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SMDarwin Sample Projects

This workspace shows how to use the Soul Machines iOS SDK and pull the library into your own projects. It also shows some of the basic SDK functionality for reference.

Project Setup

Open the workspace in Xcode, and update the target to either SMSwiftSample or SMObjectiveCSample.

Open the Project Setting for Swift/Objective-C. Open the Signing & Capabilities and on the Signing->Team section, specify the one you use for your Apple Development.

Swift Project

The Swift project should automatically import dependencies via Swift Package Manager. After this process has completed, run the project.

Objective-C Project

The Objective-C sample demonstrates CocoaPods integration. Assuming CocoaPods is installed, first add the SoulMachines-Specs repo to your CocoaPods installation, and then navigate to the Objective-C sample directory and install the pods. Both of these steps are shown below.

foo@bar dir % pod repo add SoulMachines-Specs
foo@bar dir % cd SMObjectiveCSample
foo@bar dir % pod install

Minimum requirements

SMDarwin supports iOS 12 and above. SMDarwin 1.0.4 and above depend on WebRTC_iOS. SMDarwin 1.2.0 requires the aforementioned library at release 1.1.0 or greater.

N.B. Please reach out to one of our Customer Success team members to check if you have the appropriate license to get access to the Soul Machines repositories below. Access is currently restricted and given accordingly.

Importing the library

Swift Packages

Add the SMDarwin repository via Swift Package Manager, along with the following dependencies:

  • from 1.0.0,
  • from 4.0.0, and
  • from 0.4.0

Alternatively, to integrate via a Package.swift manifest instead of Xcode, you can add SMDarwin and its dependencies to the dependencies array of your package with the following:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from "1.1.0"),
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
    .package(url: "", from: "4.0.0"),
    .package(url: "", from: "0.4.0")


Add the SoulMachines-Specs repo to your CocoaPods installation

pod repo add SoulMachines-Specs

Add the following source to your podfile:

source ''
source ''

Next add the following pods to the podfile:

pod 'SMDarwin', '~> 1.1.0'
pod 'WebRTC_iOS', '~> 1.0.0'
pod 'Starscream', '~> 4.0.0'
pod 'AnyCodable-FlightSchool', '~> 0.4.0'

Run the following commands to download the libraries and integrate into the xcode project.

foo@bar dir $ pod install


TK: Carthage does not currently support distributing prebuilt xcframeworks.


Download the SMDarwin repository and add SMDarwin.xcframework to your project. Also download the WebRTC repository and add WebRTC.xcframework to your project.

Install the following dependencies from their git repositories. If instructions are not available, they should be able to be built as an archive or added as subprojects to the active workspace.

Using the library

Import the library by using import SMDarwin or #import <SMDarwin/SMDarwin.h>. Further information can be found in the documentation packaged with the SDK.

Initialising the Logger

The SDK includes a LoggingCenter that supports several log types. If this isn't initialised, it will use the Null logger by default, discarding any SDK level logs. Additional options are:

  • File, which will to the provided filename in the documents directory,
  • Console, which will output to the terminal, and
  • Callback, which will pipe the log string to the provided callback.

The default log level is Error. This reports only error level messages, however the following options are also available:

  • Warning: Reports warnings in addition to Error level messages.
  • Info: Reports information messages, in addition to Warning and Error messages.
let error = LoggingCenter.loggingCenter.set(logType: .Console)
LoggingCenter.loggingCenter.set(logSeverity: .Warning)

if error != nil {
    debugPrint("Error encountered setting up the logging center: \(error.debugDescription)")
CompletionError* error = [LoggingCenter.loggingCenter setWithLogType:LogTypeConsole filename:nil callback:nil];
LoggingCenter.loggingCenter setLogSeverity:LogSeverityWarning];

if (nil != error)
    NSLog(@"Encountered error setting up the logging center: %@", error);

Create and connect the Scene

Create a Scene object with the requested UserMediaOptions. After creating the Scene, set the view in which to render the remote stream, and an optional view in which to render the local stream.

let scene = SceneFactory.create(userMediaOptions: .MicrophoneAndCamera)
scene.set(remoteView: self.remoteView, localView: self.localView)
Scene *scene = [SceneFactory createWithUserMediaOptions: UserMediaOptionsMicrophoneAndCamera];
[scene setWithRemoteView:self.remoteView localView:self.localView];

Connection methods

The SDK supports two connection methods: connecting with an API Key generated through DDNA Studio, and connecting with a web-socket URL and JWT.

Connecting using an API Key.

Establish a connection by providing the API Key generated within DDNA Studio. Note that the domain should match the Bundle Identifier within the App's Identity section under Target. Provide optional userText to send a message to the Orchestration server during connection, and a RetryOptions object specifying the number of connection attempts and the delay between attempting a connection, should the connection encounter an error.

self.scene?.connect(apiKey: apiKey, userText: nil, retryOptions: RetryOptions())
[self.scene connectWithApiKey: apiKey userText: nil retryOptions:[[RetryOptions alloc] init]]

Connecting using a valid web-socket URL and a valid JWT.

Establish a connection by providing the server url from your Persona connection configuration, and a JWT constructed from the Private Key and Key Name also found in the Persona connection configuration. Provide optional userText to send a message to the Orchestration server during connection, and a RetryOptions object specifying the number of connection attempts and the delay between attempting a connection, should the connection encounter an error.

self.scene?.connect(url: serverUrl, userText: nil, accessToken: jwt, retryOptions: RetryOptions())
[self.scene connectWithUrl: serverUrl userText: nil accessToken:jwt retryOptions:[[RetryOptions alloc] init]]

Connection Result

All asynchronous methods provide a method of subscribing to the result of the function. This will return a Completion object, containing an optional error and an optional result. The result can be cast to the type specified in the documentation of each call for validation.

Here is an example of a subscription to the Scene connection result.

self.scene?.connect(url: serverUrl, userText: nil, accessToken: jwt, retryOptions: RetryOptions()).subscribe(completion in {
    if let connectError = completion.error {
        debugPrint("Error connecting to scene: \(connectError.debugDescription)")

    if let _ = completion.result as? SessionInfo {
        debugPrint("Successful scene connection.")
[[self.scene connectWithUrl:(serverUrl ? serverUrl : @"") userText:nil accessToken:jwt retryOptions:[[RetryOptions alloc] init]] subscribeWithCompletion:^ (Completion* completion) {
    if (completion.error != nil)
        NSLog(@"Error connecting to scene: %@", completion.error.debugDescription);
    if (completion.result != nil)
        NSLog(@"Successful scene connection.");

Updating User Media Options

The Scene supports updating the UserMediaOptions either prior to the call being started, or while the call is in progress. This includes starting without any input and upgrading the call on the fly which is handled within the SDK itself. Note that the SDK will only request permissions when required based on the UserMediaOptions.

Permission map for each UserMediaOptions:

- Video permission requested (AVMediaTypeVideo).
- Audio permission requested (AVMediaTypeAudio).

- Audio permission requested (AVMediaTypeAudio).

- Video permission requested (AVMediaTypeVideo).

- No permissions requested.

To update the UserMediaOptions, call the update(userMediaOptions:) API on the Scene. This will return a Completion.result value of true if the call succeeds, or a more detailed error message. See examples of implementation below.

private func update(userMediaOptions: UserMediaOptions) {
    self.scene?.update(userMediaOptions: userMediaOptions).subscribe(completion: { completion in
        if let error = completion.error {
            //Operation failed, see error for more information.
        } else {
            //Operation succeeded, see result for more information.
- (void) updateUserMediaOptions:(UserMediaOptions)userMediaOptions
    [[self.scene updateWithUserMediaOptions:userMediaOptions] subscribeWithCompletion:^ (Completion* completion) {
        if (nil != completion.error)
            //Operation failed, see error for more information.
            //Operation succeeded, see result for more information.

Register event listeners on the Scene

The Scene and Persona APIs also provide the ability to register event listeners that may be necessary for further interaction with the Digital Human. The pattern for these is add({type}EventListener: ), and remove({type}EventListener:). For both of these methods, an object inheriting the appropriate event listener is passed as the parameter.

Below is an example of a DisconnectedEventListener.

class Sample: DisconnectedEventListener {

    //Adding the listener
    func addListener() {
        self.scene?.add(disconnectedEventListener: self)

    //Listener methods
    func onDisconnect(reason: String) {
        debugPrint("Scene disconnected with reason: \(reason)")
@interface Sample<DisconnectedEventListener>
//Adding the listener
-(void) addListener
    [self.scene addWithDisconnectedListener:self];

//Listener methods
-(void) onDisconnectedWithReason:(NSString *)reason
    NSLog(@"Scene disconnected with reason: %@", reason);

Scene Messages

One way of interacting with the Digital Human is to utilise Scene Messaging. Adding a SceneMessageListener to the Scene using the scene?.add(messageListener: ) API will notify the listener when Scene messages are received.

Below is an example of the SceneMessageListener, and more information can be found in the documentation supplied with the SDK.

class Sample: SceneMessageListener {

    //Adding the listener
    func addListener() {
        self.scene?.add(messageListener: self)

    //Listener methods
    func on(stateMessage: SceneEventMessage) {
        if let body = stateMessage.body as? StateEventBody {
            debugPrint("State message persona component: \(body.persona)")
    func on(recognizeResultsMessage: SceneEventMessage) {
        if let body = recognizeResultsMessage.body as? RecognizeResultsEventBody {
            debugPrint("Recognize results data: \(body.results)")
    func on(conversationResultMessage: SceneEventMessage) {
        if let body = conversationResultMessage.body as? ConversationResultEventBody {
            debugPrint("Conversation result output: \(body.output)")
    func on(userText: String) {
        debugPrint("Listener received userText content: \(userText)")
@interface Sample<SceneMessageListener>

//Adding the listener
-(void) addListener
    [self.scene addWithSceneMessageListener:self];

//Listener methods
-(void) onStateMessageWithSceneEventMessage:(SceneEvent *)sceneEventMessage
    NSLog(@"State message persona component: %@", ((StateEventBody *)sceneEventMessage.body).persona);

-(void) onRecognizeResultsMessageWithSceneEventMessage:(SceneEvent *)sceneEventMessage
    NSLog(@"Recognize results data: %@", ((RecognizeResultsEventBody *)sceneEventMessage.body).results);

-(void) onConversationResultMessageWithSceneEventMessage:(SceneEvent *)sceneEventMessage
    NSLog(@"Conversation result output: %@", ((ConversationResultEventBody *)sceneEventMessage.body).output);

-(void) onUserTextEventWithUserText:(NSString *)userText
    NSLog(@"Listener received userText content: %@", userText);

Persona Ready Listener

Inheriting from PersonaReadyListener and subscribing through the Scene.add(personaReadyListener:) will inform the listener when a Persona has been registered with the Scene and is ready for use.

func setup(scene: Scene) {
    scene.add(personaReadyListener: self)

func on(personaReady persona: Persona) {
    //Perform operation/subscribe to Persona.
- (void) setup:(Scene *)scene 
    [scene addWithPersonaReadyListener: self];

- (void) onPersonaReady:(id<Persona> _Nonnull)personaReady
    //Perform operation/subscribe to Persona.

Persona API

A Persona instance is the API used to interact with Digital Humans. After establishing a successful Scene connection and the initial state has been established, the Persona instance can be obtained from the scene?.getPersonas() API.

Below is an example of a persona?.animateToNamedCameraWithOrbitPan(param:) call. All available API calls can be found in the documentation supplied with the SDK.

if let persona = self.scene?.getPersonas().first {
    let animation = NamedCameraAnimationParam(cameraName: "CloseUp", time: 1, orbitDegX: 10, orbitDegY: 10, panDeg: 2, tiltDeg: 0)
    persona.animateToNamedCameraWithOrbitPan(param: animation)
id<Persona> persona = [[self.scene getPersonas] firstObject];
NamedCameraAnimationParam *param = [[NamedCameraAnimationParam alloc] initWithCameraName:@"CloseUp" orbitDegX:@10 orbitDegY:@10 panDeg:@2 tiltDeg:@0 time:@1];
[persona animateToNamedCameraWithOrbitPanWithParam:param];

Feature Flags

The Scene contains a Features object populated shortly after the connection has established. This can be checked to determine whether any DDNA Studio level FeatureFlags have been enabled on the Persona. Supported FeatureFlags are found within the SDK documentation.

func checkFeatureFlags() {
    //Determine if Content Awareness is supported. See the Content Awareness section for more information on Content Awareness.
    let isContentAwarenessSupported = self.scene?.getFeatures().isFeatureFlagEnabled(.UI_CONTENT_AWARENESS) ?? false
    //Determine if the SDK is controlling the camera. If this is true, the above demonstrated `animateToNamedCameraWithOrbitPan(param:)` will be ignored.
    let isCameraControlledBySDK = self.scene?.getFeatures().isFeatureFlagEnabled(.UI_SDK_CAMERA_CONTROL) ?? false
-(void) checkFeatureFlags
    //Determine if Content Awareness is supported. See the Content Awareness section for more information on Content Awareness.
    BOOL isContentAwarenessSupported = [[self.scene getFeatures] isFeatureFlagEnabled:FeatureFlagUI_CONTENT_AWARENESS];
    //Determine if the SDK is controlling the camera. If this is true, the above demonstrated `animateToNamedCameraWithOrbitPan(param:)` will be ignored.
    BOOL isCameraControlledBySDK = [[self.scene getFeatures] isFeatureFlagEnabled:FeatureFlagUI_SDK_CAMERA_CONTROL];

Content Awareness

If the Persona has the Content Awareness FeatureFlag enabled in DDNA Studio, classes inheriting from Content can be added to the Scene.getContentAwareness(). When executing ContentAwareness.syncContentAwareness(), these coordinates will be sent to the Persona, and it will glance or move out of the way of content as appropriate.

Content Awareness tracks three items: the App Window size, the Remote View frame, and an array of Content. When synchronizing on iOS, the absolute positions of each of these elements are sent through to the Scene, which informs the Persona where in relation to it's position the elements are.

The SDK will automatically call ContentAwareness.syncContentAwareness() on orientation change.

To add a Content item to the ContentAwareness, call Scene.getContentAwareness().add(content: content). Content can be removed either by reference or by its String id.

Content Inheritance

To be added to the ContentAwareness, objects need to inherit from Content. This ensures that conforming items provide the necessary information for the Persona to be aware of their frames within the App.

This information is as follows:

  • getId: A unique identifier for the content. Content with duplicate ID will replace each other. Note that if the ID matches the id provided to showcards(id), the Persona will gesture at the content.
  • getBounds: A PointRect of the coordinates the content exists at. This is made up of x1, x2, y1, y2.
  • getMetadata: A dictionary of metadata to associate with the Content.

See below for examples.

class ExampleContentView: UIView, Content {
    func getId() -> String {
        return "UniqueId"

    func getBounds() -> PointRect {
        let frame = self.convert(self.frame, to: rootView)
        return PointRect(x1: Int(frame.origin.x),
                         y1: Int(frame.origin.y),
                         x2: Int(frame.origin.x + frame.size.width),
                         y2: Int(frame.origin.y + frame.size.height))

    func getMetadata() -> [String : Any] {
        return [:]
@interface ExampleContentView : UIView <Content>


@implementation ExampleContentView

- (PointRect * _Nonnull)getBounds
    CGRect frame = [self convertRect:self.frame toView:rootView];
    return [[PointRect alloc] initWithX1:frame.origin.x y1:frame.origin.y
                                      x2:frame.origin.x + frame.size.width
                                      y2:frame.origin.y + frame.size.height];

- (NSString * _Nonnull)getId
    return @"UniqueId";

- (NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nonnull)getMetadata
    return @{};



Note that positions are absolute, and should be determined based on the root view when getBounds() is called. 
- '==' and '||' demonstrates the frame of the App Window.
- '--' and '|' demonstrates the frame of the Remote View.
- '<n>' demonstrates a Content instance.

||  --------------  ||
||  | <1> _      |  ||
||  |    / \     |  ||
||  |    \_/  <2>|  ||
||  |   __^__    |  ||
||  |  /     \   |  ||
||  | /       \  |  ||
||  --------------  ||
||        <3>       ||
Approx example coordinates
<1> x1: 100, y1: 100, x2: 150, y2: 150
- As this content is displayed within the frame of the Remote View, if Content Awareness is enabled it will cut to a different position to attempt to prevent the content appearing on top of the Persona. If the Id of the Content is referenced in conversation, the Persona will gesture at the coordinates.

<2> x1: 300, y1: 200, x2: 350, y1: 250
- As this content is displayed within the frame of the Remote View, if Content Awareness is enabled it will cut to a different position to attempt to prevent the content appearing on top of the Persona. If the Id of the Content is referenced in conversation, the Persona will gesture at the coordinates.

<3> x1: 200, y1: 400, x2: 250, y2: 450
- As this coordinate is outside of the Remote View, the Persona will not need to avoid this.

||   ____________________          ||
||  |     _             |   <2>    ||
||  |    / \            |          ||
||  |    \_/     <1>    |          ||
||  |   __^__           |          ||
||  |  /     \          |          ||
||  |_/_______\_________|          ||
Approx example coordinates
<1> x1: 300, y1: 150, x2: 350, y2: 200
- As this coordinate is possible to overlap the Persona, if Content Awareness is enabled it will cut to a different position to attempt to prevent the content appearing on top of the Persona. If the Id of the Content is referenced in conversation, the Persona will gesture at the coordinates.

<2> x1: 450, y1: 100, x2: 500, y2: 150
- As this coordinate is outside of the Remote View, the Persona will not need to avoid this.

Enabling background tasks

To maintain a connection when the App is backgrounded, the Background Modes Capability should be added in the Signing and Capabilities project settings. Once this is enabled, the following Modes should be added:

  • Voice over IP, and
  • Audio, Airplay, and Picture in Picture.

If electing not to maintain connections when backgrounded, then the Application should call scene?.disconnect() on the didEnterBackground event.

Note that to maintain the call during the use of other Apps, CallKit functionality should be integrated within applications utilising this SDK.


The functionality within SMDarwin will request both microphone and camera access. While connections can function without these permissions (through sending messages to the Persona using conversationSend(text: String, variables: VariablesModel?, optionalArgs: ConversationOptionalArgs?)), it is a requirement of Apps submitted to the App Store that do request these permissions contain both the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription and NSCameraUsageDescription in the Info.plist file. If these are not present, the binary will be rejected.

When uploading to AppStoreConnect, simulator frameworks should be removed from the archive. This can be done with the script below, or other such options.

echo "Target architectures: $ARCHS"


find "$APP_PATH" -name '*.framework' -type d | while read -r FRAMEWORK
FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_NAME=$(defaults read "$FRAMEWORK/Info.plist" CFBundleExecutable)
echo $(lipo -info "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH")


# remove simulator's archs if location is not simulator's directory
case "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}" in
    echo "No need to remove archs"
    if $(lipo "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH" -verify_arch "i386") ; then
    lipo -output "$FRAMEWORK_TMP_PATH" -remove "i386" "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH"
    echo "i386 architecture removed"
    if $(lipo "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH" -verify_arch "x86_64") ; then
    lipo -output "$FRAMEWORK_TMP_PATH" -remove "x86_64" "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH"
    echo "x86_64 architecture removed"

echo "Completed for executable $FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH"
echo $(lipo -info "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH")



This repository is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.


For any issues, please reach out to one of our Customer Success team members.