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gform-data-generator is a Node.js script used to automatically generate large quantities of pseudo-random Google Form answers and export them into CSV files. This script uses Faker.js to generate large amounts of realistic fake free text answers.

The generated CSV files strictly follow the strctures of the ones generated by Google Forms when you export your form's answers.


In order to use this tool, you must have to create a JSON file that represents your Google Form (the questions, the different answer options, etc.). Please refer the How to Use section to learn more about the forms JSON format. It is possible to generate answers for multiple forms by simply using different JSON files at once. After placing the JSON files in the forms directory, and running the script, it will generate one CSV file per JSON form containing the generated answers inside de output directory.

In the JSON form description, each answer option contains an answer probability, indicating the probability that this answer will be chosen over another during the random answer generation. This way, it is possible to specifiy answer tendancies, that will be more or less reflected in the final result according to the amount of answers generated. The more answers are generated, the more likely it is that the answer options distribution will match the given probabilities.


In order to use this tool, you must have Node.js installed on your computer. After downloading this repository, install the required dependencies by running the following command at the root of the repository :

npm install

How to Use

Create Your JSON Jorm File

In order for the script to generate answers for your form, you need to describe it in a JSON file. A JSON Schema (Draft #7) is available in the schemas directory to help you validate your JSON file. Please refer to the Form JSON Schema Description subsection for a detailed description of the JSON format for the forms.

Run the script

Once your JSON files are created, place them in the forms directory at the root of the repository. You can then run the script by running the following command at the root of the repository :

npm start

The script will first validate your JSON files, and display you the validation errors if there are some. If your files are valid, the script will generate one CSV file per form in the output directory containing the generated answers for your form.

Form JSON Schema Description

The root of your JSON file should have the following properties :

property type required description
title string ✔️ The title of your form. This will also be the name of the generate CSV file containing the answers to your form.
locale string ✔️ The language of your form. This is the locale given to Faker.js when generating the free text answers. Therefore, the only values accepted are the locale values available in the Faker.js library. Please checkout their repository for more details.
dateMin number ✔️ Milliseconds timstamp indicating the minimum value (included) for the generated answer timestamps. Has to be <= dateMax.
dateMax number ✔️ Milliseconds timstamp indicating the maximum value (included) for the generated answer timestamps. Has to be >= dateMin.
answerCount number ✔️ The number of answers to generate. Has to be >= 0.
questions array ✔️ The questions of your form. Please refer to the table below for more information.

Questions JSON Schema Summary

The questions objects contained in the questions property of your form must have the following properties :

property type required description
title string ✔️ The title of your question as it is displayed in your form.
type string ✔️ The type the question. The available values are : FREE_TEXT, MULTIPLE_CHOICE, CHECKBOXES, DATE, TIME, MULTIPLE_CHOICE_GRID and CHECKBOX_GRID. Please refer to the following subsections for more details on each type of questions.
required boolean ✔️ Indicates if the question is required or if it can be skipped.

Free Text Questions

Google Form free text question screenshot

The questions marked with the type FREE_TEXT correspond to the Short Answer and Long Answer categories in Google Form. The answers for this type of answers are generated using the Faker.fake() interpolation method.

In addition to the properties described in the previous subsection, the FREE_TEXT questions must have the following extra properties :

property type required description
answerModel string ✔️ The interpolation string value passed to the Faker.fake() call. The interpolation values given must be valid Faker.js calls. Please refer to the Faker.js repository for more details.
noAnswerProbability number Required if required = false. The probability (between 0 and 1) that this question will be skipped (not answered) during the answer generation. This value is ignored if the question is required.

Multiple Choice & Checkboxes Questions

Google Form multiple choice question screenshot

Google Form checkboxes question screenshot

The questions marked with the type MULTIPLE_CHOICE or CHECKBOXES correspond respectively to the multiple choice and checkboxes questions categories in Google Form. For each answer option, you can specify the probability (between 0 and 1) that this answer will be chosen instead of the others. The sum of all probabilities have to be equal to 1.

⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTE : When dressing your answer options distributions, do no not forget to take into account the noAnswerProbability if the question is not required ! If the question if not required, the actual probability that an answer option will be selected is (1 - noAnswerProbability) * probability. For example :

Answer Option Probability Actual probability that this option will be selected
No Answer 0.1 0.1
A 0.6 (1 - 0.1) * 0.6 = 0.54
B 0.4 (1 - 0.1) * 0.4 = 0.36

In addition to the properties described in the Questions JSON Schema Summary subsection, the MULTIPLE_CHOICE and CHECKBOXES questions must have the following extra properties :

property type required description
answerOptions array The array representing the different answer options available. See the table below for more information.
noAnswerProbability number Required if required = false. The probability (between 0 and 1) that this question will be skipped (not answered) during the answer generation. This value is ignored if the question is required.

Each answer option must have the following properties :

property type required description
type string The type of answer option. The available values are :
- FIXED for an answer with a fixed value
- OTHER for the free text option. The answers for this type of answer options are generated using the Faker.fake() interpolation method.
probability number The probability, between 0 and 1, that this answer will be selected instead of others. It has to be a number between 0 and 1 included and the sum of the probabilities of all the answer options in the question must be equal to 1.
value string Required if type = "FIXED". The value of the answer option.
answerModel string Required if type = "OTHER". The interpolation string value passed to the Faker.fake() call. The interpolation values given must be valid Faker.js calls. Please refer to the Faker.js repository for more details.

Date Questions

Google Form date question screenshot

The questions marked with the type DATE correspond to the date questions category in Google Form. You have to specify a minimum and a maximum value for the date. The generated answers will be approximately uniformely distributed between these two values.

In addition to the properties described in the Questions JSON Schema Summary subsection, the DATE questions must have the following extra properties :

property type required description
min number Milliseconds timstamp indicating the minimum value (included) for the generated answer. Has to be <= max.
max number Milliseconds timstamp indicating the maximum value (included) for the generated answer. Has to be >= min.
withYear boolean Indicates whether or not the year also have to be specified in the answer (this is a Google Form option).
withTime boolean Indicates whether or not the time also have to be specified in the answer (this is a Google Form option).
noAnswerProbability number Required if required = false. The probability (between 0 and 1) that this question will be skipped (not answered) during the answer generation. This value is ignored if the question is required.

Time Questions

Google Form time question screenshot

The questions marked with the type TIME correspond to the date and duration questions categories in Google Form. You have to specify a minimum and a maximum value for the date. The generated answers will be approximately uniformely distributed between these two values.

In addition to the properties described in the Questions JSON Schema Summary subsection, the TIME questions must have the following extra properties :

property type required description
min string String in the HH:MM:SS format indicating the minimum value (included) for the generated answer. Has to be <= max and as specified by Google Form, it has to be between 00:00:00 and 72:59:59.
max string String in the HH:MM:SS format indicating the maximum value (included) for the generated answer. Has to be >= min and as specified by Google Form, it has to be between 00:00:00 and 72:59:59.
noAnswerProbability number Required if required = false. The probability (between 0 and 1) that this question will be skipped (not answered) during the answer generation. This value is ignored if the question is required.

Multiple Choice Grid & Checkbox Grid Questions

Google Form multiple choice grid question screenshot

Google Form checkbox grid question screenshot

The questions marked with the type MULTIPLE_CHOICE_GRID or CHECKBOX_GRID correspond respectively to the multiple choice grid and checkbox grid question categories in Google Form. For each line, you can specify a probability array (between 0 and 1) that indicates the probability of each column to be selected. The sum of all probabilities of the array have to be equal to 1.

⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTE : When dressing your answer options distributions, do no not forget to take into account the noAnswerProbability if the question is not required ! Please refer to the Multiple Choice & Checkboxes Questions subsection for more information.

In addition to the properties described in the Questions JSON Schema Summary subsection, the MULTIPLE_CHOICE_GRID and CHECKBOX_GRID questions must have the following extra properties :

property type required description
columns array Array of strings representing the title of the available columns of the question.
lines array Array of objects representing the lines of the grid. Please refer to the following table for more information.

Each line in the grid lines array must have the following properties :

property type required description
title string The title of the line.
probabilityGrid array Array of numbers between 0 and 1 indicating the probability for each column to be selected in this line. The sum of all probabilities of the array have to be equal to 1.
noAnswerProbability number Required if the parent question has required = false. The probability (between 0 and 1) that this line will be skipped (not answered) during the answer generation. This value is ignored if the parent question is required.


A tool used to generate fake Google Form answers.







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