[int] = None,
added_vulnerable: Optional[int] = None,
added_compliant_count: Optional[int] = None,
previous_severity: Optional[ReportSeverity] = None,
) -> List[Json]:
vulnerable = await query_vulnerable()
assert len(vulnerable) == count
for node in vulnerable:
Expand All @@ -883,22 +888,45 @@ async def assert_security(
assert security["run_id"] == run_id
history = await query_history(run_id)
assert len(history) == (history_count if history_count is not None else count)
for he in history:
security = he["security"]
assert security["has_issues"] is (count > 0)
assert len(security.get("issues", [])) == expected_vulnerabilities
assert security["opened_at"] is not None
assert security["reopen_counter"] == reopen
assert security["run_id"] == run_id
diff = he.get("diff", {})
if previous_severity:
assert diff["previous"] == previous_severity.value
assert "previous" not in diff
assert len(diff.get("node_vulnerable", [])) == (added_vulnerable or 0)
assert len(diff.get("node_compliant", [])) == (added_compliant_count or 0)

return history

result = await filled_graph_db.update_security_section("change1", security_issues(1), foo_model)
assert result == (10, 0)
await assert_security("change1", 10, 1)
# no previous issues: nodes get vulnerable
await assert_security("change1", 10, 1, added_vulnerable=1)
result = await filled_graph_db.update_security_section("change1_again", security_issues(1), foo_model)
assert result == (0, 0)
# same vulnerabilities: no changes
await assert_security("change1_again", 10, 1, history_count=0)
result = await filled_graph_db.update_security_section("change2", security_issues(3), foo_model)
assert result == (0, 10)
await assert_security("change2", 10, 3)
# 2 additional issues per resource
await assert_security("change2", 10, 3, added_vulnerable=2, previous_severity=ReportSeverity.medium)
result = await filled_graph_db.update_security_section("change3", no_issues(), foo_model)
assert result == (0, 0)
await assert_security("change3", 0, 0)
# the resources are now compliant
await assert_security(
"change3", 0, 0, history_count=10, added_compliant_count=3, previous_severity=ReportSeverity.medium
result = await filled_graph_db.update_security_section("change4", security_issues(2), foo_model)
assert result == (10, 0)
await assert_security("change4", 10, 2, reopen=1)
# the issue us reopened
await assert_security("change4", 10, 2, reopen=1, added_vulnerable=2)

def to_json(obj: BaseResource) -> Json:
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