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File metadata and controls

951 lines (929 loc) · 25.6 KB

Kubernetes/OpenShift Provisioning Plugin For Sonatype Nexus

Coverage Vulnerabilities Bugs Code Smells Maintainability Rating Reliability Rating Security Rating


  • Allow for BlobStores to be configured using ConfigMap objects labelled nexus-type==blobstore
  • Allow for Repositories to be configured using ConfigMap objects labelled nexus-type==repository
  • Allow for Admin password to be configured using Secret object named nexus


You can copy the bundle to /opt/sonatype/nexus/deploy on any running Nexus container, but it would not be persistent across restarts. The simplest option is to build a new container image based on the sonatype/nexus3 container and add the bundle JAR file to the new image. Here's how to create a container image:

## The Dockefiles are set to install from the GitHub Releases, no compilation required
docker build -t nexus-kubernetes -f Dockerfile . 

docker build -t nexus-openshift -f Dockerfile.rhel7 .

NOTE: To build the OpenShift image, you MUST have access to and have Docker configured to authenticate to that registry.


For the most part, you should NOT need to do anything to configure this plugin. It will detect if it is running inside of a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster and default to using the service account settings and environment variables defined in the Pod/Container. If you need to run this outside of a cluster but want to point at K8s API for configuration, you can assume the code will:

  • If $KUBECONFIG is defined, use that config file.
  • If $HOME/.kube/config can be found, use that.
  • If the in-cluster service account can be found, assume in cluster config.
  • Default to localhost:8080 as a last resort.

Setting Admin Password

The Admin password can be set using a Secret named nexus which contains a key called password. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: nexus
  namespace: labs-ci-cd
type: Opaque

Provisioning BlobStores

Right now, this ONLY supports File blobstores. Perhaps later, S3 blobstores can be supported.

Example ConfigMap

apiVersion: v1
  type: 'File'
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-blobstore
  namespace: labs-ci-cd
    nexus-type: blobstore

Provisioning Repositories

Nexus supports a number of different repository types, and each one has different required settings.

Example ConfigMap

apiVersion: v1
  recipe: 'MavenProxy'
  remoteUrl: ''
  blobStoreName: 'default'
  strictContentTypeValidation: 'true'
  versionPolicy: 'RELEASE'
  layoutPolicy: 'STRICT'
kind: ConfigMap
  name: maven-central
  namespace: labs-ci-cd
    nexus-type: repository

More example ConfigMaps can be seen HERE

There are a few enumerated data types which you need to know as well:

Type Allowed Values

Listed below are the fields required for each repository type:

Repository Type Field Type Required Default Value
AptHosted description String false <N/A>
pgpPrivateKey String false <N/A>
pgpPassPhrase String false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
AptProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
distribution String false <N/A>
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
BowerGroup members List<String> (comma-separated list of repositories) false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
BowerHosted blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
BowerProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
rewritePackageUrls boolean true true
DockerGroup httpPort Integer false <N/A>
httpsPort Integer false <N/A>
members List<String> (comma-separated list of repositories) false <N/A>
v1Enabled boolean true true
blobStoreName String true default
forceBasicAuth boolean true true
DockerHosted httpPort Integer false <N/A>
httpsPort Integer false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
v1Enabled boolean true true
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
forceBasicAuth boolean true true
DockerProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
indexType String true REGISTRY (Can be REGISTRY, HUB, CUSTOM; CUSTOM requires setting indexUrl below)
indexUrl String false <N/A>
httpPort Integer false <N/A>
httpsPort Integer false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
v1Enabled boolean true true
GitLfsHosted blobStoreName String null <N/A>
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
GolangGroup members List<String> (comma-separated list of repositories) false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
GolangHosted blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
GolangProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
MavenGroup members List<String> (comma-separated list of repositories) false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
MavenHosted blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
versionPolicy VersionPolicy true RELEASE
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW_ONCE
layoutPolicy LayoutPolicy true STRICT
MavenProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
versionPolicy VersionPolicy true RELEASE
layoutPolicy LayoutPolicy true STRICT
NpmGroup members List<String> (comma-separated list of repositories) false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
NpmHosted blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
NpmProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
NugetGroup members List<String> (comma-separated list of repositories) false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
NugetHosted blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
NugetProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
PyPiGroup members List<String> (comma-separated list of repositories) false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
PyPiHosted blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
PyPiProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
RawGroup members List<String> (comma-separated list of repositories) false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
RawHosted blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
RawProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
RubygemsGroup members List<String> (comma-separated list of repositories) false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
RubygemsHosted blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
RubygemsProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
YumGroup members List<String> (comma-separated list of repositories) false <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
YumHosted blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true
writePolicy WritePolicy true ALLOW
depth Integer true <N/A>
YumProxy remoteUrl String true <N/A>
blobStoreName String true default
strictContentTypeValidation boolean true true


  • Java >= 1.8
  • Maven >= 3.3
  • Maven Settings configured to use Sonatype Public Grid


mvn clean package bundle:bundle

The BUNDLE jar file will be output in the project's root directory.