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Releases: someodd/waffle


28 Jun 13:49
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v0.5.0 Pre-release

[0.5.0] - 2020-06-28

Introduce the ability to open Gopher menu items with an external application
by associating commands with specific item types.


  • General configuration infrastructure for managing Waffle's current
    open.ini configuration, as well as future configurations, all residing
    in ~/.config/waffle/
  • Default open.ini in data/
  • UI for editing which command opens an item type (ctrl+c to bring up UI,
    ctrl+s to save changes), which manipulates the corresponding config stored
    at ~/.config/waffle/open.ini
  • Instructions in the help screen for the new open feature
  • Introduce AnyName which is a Brick name that encompasses all names as
    a "sum type"
  • A progress handler (initOpenMode, progressOpen) for downloading and
    then opening the download with the associated command
  • Open certain menu items with a command using ctrl+o
  • Representations for open config stuff, including helper functions


  • Pretty much all instances of MyName to use the new AnyName (which MyName
    is now a constructor of)


31 May 09:27
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v0.4.0 Pre-release

[0.4.0] - 2020-05-31

This release is just a little bit of cleanup and fixes.


  • newMenuBuffer and getMenu to assist in handling Menu directly
    instead of passing around GopherBrowserState.
  • Pedantic-style warnings (-Wall and -Werror) to ghc build options
    in cabal config
  • Make it so moving a line down/up will wrap to the be beggining or end
    of the list


  • Reduce redundancy by making updateMenuList a top level function
  • Loosely couple jumpNextLink, jumpPrevLink, listDrawElement,
    and selectedMenuLine so they both only need Menu instead of


  • Refactor jumpNextLink and jumpPrevLink to be safe. Otherwise, moving
    to next or previous link would crash Waffle on menus (waffle: Prelude.head: empty list)
    where there were no links, such as gopher:// This also covers a
    situation where a line, for whatever reason, might not be selected, and
    thus would cause an error.


21 May 22:31
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v0.3.0 Pre-release

[0.3.0] - 2020-05-17

This release is preparing for uploading to Hackage. On the non-code
side we switch from Stack to Cabal and start using GitHub actions.


  • Tests, namely doctests


  • Fix going up a directory, which in some cases could result
    in new history with the same page.

  • Fix get parent directory which in some edge cases would
    return the same path as it was given. Also fix the leading/root
    slash being omitted in all cases. Simply start using System.FilePath
    to get the parent directory in a path.


18 May 03:10
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v0.3.0.0-rc.1 Pre-release


09 May 17:09
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v0.2.0 Pre-release


[0.2.0] - 2020-05-09

This release is dedicated to Adrian Cochrane's Rhapsode, as these features were requested, which also happened to benefit this project as well.

Interpret Gopher URI item types based on their selector/path.

Bonus: make everything align nicely by simply putting item type descriptors in
gophermaps/menus at the end of the line.


The high level:

  • Item type guessing based on selector, allowing you to goto and startup URIs that require
    any RenderMode (namely: text files, menus, downloads).

The nitty-gritty:

  • GopherNet.hs: modularize things further by starting a networking module,
    which writeAllBytes was moved to.
  • ItemType type, which unifies both canonical and noncanonical item types
  • selectorExtToItemType for determining an item type based off of a selector's
    file extension
  • selectorPrefixItemType for determining an item type based off a selector's prefix
    according to RFC 4266.
  • selectorItemType for determining a selector's item type by first preferring
    to use RFC 4266, but if that fails determine based off of file extension (using the two
    functions named above).
  • counterMutator for the new higher order version of the writeAllBytes function.


The high level:

  • Goto breaking if not going to a menu/gophermap as URI destination
  • Startup args breaking if not specifying a gophermap as URI destination


The nitty-gritty:

  • All Either GopherCanonicalItemType GopherNonCanonicalItemType instances to
    simply use the new ItemType type.
  • writeAllBytes to be agnostic of UI stuff; made into a higher order function.

v0.1.0: first release (alpha)

03 May 13:09
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All the basic features required to browse Gopherspace!

See the milestone for this release: