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File metadata and controls

76 lines (61 loc) · 2.95 KB

Resource: add_to_list


Action Description
edit Add an item to a list


Properties Description Type Values and Default
path File to update String Required, no default
pattern Regular expression to select lines Regular expression or String Required, no default
delim Delimiter entries Array Array of 1, 2 or 3 multi-character elements
entry Value to add String Required, No default
ends_with List ending String No default
ignore_missing Don't fail if the file is missing true or false Default is true
eol Alternate line end characters String default \n on unix, \r\n on windows
backup Backup before changing Boolean, Integer default false

Example Usage

add_to_list "add entry to a list" do
  path "/some/file"
  pattern "People to call: "
  delim [","]
  entry "Bobby"


If one delimiter is given, it is assumed that either the delimiter or the given search pattern will proceed each entry and each entry will be followed by either the delimiter or a new line character.

Input -      People to call: Joe, Bobby
Delimeters - delim [","]
Add this -   entry 'Karen'
Output -     People to call: Joe, Bobby, Karen

If two delimiters are given, the first is used as the list element delimiter and the second as entry delimiters.

Input -      net1918 = "", ""
Delimeters - delim [", ", "\""]
Add this -   entry ""
Output -     net1918 = "", "", ""

If three delimiters are given, the first is used as the list element delimiter, the second as the leading entry delimiter and the third as the trailing delimiter.

Input -      multi = ([310], [818])
Delimeters - delim [", ", "[", "]"]
Add this -   entry "425"
Output -     multi = ([310], [818], [425])

ends_with is an optional property. If specified, a list is expected to end with the given string. This property is useful for inserting into an empty delimited list.

Input -      multi = "()"
Delimeters - delim [", ", "[", "]"]
Ends With -  ')"'
Pattern -    'multi = "'
Add this -   entry "425"
Output -     multi = "([425])"