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Source Bridge SDK

‼️ This SDK is still in beta, and may change significantly before its public release.

The Source Bridge library is a required dependency for customer-built 'frame' plugins that run within the main Source Health web UI.

This SDK is written in TypeScript and compiled to ES6.

Getting Started

Getting started with Source Bridge is easy. First, install the package via NPM:

yarn add @source-health/bridge # or npm install @source-health/bridge

Then, import the SourceBridge API:

import { SourceBridge } from '@source-health/bridge'

Subscribe to context updates from the parent window. Note: after rendering for the first time, your application must call SourceBridge.ready() in order to clear the loading state and display the plugin.

await SourceBridge.onContextUpdate(async (context) => {
  // Handle the context, set and render your application
  await doSomeStuff(context.member)

  // Call ready() to clear the loading state for the plugin

And, finally, kick off the handshake with the parent window (which will lead to the context callback being run):

await SourceBridge.init()

The SourceBridge client will keep a refreshed application token available. At any point after the initial context update is received (including inside the onContextUpdate callback), you can obtain a valid token by calling:

const { token, expiresAt } = await SourceBridge.currentToken()

These tokens expire within a few minutes. When you need a token (e.g. to inject an Authorization header into a request you are making to your backend), you should call currentToken().

Plugin Developer Documentation

Early access developer documentation for plugin development is available for invited developers and will be be published publicly when the feature is generally available. In the meantime, an example plugin is available at source-health/source-demo-frame-plugin.


We have some minimal jest unit tests, these can be run with:

yarn test

Because this library is fundamentally about communicating between a parent window and a child window, we also have a browser-based (Playwright) end-to-end test capability using some static html and scripts adapted from the demo plugin. The tests and config for this are under ./e2e, including a separate webpack build with webpack-dev-server for bundling the test code and serving the html.

To run the E2E tests:

yarn e2e


SDK for building applications on the Source platform.






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