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42 lines (28 loc) · 1.77 KB

File metadata and controls

42 lines (28 loc) · 1.77 KB

How to be a contributor to this project

Talk to a human first

For Sonatypers

Looking to dive in? FANTASTIC! Reach out to one of our experts and we can help get you started in the right direction.

  • Hit us up on our Slack channel #integrations.
  • Please fill out an issue (Jira INT project) for your PR so that we have traceability as to what you are trying to fix, versus how you fixed it.
  • Add the @sonatype/integrations group as a reviewer on any PR.

For Non-Sonatypers

Submitting a Pull Request

  • Try to fix one thing per pull request! Many people work on this code, so the more focused your changes are, the less of a headache other people will have when they merge their work in.
  • Ensure your Pull Request passes tests either locally or via Jenkins (it will run automatically on your PR)

Protocol of Commenting on a Pull Request

Here are the general rules to follow when commenting on PRs for this repo:

  • Unless stated otherwise by the commenter, or clearly not meant to be responded to, all comments on a PR are expected to be addressed before it is merged. Sometimes it is alright for a reviewer to approve the PR before all of their comments are addressed, but generally only when those comments are expected to be easily addressable without further discussion (for example simple formatting issues). Even in this case though, the comments should still be addressed after approval.