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File metadata and controls

76 lines (58 loc) · 2.56 KB

Before we begin, we have two variables that you might need to know first.

  final time500 = Duration(milliseconds: 500);
  final time1000 = Duration(seconds: 1);

filter -> where

In the Dart, the filtering functionality of Stream is called where. Hence RxDart follow this naming pattern, so the famous filter operator (if you are familiar with RxJS or RxJava) has now called where in the RxDart.

    Stream.periodic(time500, (idx) => idx)
        .where((event) => event % 2 == 1)
        .listen(print); //=> 1, 3, 5

first, last

In the RxJS, first(), last() are all return a Observable<T>. And RxDart, unfortunately, has no such methods. It only has the first, last property which will return a Future<T> type. -- by the way, the first, last is not properties of RxDart, but the properties of Dart's Stream.

  Future<void> first1() async {
    int firstElement = await Stream.periodic(time500, (idx)=>idx)
        .first; //=> 0 
    print('first = $firstElement');

how can I make a first operator

But is it possible to make a first or last operator, just like RxJS. Yes, it's possilbe, we just need to use take(n) or takseLast(n).

  final stream$ = Stream.periodic(time500, (idx)=>idx)
  stream$.listen(print); //=> 0, 1, 2
  Stream<int> last5$ = Stream.periodic(time500, (idx)=>idx)
    .take(5) // will sent out 0,1,2,3,4
  last5$.listen(print); //=> 3, 4  

take with conditions

There is takeWhile, takeWhileInclusive, takeUntil for us to choose.


takeWhile(continueFn) : as long as the continueFn return a true, then the stream will keep working.

takeWhileInclusive will also sent out the first element that does not meet the continueFn.

    Stream.periodic(time500, (idx)=>idx)
        .takeWhile((element) => element < 5)
        .listen(print); //=> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

    Stream.periodic(time500, (idx) => idx)
        .takeWhileInclusive((element) => element < 5)
        .listen(print); //=> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5        


ob1.takeUntil(ob2) : ob2 is another stream. Once ob2 start to sent out data, then the ob1 will complete.

    Stream.periodic(time1000, (idx)=>idx)
        .takeUntil(Rx.timer("hi", Duration(seconds: 3)))
        .listen(print);  //=> 0, 1

Because at Second 1, the original stream sent out 0 at Second 2, the original sent out 1 at Second 3, ob2 start sending data, so our original ob1 will stop, and that's how we got the 0, 1 as the result.