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File metadata and controls

438 lines (320 loc) · 17.8 KB

Getting started


To install Soundata simply do:

pip install soundata

Soundata is easily imported into your Python code by:

import soundata

Initializing a dataset

Print a list of all available dataset loaders by calling:

import soundata

To use a loader, (for example, urbansound8k) you need to initialize it by calling:

import soundata
dataset = soundata.initialize('urbansound8k', data_home='choose_where_data_live')

You can indicate where the data would be stored and access by passing a path to data_home, as explained below. Now us8k is a Dataset object containing common methods, described in the following.

Downloading a dataset

All dataset loaders in soundata have a download() function that allows the user to download the canonical <faq> version of the dataset (when available). When initializing a dataset it is important to correctly set up the directory where the dataset is going to be stored and retrieved.

Downloading a dataset into the default folder:

In this first example, data_home is not specified. Thus, UrbanSound8K will be downloaded and retrieved from the default folder, sound_datasets, created in the user's root folder:

import soundata
dataset = soundata.initialize('urbansound8k')  # Dataset is downloaded into "sound_datasets" folder inside user's root folder
Downloading a dataset into a specified folder:

In the next example data_home is specified, so UrbanSound8K will be downloaded and retrieved from the specified location:

dataset = soundata.initialize('urbansound8k', data_home='Users/johnsmith/Desktop')  # Dataset is downloaded to John Smith's desktop
Partially downloading a dataset

The download() function allows to partially download a dataset. In other words, if applicable, the user can select which elements of the dataset they want to download. Each dataset has a REMOTES dictionary were all the available downloadable elements are listed.

tau2019uas has different elements as seen in the REMOTES dictionary. You can specify a subset of these elements to download by passing the download() function a list of the REMOTES keys that we are interested in via the partial_download variable.


"": download_utils.RemoteFileMetadata(
"": download_utils.RemoteFileMetadata(
"": download_utils.RemoteFileMetadata(

A partial download example for tau2019uas dataset could be:

dataset = soundata.initialize('tau2019uas')['', ''])  # download only two remotes
Downloading a multipart dataset

In some cases, datasets consist of multiple remote files that have to be extracted together locally to correctly recover the data. In those cases, remotes that need to be extracted together should be grouped in a list, so all the necessary files are downloaded at once (even in a partial download). An example of this is the fsd50k loader:

Example multipart REMOTES

    "FSD50K.dev_audio": [

Validating a dataset

Using the validate() method you can ensure that the files in our local copy of a dataset are identical to the canonical <faq> version of the dataset. The function computes the md5 checksum of every downloaded file to ensure it was downloaded correctly and isn't corrupted.

For big datasets: In future soundata versions, a random validation will be included. This improvement will reduce validation time for very big datasets.

Accessing annotations

You can choose a random clip from a dataset with the choice_clip() method.

Example Index

dataset = soundata.initialize('urbansed')
random_clip = dataset.choice_clip()
>>> Clip(
      audio: The clips audio
                * np.ndarray - audio signal
                * float - sample rate,
      events: The audio events
                * annotations.Events - audio event object,
      split: The data splits (e.g. train)
                * str - split,

You can also access specific clips by id. The available clip ids can be acessed by doing dataset.clip_ids. In the next example we take the first clip id, and then we retrieve its tags annotation.

dataset = soundata.initialize('urbansound8k')
ids = dataset.clip_ids  # the list of urbansound8k's clip ids
clips = dataset.load_clips()  # Load all clips in the dataset
example_clip = clips[ids[0]]  # Get the first clip

# Accessing the clip's tags annotation
example_tags = example_clip.tags
>>>> Tags(confidence, labels, labels_unit)
>>>> ['children_playing']

You can also load a single clip without loading all clips in the dataset:

ids = dataset.clip_ids  # the list of urbansound8k's clip ids
example_clip = dataset.clip(ids[0])  # load this particular clip
example_tags = example_clip.tags  # Get the tags for the first clip

Accessing data remotely

Annotations can also be accessed through load_*() methods which may be useful, for instance, when your data aren't available locally. If you specify the annotation's path, you can use the module's loading functions directly. Let's see an example.

Accessing annotations remotely example

# Load list of clip ids of the dataset
ids = dataset.clip_ids

# Load a single clip, specifying the remote location
example_clip = dataset.clip(ids[0], data_home='remote/data/path')
audio_path = example_clip.audio_path

>>> remote/data/path/audio/fold1/135776-2-0-49.wav
>>> False

# Write code here to download the remote path, e.g., to a temporary file.
def my_downloader(remote_path):
    # the contents of this function will depend on where your data lives, and how permanently you
    # want the files to remain on your local machine. We point you to libraries handling common use cases below.
    # for data you would download via scp, you could use the [scp]( library
    # for data on google drive, use [pydrive](
    # for data on google cloud storage use [google-cloud-storage](
    return local_path_to_downloaded_data

# Get path to where your data live
temp_path = my_downloader(audio_path)

# Accessing the clip audio
example_audio = dataset.load_audio(temp_path)

Annotation classes

soundata defines annotation-specific data classes such as Tags or Events. These data classes are meant to standarize the format for all loaders, so you can use the same code with different datasets. The list and descriptions of available annotation classes can be found in annotations.


These classes are standarized to the point that the data allow for it. In some cases where the dataset has its own idiosyncrasies, the classes may be extended e.g. adding a customize, uncommon attribute.

Iterating over datasets and annotations

In general, most datasets are a collection of clips, and in most cases each clip has an audio file along with annotations.

With the load_clips() method, all clips are loaded as a dictionary with the clip id as keys and clip objects as values. The clip objects include their respective audio and annotations, which are lazy-loaded on access to keep things speedy and memory efficient.

dataset = soundata.initialize('urbansound8k')
for key, clip in dataset.load_clips().items():
    print(key, clip.audio_path)
>>>> soundscape_train_bimodal0 /Users/mf3734/sound_datasets/urbansed/audio/train/soundscape_train_bimodal0.wav

Alternatively, you can loop over the clip_ids list to directly access each clip in the dataset.

dataset = soundata.initialize('urbansound8k')
for clip_id in dataset.clip_ids:
    print(clip_id, dataset.clip(clip_id).audio_path)
>>>> soundscape_train_bimodal0 /Users/mf3734/sound_datasets/urbansed/audio/train/soundscape_train_bimodal0.wav

Including soundata in your pipeline

If you wanted to use urbansound8k to evaluate the performance of an urban sound classifier, (in our case, random_classifier), and then split the scores based on the metadata, you could do the following:

soundata usage example

import sed_eval
import soundata
import numpy as np
from dcase_util.containers import MetaDataContainer, ProbabilityContainer

def random_classifier(classes):
    return [np.random.random(1)[0] for c in classes]

# Evaluate on the full dataset
dataset = soundata.initialize('urbansound8k')
scores = {}
data = dataset.load_clips()

classes = np.unique([c for _, clip_data in data.items() for c in clip_data.tags.labels])
fold = 2  # Choose a fold to evaluate

ref_tags, est_tags, est_tag_probs = [], [], []
for id, clip in data.items():
    if clip.fold == 2:
        ref_tags.append({'filename': id, 'tags': clip.tags.labels[0]})  # Urbansound8k has one label per clip
        probs = random_classifier(classes)
        for c, p in zip(classes, probs):
            est_tag_probs.append({'filename': id, 'label': c, 'probability': p},)
            if p > 0.5:  # Detection threshold of 0.5
                est_tags.append({'filename': id, 'tags': [c]})

tag_evaluator = sed_eval.audio_tag.AudioTaggingMetrics(tags=MetaDataContainer(ref_tags).unique_tags)

This is the result of the example above:

Example result

>>> Audio tagging metrics
  Tags                              : 10
  Evaluated units                   : 888

  Overall metrics (micro-average)
    F-measure (F1)                  : 9.57 %
    Precision                       : 9.57 %
    Recall                          : 9.57 %
  Equal error rate
    Equal error rate (EER)          : 51.01 %

  Class-wise average metrics (macro-average)
    F-measure (F1)                  : 6.47 %
    Precision                       : 7.54 %
    Recall                          : 9.33 %
  Equal error rate
    Equal error rate (EER)          : 50.95 %

  Class-wise metrics
    Tag               | Nref        Nsys      | F-score     Pre         Rec       | EER
    ----------------- | ---------   --------- | ---------   ---------   --------- | ---------
    air_conditioner   | 100         419       | 19.3%       11.9        50.0      | 49.0%
    car_horn          | 42          227       | 4.5%        2.6         14.3      | 54.8%
    children_playing  | 100         126       | 9.7%        8.7         11.0      | 54.0%
    dog_bark          | 100         58        | 13.9%       19.0        11.0      | 47.1%
    drilling          | 100         31        | 9.2%        19.4        6.0       | 52.4%
    engine_idling     | 100         16        | 1.7%        6.2         1.0       | 50.0%
    gun_shot          | 35          7         | 0.0%        0.0         0.0       | 48.1%
    jackhammer        | 120         1         | 0.0%        0.0         0.0       | 52.5%
    siren             | 91          3         | 0.0%        0.0         0.0       | 51.6%
    street_music      | 100         0         | nan%        nan         0.0       | 50.0%

Using soundata with tensorflow

The following is a simple example of a generator that can be used to create a tensorflow Dataset.

soundata with example

import soundata
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

def data_generator(dataset_name):
    # using the default data_home
    dataset = soundata.initialize(dataset_name)
    ids = dataset.clip_ids()
    for clip_id in ids:
        clip = dataset.clip(clip_id)
        audio_signal, sample_rate =
        yield {
            "audio": audio_signal.astype(np.float32),
            "sample_rate": sample_rate,
            "label": clip.tags.labels[0],
            "metadata": {"clip_id": clip.clip_id, "fold": clip.fold}

dataset =
        "audio": tf.float32,
        "sample_rate": tf.float32,
        "label": tf.string,
        "metadata": {'clip_id': tf.string, 'fold': tf.string}

In future soundata versions, generators for Tensorflow and PyTorch will be included out-of-the-box.