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109 lines (93 loc) · 4.77 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (93 loc) · 4.77 KB

Rendering Bing tiles with MapLibre

MapLibre GL JS is an open-source JavaScript library that uses WebGL to render maps on the web. It's usually used to render vector tiles but it is possible to render raster tiles, including raster tiles from Bing.

Tile sources are specified in a stylesheet. A minimal stylesheet to render raster tiles could look like this:

  // version number, must be 8
  "version": 8,
  // arbitrary, human-readable name
  "name": "my-map",
  // tile sources
  "sources": {
    // arbitrary name
    "bing": {
      // tile type
      "type": "raster",
      // list of tile source URLs
      // (example url for now, but should be a list of Bing URLs!)
      "tiles": [
      // minimum visual size to display tiles (in px), default: 512
      "tileSize": 512,
      // minimum zoom level for which tiles are available, default: 0
      "minzoom": 0,
      // maximum zoom level for which tiles are available, default: 22
      "maxzoom": 22
  // list of layers
  "layers": [
      // raster layer that uses the "bing" layer defined above
      "id": "bing-layer",
      "type": "raster",
      "source": "bing"

In brief, a raster source is specified that is then used in a layer. When rendering Bing maps, the tricky bit is finding the correct tile URL since tile URLs for Bing maps actually change regularly. We will thus need to request the current tile URL at the time of rendering. To do so, fetch data from

A couple of notes on this API call:

  • RoadOnDemand specified the type of imagery, all available options are listed on this documentation page but I find that only a subset of these work in this setting (including Aerial, AerialWithLabelsOnDemand, CanvasDark, CanvasLight, CanvasGray, RoadOnDemand) – RoadOnDemand gives you the default Bing map look
  • uriScheme=https is important to give you HTTPS tile URLs which is important if you plan to serve maps from a HTTPS site (since most browsers refuse to load HTTP content from HTTPS sites)
  • key=BING_API_KEY: private Bing key

The data is returned as JSON (since output=json is set). The relevant field of the returned data is resourceSets[0].resources and looks like:

    "__type": "ImageryMetadata:",
    "imageHeight": 256,
    "imageUrl": "https://{subdomain}{quadkey}?mkt=en-US&it=G,L&shading=hill&og=2097&n=z",
    "imageUrlSubdomains": ["t0", "t1", "t2", "t3"],
    "imageWidth": 256,
    "vintageEnd": null,
    "vintageStart": null,
    "zoomMax": 21,
    "zoomMin": 1

The field imageUrl holds the tile URL we are looking for. The {subdomain} placeholder is to be replaced with values from imageUrlSubdomains. Using a different subdomain for each tile request helps to get around browser URL request limits.

These tile URLs (with various subdomains) can then be written to the stylesheet which is then used to initialize a MapLibre map. We'll also grab some more information about Bing maps, like the image size and min and max zoom levels.

// import map style
import mapStyle from "./my-map-styles.json";

  .then((res) => res.json())
  .then((data) => {
    // get resource
    const resource = data.resourceSets[0].resources[0];

    // fill in tile URLs (one tile URL for each subdomain) = =>
      resource.imageUrl.replace(/{subdomain}/g, subdomain)

    // additionally read the tile size and min/max zoom levels = resource.imageWidth; = resource.zoomMin; = resource.zoomMax;

    // initialize map
    const map = new maplibregl.Map({
      container: "some-container-id",
      style: mapStyle,
      // initial zoom level and position
      zoom: 8,
      center: [13.42475, 52.5072],