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Type member defaulting rules by variance

There are various places where Sorbet will take a bare generic class (one that hasn't been applied to any type arguments) and apply it to "sensible" type arguments.

Why are bare generics bad?

Consider code like this:

# typed: true
extend T::Sig

class Box
  extend T::Generic
  Elem = type_member

  sig {returns(T.nilable(Elem))}
  attr_accessor :val

sig {params(box: Box).void}
def example(box)
  val = box.val
  T.reveal_type(val) # ... ?

The val method mentions the Elem type member on Box. When we call this method on a type like Box[Integer], Sorbet effectively substitutes1 Integer for Elem in the signature for Box#val.

If we allowed calling box.val when box had type ClassType { klass = ::Box }, how would that substitution work? It wouldn't, because there are no type arguments to apply.

You would think it nonsensical to try to treat this program as well-formed:

def requires_one_arg(x)

requires_one_arg() # 💥

And essentially, generic classes are type-level functions that take required, type-level arguments.

As such, Sorbet tries as hard as possible to require type arguments for generic classes. But the real world is messy.

Why even have defaults?

Having defaults for bare generic classes is mostly a hack.

In almost all cases, we would probably prefer the user to give us arguments. We don't want to see Array, we want T::Array[SomeType]. But there are some complications we have to accommodate.

  • Pre-Sorbet type annotations.

    The runtime type systems in use at Stripe that predated Sorbet allowed writing Array, Hash, etc. as valid type annotations. We didn't want to codemod all these when we rolled out Sorbet to minimize disruption.

    This persists to this day: generic classes defined in the standard library are allowed to be bare in # typed: true. Only in # typed: strict does writing Array in type syntax produce an error.

  • Types for class literals (or more generally, any class with type templates).

    All class singleton classes are generic classes (generic in the <AttachedClass> type template that Sorbet implicitly declares). Without defaulting rules, the type of an expression like MyClass would be T.class_of(MyClass). This is a bare generic, because type templates are just type members scoped to a singleton class.

    No matter how hard we try, it would be impossible to ask users to replace something like with something like T.class_of(MyClass)[MyClass].foo (even assuming this syntax were valid). Indeed, most of our choices around type member defaulting rules were invented to accommodate <AttachedClass>. But the rules were chosen from first principles, not implementing something ad hoc for <AttachedClass> specifically.

  • Instantiating a generic class and forgetting to provide type arguments.

    This is somewhat a repeat/special case of the previous, but worth mentioning anyways. Consider code like this:

    Both of these are problematic. We'd prefer that users write something like Array[Integer].new or Box[String].new. But because of how Sorbet builds the CFG, both these look like

    <tmp>$1 = Array
    <tmp>$2 = Box

    Sorbet has to make a choice for the type of <tmp>$1 and <tmp>$2 when they're assigned, which makes it hard for Sorbet to reject the call to .new saying something like "you have to apply this class to a type when instantiating it."

    Unlike the previous case, Box[Integer].new is at least syntax we support, because it's applying the arguments to the instance class. And even then, we only support this syntax for the .new method, not for other singleton class methods: Box[Integer].make isn't valid Sorbet syntax, because Sorbet special-cases constructor methods.2

  • Types for the .class method.

    Consider code like this

    class MyModel
      extend T::Generic
      MutatorType = type_template { {upper: MyMutator} }
      def foo
        klass = self.class

    What should the type of klass be in the snippet above? The type can't simply be T.class_of(MyModel), because that would be a bare generic. This is a very similar problem to the class literal problem, where it would be prohibitively annoying to ask users to rewrite code like self.class, and we don't even have a suitable replacement if we wanted to enforce something.

    Even more, there's a similar problem to the previous point:'')

    If my_box is Box[Integer], there's no reason why has to create another Box[Integer]--making a Box[String] is fine!

    But in Sorbet's CFG, that snippet looks like this:

    <tmp>$1 = my_box.class
    <tmp>$2 = <tmp>$'')

    and Sorbet has no way of knowing whether <tmp>$1 was a constant literal or an expression. (Wildly, Sorbet allows my_box.class[String].new('') to make a well-typed Box[String] instance).

TL;DR: It's unavoidable for Sorbet to have to allow bare generics in places.

However, completely bare generics are bad, because then we have no types to substitute for generic types when used in method signatures, etc.

So Sorbet has default rules to silently convert bare generic classes to applied generic classes in places where it's unavoidable.

The defaulting rules

So we've established that bare generic classes are bad, and that bare generic classes are also unavoidable. Defaulting rules are how we make the best of a bad situation.

The defaulting rules are implemented by ClassOrModule::externalType(), which is computed once per Symbol during resolver and cached, so the actual computation happens in unsafeComputeExternalType. (It's not actually unsafe anymore because of a change jvilk made in this commit. It used to do lurky things with atomics and racy mutable access).

The rules here might be out of date w.r.t. the implementation, and if they are please edit this doc. But at a high level:

  • If a type_member is a "legacy" generic, which is basically Array and a few other classes (but importantly, not every stdlib generic class), it unsafely defaults to T.untyped no matter what. (This was just a hack to get things to type check when rolling out Sorbet.)

  • If a type member is fixed, default it to whatever the type member is fixed to, regardless of variance.

  • Otherwise, we're going to have to use the variance:

    • Invariant? -> T.untyped
    • Covariant? -> the upper bound (the default upper bound is T.anything)
    • Contravariant? -> the lower bound (the default lower bound is T.noreturn)

The most common question is then: why are invariant type members defaulted to T.untyped? It's because we can't get away with using upper nor lower.

Consider this setup:

class Parent; end
class Child < Parent; end

In this setup, T.class_of(Child) <: T.class_of(Parent), which is what users expect. Now consider if we made Parent and Child generic:

class Parent
  extend T::Generic
  Elem = type_template { {upper: Numeric} }
class Child < Parent
  extend T::Generic
  Elem = type_template { {upper: Integer} }

Suddenly, Parent and Child need to have defaults (because of all the situations we had before, like if they appear as class literals in a method body, or as the result type of a call to self.class). We might want to pick defaults such that we maintain the relationship that held previously, namely that T.class_of(Child) <: T.class_of(Parent). (Those types are meaningless now that those are bare generic classes, but the intuition of wanting it to still hold remains). The problem is that both upper and lower are hard to stomach as defaults.

Consider if we pick upper. Then we'd have that:

  • Parent has type T.class_of(Parent)[Numeric] and
  • Child has type T.class_of(Child)[Integer]

T.class_of(Child)[Integer] is not a subtype of T.class_of(Parent)[Numeric] because Elem is invariant! As unintuitive as this sounds, this subtyping outcome is actually the desirable, sound outcome: if we both pick the upper bound as the default and treat Child as a valid value of type T.class_of(Parent), it's possible to draw a contradiction:

# typed: strong
class Module; include T::Sig; end

class Parent
  extend T::Generic
  Elem = type_template { {upper: Numeric} }

  sig {overridable.params(x: Elem).void}
  def self.example(x); end

class Child < Parent
  extend T::Generic
  Elem = type_template { {upper: Integer} }

  sig {params(x: Integer).void}
  def self.takes_integer(x); end

  sig {override.params(x: Elem).void}
  def self.example(x)
    # ^ our program passes a float to takes_integer without using T.unsafe,
    # and with no errors

sig {params(parent_class: T.class_of(Parent)).void}
#           ^ defaults to T.class_of(Parent)[Numeric]
def main(parent_class)
  #                    ^^^ a valid numeric, but not an Integer!


So maybe upper was the wrong thing to pick? But if we pick lower, two things happen:

  • T.class_of(Parent) defaults to T.class_of(Parent)[T.noreturn], which means we can't even call parent_class.example
  • We could make a similar contradiction by rewriting the example to use Elem in returns instead of params.

So maybe we pick upper when defaulting in params, and lower when defaulting in returns? Implementation complexity aside (we'd have to thread input/output position (polarity) through all calls to externalType, which would mean we couldn't cache it as easily as now), we'd still have the problem that most users expect Child to be a valid T.class_of(Parent).

So Sorbet gives up and accepts the unsoundness by simply defaulting to T.untyped.

Be super careful with unfixed, invariant type members

The takeaway? Type members in well-typed code should always either:

  • be fixed, and accept the limitations that come with that (basically: makes the class final in practice3), or
  • be either co- or contravariant
  • be carefully reviewed to ensure that T.untyped isn't sneaking in (highlighting untyped code is a good idea, maybe even using # typed: strong if possible).

Code making heavy use of invariant, non-fixed generics will be the most prone to having T.untyped sneak in, due to a combination of unavoidable and intentional choices in the type system. Mitigating T.untyped means looking at the list of cases where Sorbet defaults type arguments, and doing the opposite.

  • Use # typed: strict, so Sorbet will treat bare stdlib generics as errors.

    For generic singleton classes, note that T.class_of(...)[...] is valid syntax for applying type arguments to a generic singleton class. (Sorbet does not yet require this syntax in # typed: strict files, because the syntax is so new.)

  • In a class with invariant type templates, avoid calling singleton class methods on class literals. Instead, only call them inside variables on a generic class:

    class AbstractClass
      MyTemplate = type_template
      sig {abstract.returns(MyTemplate)}
      def self.thing; end
      def self.example
        self.thing # OK
    sig do
        .params(abstract_class: T.class_of(AbstractClass)[AbstractClass,
    def example(abstract_class)
      abstract_class.thing # OK
    AbstractClass.thing # 💥 bad, untyped
  • Always provide types when instantiating a generic class. # 💥 bad, untyped
    Box[Integer].new(0) # OK

    Ideally Sorbet could catch this in the future.

  • Understand that using the .class method will introduce untyped the same way as mentioning a class literal.

    Ideally Sorbet could catch this in the future.


  1. Sorbet doesn't actually use the term substitute here, it uses alignBaseTypeArgs, because OOP and inheritance are messy. But if your intuition is substitution, that's close enough for now.

  2. This is another weird case. Most other languages would treat the constructor as a generic method, where the type is something like [T](x: T) -> Box[T], and would then have syntax for applying a type argument to generic methods, not the class, like[Integer](0) or Box.make[Integer](0).

  3. I say "final in practice" here because while you'll still be able to subclass this class, those subclasses will be forced to repeat the exact same fixed annotation as the parent. This means that if, for example, you're using a type member to track an associated Result type of a class that implements an AbstractRPCCommand (like the example in our generics docs), you'll find that child classes must have the same Result type as the parent. In rare cases that's fine, but usually when you're making a subclass, you want to use set the type member to something else entirely, which is no longer possible after a bound is fixed.