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File metadata and controls

723 lines (583 loc) · 22.6 KB

Using Models

Once you've written your model, it's now time to use it!

Important reminder: All models work with native JS object, instead of documents as you'd expect from a more traditional ORM. Hence you'll find the documentation refers to items, not documents.

const dynazord = require('dynazord');

const users = dynazord.createModel({
  tableName: 'dynazord-example-users',
  keySchema: 'email',
  properties: {
    email: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
      validate: {
        notNull: true,
    name: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    avatar: {
      type: String,
    role: {
      type: String,
      enum: [ 'ADMIN', 'MODERATOR', 'EDITOR', 'USER' ],
      default: 'USER',
  options: {
    createdAtTimestamp: true,
    updatedAtTimestamp: true,

const sessions = dynazord.createModel({
  tableName: 'dynazord-example-sessions',
  // "Primary" index of email + accessToken
  keySchema: { hash: 'email', range: 'accessToken' },
  secondaryIndexes: {
    // "Secondary" index called "sessionsByTime" of email + createdAt
    sessionsByTime: { hash: 'email', range: 'createdAt' },
  properties: {
    email: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    accessToken: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
      default: () => uuid(),
    ipAddress: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    userAgent: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    createdAt: {
      type: Date,
      // This sets the underlying `createdAt` property to a number format underneath
      format: Number,
    lastActiveAt: {
      type: Date,
  options: {
    createdAtTimestamp: true,
    updatedAtTimestamp: true,

Singular CRUD

model.create(item[, opts])

  • Creates a new item, throwing an error if the hash/range combination already exists.
  • item must contain the hash/range properties.
const user = await users.create({
  email: '',
  name: 'James D',
  avatar: '',

// { email: '',
//   name: 'James D',
//   avatar: '',
//   role: 'USER',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }

const session = await users.create({
  email: '',
  ipAddress: '',
  userAgent: 'Safari (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/605.1.15',

// { email: '',
//   accessToken: '7897d78d-8616-4d63-a0ba-43fb896e6842',
//   ipAddress: '',
//   userAgent: 'Safari (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/605.1.15',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to true

model.get(key[, opts])

  • Fetches an item by hash/range combination, throwing an error if the hash/range combination does not exists.
const user = await users.get({ email: '' });

// { email: '',
//   name: 'James D',
//   avatar: '',
//   role: 'USER',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }

opts is an optional object, sets the following:

Option Description
attributesToGet An array of properties to build a ProjectedExpression underneath.
consistentRead A boolean to determine consistency.

model.update(data, key[, opts])

  • Update an item, throwing an error if the hash/range combination does not exists.
const user = await users.update({ role: 'EDITOR' }, { email: '' });

// { email: '',
//   name: 'James D',
//   avatar: '',
//   role: 'EDITOR',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to true

model.delete(key[, opts])

const user = await users.delete({ email: '' });

// true

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to true

model.upsert(item[, opts])

  • Inserts/updates an item, overwriting properties that you provide.
  • Just like create, item must contain the hash/range properties.
const user = await users.upsert({
  email: '',
  name: 'James D',
  avatar: '',
  role: 'EDITOR',

// { email: '',
//   name: 'James D',
//   avatar: '',
//   role: 'EDITOR',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to true


model.bulkCreate(items[, opts])

  • Creates up to 100 items, throwing an error if a primary key already exists.
  • Each item must include the primary key properties.
  • Applied in a transaction, so if one fails they all fail.
  • This method uses DynamoDB.transactWriteItems underneath, so you are also bound by transactWriteItems limitations too.
const users = await users.bulkCreate([
  { email: '', name: 'James 1' },
  { email: '', name: 'James 2' },

// [ { email: '',
//     name: 'James 1',
//     role: 'USER',
//     createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//     updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] },
//   { email: '',
//     name: 'James 2',
//     role: 'USER',
//     createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//     updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] } ]

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
bulkHooks Boolean to execute bulk-hooks, defaults to true
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to false

model.bulkGet(keys[, opts])

  • Fetch up to 100 items at a time, specified by their primary key, returning null if they do not exist.
  • Applied in a transaction, so if one fails they all fail.
  • This method uses DynamoDB.transactGetItems underneath, so you are also bound by transactGetItems limitations too.
const users = await users.bulkGet([
  { email: '' },
  { email: '' },

// [ { email: '',
//     name: 'James 1',
//     role: 'USER',
//     createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//     updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] },
//   { email: '',
//     name: 'James 2',
//     role: 'USER',
//     createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//     updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] } ]

model.bulkUpdate(data, keys[, opts])

  • Apply the same update to up to 100 items at a time, specified by their primary key.
  • Applied in a transaction, so if one fails they all fail.
  • This method uses DynamoDB.transactWriteItems underneath, so you are also bound by transactWriteItems limitations too.
const users = await users.bulkUpdate({
  avatar: '',
}, [
  { email: '' },
  { email: '' },

// [ { email: '',
//     name: 'James 1',
//     role: 'USER',
//     avatar: '',
//     createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//     updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] },
//   { email: '',
//     name: 'James 2',
//     role: 'USER',
//     avatar: '',
//     createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//     updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] } ]

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
bulkHooks Boolean to execute bulk-hooks, defaults to true
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to false

model.bulkDelete(keys[, opts])

  • Delete up to 100 items at a time, specified by their primary key.
  • Applied in a transaction, so if one fails they all fail.
  • This method uses DynamoDB.transactWriteItems underneath, so you are also bound by transactWriteItems limitations too.
const users = await users.bulkDelete([
  { email: '' },
  { email: '' },

// true

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
bulkHooks Boolean to execute bulk-hooks, defaults to true
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to false

model.bulkUpsert(items[, opts])

  • Create-or-update up to 100 items at a time, regardless of if their primary key already exists.
  • Each item must include the primary key properties.
  • Applied in a transaction, so if one fails they all fail.
  • This method uses DynamoDB.transactWriteItems underneath, so you are also bound by transactWriteItems limitations too.
const users = await users.bulkUpsert([
  { email: '', name: 'James 1', avatar: '' },
  { email: '', name: 'James 2' },

// [ { email: '',
//     name: 'James 1',
//     role: 'USER',
//     avatar: '',
//     createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//     updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] },
//   { email: '',
//     name: 'James 2',
//     role: 'USER',
//     createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//     updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] } ]

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
bulkHooks Boolean to execute bulk-hooks, defaults to true
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to false

Query & Scans

There are two concepts to understand when looking up values in DynamoDB: query & scan. The essential difference is a query searches for items using indexes) whereas a scan reads every item in a table to find results.

model.query(key[, opts])

  • Searches across the DynamoDB table using the primary index (by default) or secondary indexes (if indexName is specified).
  • You must provide the hash key with a single value, optionally you can include the range key with a comparison to refine the results.
  • You can optionally provide opts.filter to add filter expressions to a query.
const { gt } = dynazord.operators;
const results = await posts.query({
  blogID: '',
  publishedAt: { [gt]: new Date('2020-01-01') },
}, {
  // Optionally set the index name
  indexName: 'blogPublishedAt',
  // Optionally filter unwanted entries
  filter: { status: 'ACTIVE' },
  // Optionally reverse the sort order to get latest posts first
  scanIndexForward: false,
  // And optionally fetch 10 results maximum
  limit: 10,

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
attributesToGet An array of properties to build a ProjectedExpression underneath.
consistentRead A boolean to determine consistency.
filter A filter expression to restrict results.
exclusiveStartKey An optional object to specify a start-key for pagination.
indexName An optional string to specify the index you'd like to query with.
limit An optional number to specify the number of results you want to be returned.
scanIndexForward A boolean to specify the order for index traversal, if true (default) sorts in ascending & false sorts in descending.

Key Conditions

{: .no_toc }

Key conditions are a subset of filter expressions, allowing you to immediately query for a subset of items using the primary index (by default) or secondary indexes (if indexName is specified):

// Specify just the hash key (partition key)
{ blogID: '' }

// Specify the hash key (partition key) & the range key (sort key)
{ blogID: '', publishedAt: { [gt]: new Date('2020-01-01') } }

Supported operators (exported as dynazord.operators) for key conditions are:

Symbol Operator
eq Equals
lt Less-Than
lte Less-Than-Or-Equals
gt Greater-Than
gte Greater-Than-Or-Equals

model.scan(filter[, opts])

const { gt } = dynazord.operators;
const results = await posts.scan({
  blogID: '',
  publishedAt: { [gt]: new Date('2020-01-01') },
  status: 'ACTIVE',
}, {
  // Optionally set the index name
  indexName: 'blogPublishedAt',
  // And optionally fetch 10 results maximum
  limit: 10,

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
attributesToGet An array of properties to build a ProjectedExpression underneath.
consistentRead A boolean to determine consistency.
exclusiveStartKey An optional object to specify a start-key for pagination.
indexName An optional string to specify the index you'd like to scan with.
limit An optional number to specify the number of results you want to be returned.
scanIndexForward A boolean to specify the order for index traversal, if true (default) sorts in ascending & false sorts in descending.

Filter Expressions

Filter expressions are objects that define filter statements.

const { or, gt, lt } = dynazord.operators;

{ blogID: '' }
// blogID = ""

{ blogID: '', publishedAt: { [gt]: new Date('2020-01-01') } }
// blogID = "" AND publishedAt > 1577836800000

{ blogID: '', publishedAt: { [gt]: new Date('2019-01-01'), [lt]: new Date('2020-01-01') } }
// blogID = "" AND publishedAt > 1546300800000 AND publishedAt < 1577836800000

{ [or]: [ { blogID: '' }, { blogID: '' } ], publishedAt: { [lt]: new Date('2020-01-01') } }
// (blogID = "" OR blogID = "") AND publishedAt < 1577836800000

Supported operators (exported as dynazord.operators) for filter conditions are:

Symbol Operator
and And
or Or
not Not
eq Equals
lt Less-Than
lte Less-Than-Or-Equals
gt Greater-Than
gte Greater-Than-Or-Equals
in In

and, or & not support nested expressions. lt/lte & gt/gte can be used together, but the rest are exclusive.


You can iterate through pages by taking results.lastEvaluatedKey & passing it as exclusiveStartKey to future query/scan calls:

const page1 = await posts.query({ blogID: '' }, {
  // Optionally set the index name
  indexName: 'blogPublishedAt',
  // Optionally filter unwanted entries
  filter: { status: 'ACTIVE' },
  // Optionally reverse the sort order to get latest posts first
  scanIndexForward: false,
  // And optionally fetch 10 results at a time
  limit: 10,

// [ { id: '73da08d1-3c23-4819-b37c-cde4c7fcca65',
//     blogID: ''
//     publishedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//     ...: ... },
//   { ...: ... },
//   { ...: ... },
//   count: 10,
//   scannedCount: 18,
//   lastEvaluatedKey: Buffer<...> ]

const page2 = await posts.query({ blogID: '' }, {
  // Optionally set the index name
  indexName: 'blogPublishedAt',
  // Optionally filter unwanted entries
  filter: { status: 'ACTIVE' },
  // Optionally reverse the sort order to get latest posts first
  scanIndexForward: false,
  // And optionally fetch 10 results at a time
  limit: 10,
  // Passing through lastEvaluatedKey
  exclusiveStartKey: page1.lastEvaluatedKey,

// [ { id: '73da08d1-3c23-4819-b37c-cde4c7fcca65',
//     blogID: ''
//     publishedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//     ...: ... },
//   { ...: ... },
//   { ...: ... },
//   count: 8,
//   scannedCount: 18,
//   lastEvaluatedKey: undefined ]

You can also use lastEvaluatedKey to work out if there are more items to fetch.


DynamoDB supports transactions - in fact plenty of the bulk methods use transactions underneath - so of course models support transactions too!

const [ user, session ] = await dynazord.transaction([
    email: '',
    name: 'James',
    email: '',
    ipAddress: '',
    userAgent: 'Safari (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/605.1.15',

// { email: '',
//   name: 'James D',
//   role: 'USER',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }

// { email: '',
//   accessToken: '7897d78d-8616-4d63-a0ba-43fb896e6842',
//   ipAddress: '',
//   userAgent: 'Safari (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/605.1.15',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }
  • Executes up to 100 transaction statements with dynazord.transaction at a time, across all your models.
  • This doesn't support models that are created with explicit dynamodb clients passed to it.
  • You cannot mix reads & writes - you can read up to 100 items or write up to 100 items, not both.

model.transaction.create(item[, opts])

Create an item within a transaction.

const [ user ] = await dynazord.transaction([
    email: '',
    name: 'James',

// { email: '',
//   name: 'James D',
//   role: 'USER',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
bulkHooks Boolean to execute bulk-hooks, defaults to true
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to false

model.transaction.get(key[, opts])

Get an item within a transaction.

const [ user ] = await dynazord.transaction([
    email: '',

// { email: '',
//   name: 'James D',
//   role: 'USER',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option | Description bulkHooks | Boolean to execute bulk-hooks, defaults to true hooks | Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to false

model.transaction.update(data, key[, opts])

Update an item within a transaction.

const [ user ] = await dynazord.transaction([
    avatar: '',
  }, {
    email: '',

// { email: '',
//   name: 'James D',
//   avatar: '',
//   role: 'USER',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
bulkHooks Boolean to execute bulk-hooks, defaults to true
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to false

model.transaction.delete(key[, opts])

Delete an item within a transaction.

const [ user ] = await dynazord.transaction([
    avatar: '',
  }, {
    email: '',

// true

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
bulkHooks Boolean to execute bulk-hooks, defaults to true
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to false

model.transaction.upsert(item[, opts])

Create-or-update an item within a transaction.

const [ user ] = await dynazord.transaction([
    email: '',
    name: 'James',

// { email: '',
//   name: 'James D',
//   role: 'USER',
//   createdAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z],
//   updatedAt: [Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.Z] }

opts is an optional object, passed to hooks & sets the following:

Option Description
bulkHooks Boolean to execute bulk-hooks, defaults to true
hooks Boolean to execute hooks, defaults to false

Further Reading

Finally, check out some examples.