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Microservice that provides functionality to maintain feature flags at various levels. Initial support for system level, tenant level and user level is provided.

Working and Flow

This service provides CRUD APIs to insert values into the feature-toggle specific data tables that can be read while making the decision if a particular feature is allowed or not to the user. This feature is an extension of the feature-toggle package -- @sourceloop/feature-toggle that provides a method level decorator which will check if that particular API is accessible or not.

Initial implementation for system level, tenant level and user level feature flag is provided.


npm i @sourceloop/feature-toggle-service


  • Create a new Loopback4 Application (If you don't have one already) lb4 testapp
  • Install the service - npm i @sourceloop/feature-toggle-service
  • Set up the environment variables
  • Run the migrations. (this will create respective tables in your Database)
  • Add the FeatureToggleServiceComponent to your Loopback4 Application (in application.ts).
    // import the FeatureToggleServiceComponent
    import {FeatureToggleServiceComponent} from '@sourceloop/feature-toggle-service';
    // add controllers to your application (optional)
      bindControllers: true,
      useCustomSequence: false,
    // add Component for FeatureToggleService
  • Set up a Loopback4 Datasource with dataSourceName property set to FeatureToggleDbName. You can see an example datasource here.
  • Start the application npm start

Environment Variables

Name Required Default Value Description
NODE_ENV Y Node environment value, i.e. dev, test, prod
LOG_LEVEL Y Log level value, i.e. error, warn, info, verbose, debug
DB_HOST Y Hostname for the database server.
DB_PORT Y Port for the database server.
DB_USER Y User for the database.
DB_PASSWORD Y Password for the database user.
DB_DATABASE Y Database to connect to on the database server.
DB_SCHEMA Y Database schema used for the data source. In PostgreSQL, this will be public unless a schema is made explicitly for the service.
JWT_SECRET Y Symmetric signing key of the JWT token.
JWT_ISSUER Y Issuer of the JWT token.

Setting up a DataSource

Here is a sample Implementation DataSource implementation using environment variables and PostgreSQL as the data source.

import {inject, lifeCycleObserver, LifeCycleObserver} from '@loopback/core';
import {juggler} from '@loopback/repository';
import {FeatureToggleDbName} from '@sourceloop/feature-toggle-service';

const config = {
  name: FeatureToggleDbName,
  connector: 'postgresql',
  url: '',
  host: process.env.DB_HOST,
  port: process.env.DB_PORT,
  user: process.env.DB_USER,
  password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
  database: process.env.DB_DATABASE,
  schema: process.env.DB_SCHEMA,

export class FeatureToggleDbDataSource
  extends juggler.DataSource
  implements LifeCycleObserver
  static dataSourceName = FeatureToggleDbName;
  static readonly defaultConfig = config;

    @inject('datasources.config.feature', {optional: true})
    dsConfig: object = config,
  ) {


The migrations required for this service are processed during the installation automatically if you set the FEATURETOGGLE_MIGRATION or SOURCELOOP_MIGRATION env variable. The migrations use db-migrate with db-migrate-pg driver for migrations, so you will have to install these packages to use auto-migration. Please note that if you are using some pre-existing migrations or database, they may be effected. In such scenario, it is advised that you copy the migration files in your project root, using the FEATURETOGGLE_MIGRATION_COPY or SOURCELOOP_MIGRATION_COPY env variables. You can customize or cherry-pick the migrations in the copied files according to your specific requirements and then apply them to the DB.

Additionally, there is now an option to choose between SQL migration or PostgreSQL migration. NOTE : For @sourceloop/cli users, this choice can be specified during the scaffolding process by selecting the "type of datasource" option.

API Documentation

Common Headers

Authorization: Bearer where is a JWT token signed using JWT issuer and secret. Content-Type: application/json in the response and in request if the API method is NOT GET

Common Request path Parameters

{version}: Defines the API Version

Common Responses

200: Successful Response. Response body varies w.r.t API 401: Unauthorized: The JWT token is missing or invalid 403: Forbidden : Not allowed to execute the concerned API 404: Entity Not Found 400: Bad Request (Error message varies w.r.t API) 201: No content: Empty Response

API Details

Visit the OpenAPI spec docs