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File metadata and controls

269 lines (205 loc) · 26.2 KB

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### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\ModelExporter
Visibility Function
public __construct(\Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Model $model, array $attributes=array(), array $relationships=array()) : void
public attributes(mixed $attributes) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\ModelExporter
Export only the specified attributes; if empty will export all attributes
public include(mixed $relationship) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\ModelExporter
Export with the specified relationships; if empty will NOT export any relationships
public toArray() : void
public toJson(\int $options) : void

This class implements \Somnambulist\Components\Collection\Contracts\Jsonable

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\PaginatorAdapter
Visibility Function
public __construct(\Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\ModelBuilder $queryBuilder) : void
public getNbResults() : mixed
public getSlice(mixed $offset, mixed $length) : mixed

This class implements \Pagerfanta\Adapter\AdapterInterface

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Model (abstract)
Visibility Function
public __construct(array $attributes=array()) : void
public __toString() : void
public export() : void
public static find(string $id) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Model/null
public static findOrFail(string $id) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Model
public getAttribute(\string $name) : mixed/null
Get the requested attribute or relationship If a mutator is defined (getXxxxAttribute method), the attribute will be passed through that first. If the attribute does not exist a virtual accessor will be checked and return if there is one. Finally, if the relationship exists and has not been loaded, it will be at this point.
public getAttributes() : mixed
public getCollection(array $models=array()) : mixed
public getExternalPrimaryKey() : mixed/null
Could return an object e.g. Uuid or string, depending on casting
public getOwningKey() : mixed
Gets the owning side of the relationships key name
public getPrimaryKey() : mixed/null
Could return an object e.g. Uuid, Identity, depending on casting
public getRelationship(\string $method) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\AbstractRelationship
Returns the relationship definition defined by the method name E.g. a User model hasMany Roles, the method would be "roles()".
public static include(mixed $relations) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\ModelBuilder
Eager load the specified relationships on this model Allows dot notation to load related.related objects.
public jsonSerialize() : void
public meta() : void
public new(array $attributes=array()) : void
public newQuery() : void
public static query() : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\ModelBuilder
Starts a new query builder process without any constraints
public setRelationshipValue(\string $method, \object $related) : void
public toArray() : void
public toJson(\int $options) : void
protected belongsTo(\string $class, \string $foreignKey=null, \string $ownerKey=null, \string $relation=null, \bool $nullOnNotFound=true) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\BelongsTo
Define an inverse one-to-one or many relationship The table in this case will be the owning side of the relationship i.e. the originator of the foreign key on the specified class. For example: a User has many Addresses, the address table has a key: user_id linking the address to the user. This relationship finds the user from the users table where the = user_addresses.user_id. This will only associate a single model as the inverse side, nor will it update the owner with this models association.
protected belongsToMany(\string $class, \string $table, \string $sourceColumnName=null, \string $targetColumnName=null, \string $sourceKey=null, \string $targetKey=null) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\BelongsToMany
Define a new many to many relationship The table is the joining table between the source and the target. The source is the object at the left hand side of the relationship, the target is on the right. For example: User -> Roles through a user_roles table, with user_id, role_id as columns. The relationship would be defined as a User has Roles so the source is user_id and the target is role_id. The table name must be provided and will not be guessed.
protected hasMany(\string $class, \string $foreignKey=null, \string $parentKey=null, \string $indexBy=null) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\HasOneToMany
Define a one to many relationship Here, the parent has many children, so a User can have many addresses. The foreign key is the name of the parents key in the child's table. local key is the child's primary key. indexBy allows a column on the child to be used as the key in the returned collection. Note: if this is specified, then there can be only a single instance of that key returned. This would usually be used on related objects with a type where, the parent can only have one of each type e.g.: a contact has a "type" field for: home, office, cell etc.
protected hasOne(\string $class, \string $foreignKey=null, \string $parentKey=null, \bool $nullOnNotFound=true) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\HasOne
Defines a one to one relationship Here the parent has only one child and the child only has that parent. If multiple records end up being stored, then only the first will be loaded.

This class extends \Somnambulist\Components\AttributeModel\AbstractModel

This class implements \Somnambulist\Components\Collection\Contracts\Arrayable, \Somnambulist\Components\Collection\Contracts\Jsonable, \JsonSerializable, \Stringable

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\ModelMetadata
Visibility Function
public __construct(\Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Model $model, \string $table, \string $primaryKey='id', \string $alias=null, \string $externalKey=null, \string $foreignKey=null) : void
public externalKeyName() : void
public foreignKey() : string
Creates a foreign key name from the current class name and primary key name This is used in relationships if a specific foreign key column name is not defined on the relationship.
public prefixAlias(\string $column) : void
public primaryKeyName() : void
public primaryKeyNameWithAlias() : void
public removeAlias(\string $key) : void
public table() : void
public tableAlias() : void

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\ConnectionManager
Visibility Function
public __construct(array $connections) : void
public add(\Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection, \string $model='default') : void
Set the DBAL Connection to use by default or for a specific model The model class name should be used and then that connection will be used with all instances of that model. A default connection should still be provided as a fallback.
public for(\string $model='default') : \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection
Get the model or default connection
public forAll(array $connections) : void

### Interface: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Contracts\Queryable

Tags an object as supporting or allowing pass through into the Builder object. This allows for type completion and hints where they might not otherwise exist.

Visibility Function

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\EventSubscribers\IdentityMapClearerMessengerSubscriber

Clears the read-model identity map when being used in Messenger to avoid stale data after a command has been executed. Based on DoctrineBridge::DoctrineClearEntityManagerWorkerSubscriber

Visibility Function
public __construct(\Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Manager $manager) : void
public static getSubscribedEvents() : mixed
public onWorkerMessageFailed() : void
public onWorkerMessageHandled() : void

This class implements \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\EventSubscribers\IdentityMapClearerSubscriber

Kernel subscriber that clears the identity map onRequest start, exception or terminate ensuring that the identity map is fresh for each request. When running under php-fpm this should not be needed; however if you use a PHP application server, that does not terminate, then the identity map will not be cleared between request (e.g. PHP-PM).

Visibility Function
public __construct(\Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Manager $manager) : void
public static getSubscribedEvents() : mixed
public onException(\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\KernelEvent $event) : void
public onRequest(\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\KernelEvent $event) : void
public onTerminate(\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\KernelEvent $event) : void

This class implements \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Exceptions\EntityNotFoundException
Visibility Function
public static noMatchingRecordFor(\string $class, \string $key, mixed $id) : void

This class extends \Exception

This class implements \Throwable, \Stringable

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Exceptions\NoResultsException
Visibility Function
public __construct(\string $class, \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder $queryBuilder) : void
public getQuery() : mixed
public static noResultsForQuery(\string $class, \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder $queryBuilder) : void

This class extends \Exception

This class implements \Throwable, \Stringable

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Exceptions\ConnectionManagerException
Visibility Function
public static missingConnectionFor(\string $model) : void

This class extends \Exception

This class implements \Throwable, \Stringable

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\PHPUnit\PHPUnitListener

Ensures that the identity map is cleared before and after every test case is run. If this is not used, then the identity map will persist across tests, giving false results. Enable it by adding the following to your phpunit.xml file:

Visibility Function
public executeAfterTest(\string $test, \float $time) : void
public executeBeforeTest(\string $test) : void

This class implements \PHPUnit\Runner\BeforeTestHook, \PHPUnit\Runner\AfterTestHook, \PHPUnit\Runner\Hook, \PHPUnit\Runner\TestHook

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\AbstractRelationship (abstract)

Represents a relationship between models. Relationships can be queried separately. Supports proxying calls to the Builder class

Visibility Function
public __call(mixed $name, mixed $arguments) : void
public __construct(\Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\ModelBuilder $builder, \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Model $parent) : void
public addConstraintCallbackToQuery(\callable $constraint) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\AbstractRelationship
Allows a callable to modify the current query before the results are fetched
public abstract addConstraints(\Somnambulist\Components\Collection\Contracts\Collection $models) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\AbstractRelationship
Add the constraints required for loading a set of results
public abstract addRelationshipResultsToModels(\Somnambulist\Components\Collection\Contracts\Collection $models, \string $relationship) : \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\AbstractRelationship
Executes and maps the loaded data to the collection of Models The related models will be inserted in the models relationships array at the key specified by $relationship.
public fetch() : mixed
public getParent() : mixed
public getQuery() : mixed
public getRelated() : mixed

This class implements \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Contracts\Queryable

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\HasOneOrMany (abstract)
Visibility Function
public __construct(\Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\ModelBuilder $builder, \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Model $parent, \string $foreignKey, \string $localKey) : void
public addConstraints(\Somnambulist\Components\Collection\Contracts\Collection $models) : void

This class extends \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Relationships\AbstractRelationship

This class implements \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Contracts\Queryable

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\TypeCasters\DoctrineTypeCaster
Visibility Function
public __construct(\Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection) : void
public cast(mixed $attributes, mixed $attribute, \string $type) : void
public supports(\string $type) : void
public types() : void

This class implements \Somnambulist\Components\AttributeModel\Contracts\AttributeCasterInterface

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Utils\ClassHelpers

Assorted helpers, scoped to prevent global functions.

Visibility Function
public static getCallingClass() : string
Returns the class that made a call to the current class
public static getCallingMethod() : string
Returns the function (method name) that called the function this is used in
public static getObjectShortClassName(\object $object) : string
public static set(\object $object, \string $property, \mixed $value, \mixed $scope=null) : object
Set the property in object to value If scope is set to a parent class, private properties can be updated.
public static setPropertyArrayKey(\object $object, \string $property, \string $key, \mixed $value, \mixed $scope=null) : object
Set an array key in the object property to value If scope is set to a parent class, private properties can be updated.

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Utils\FilterGeneratedKeysFromCollection
Visibility Function
public __invoke(array/\Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Utils\Collection $attributes) : array
Filters out library generated keys from the set of attributes

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Utils\GenerateRelationshipsToEagerLoad

Encapsulates the logic for generating eager loaded relationships. Based on the eager loading strategy deployed in Laravel Eloquent.

Visibility Function
public __invoke(array $toEagerLoad=array(), mixed $relations) : array
Set the relationships that should be eager loaded

### Class: \Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Utils\StrConverter
Visibility Function
public static toResource(\string $string) : bool/\Somnambulist\Components\ReadModels\Utils\resource
Converts a string to a stream resource by passing it through a memory file