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174 lines (124 loc) · 5.22 KB


File metadata and controls

174 lines (124 loc) · 5.22 KB



Parameters are values which can easily be changed without having to reload the rules. Values will be picked up during runtime as soon as they get edited in the corresponding file. If the file doesn't exist yet it will automatically be generated in the configured param folder. Parameters are perfect for boundaries (e.g. if value is below param switch something on). Currently there are is :class:`~HABApp.parameters.Parameter` and :class:`~HABApp.parameters.DictParameter` available.

.. exec_code::

    # ------------ hide: start ------------
    from HABApp.parameters.parameters import _PARAMETERS
    _PARAMETERS['param_file_testrule'] = {'min_value': 10, 'Rule A': {'subkey1': {'subkey2': ['a', 'b', 'c']}}}

    from rule_runner import SimpleRuleRunner
    runner = SimpleRuleRunner()
    # ------------ hide: stop -------------

    from HABApp import Rule, Parameter
    from import ValueChangeEventFilter

    class MyRuleWithParameters(Rule):
        def __init__(self):

            # construct parameter once, default_value can be anything
            self.min_value = Parameter( 'param_file_testrule', 'min_value', default_value=10)

            # deeper structuring is possible through specifying multiple keys
            self.min_value_nested = Parameter(
                'Rule A', 'subkey1', 'subkey2',
                default_value=['a', 'b', 'c'] # defaults can also be dicts or lists

            self.listen_event('test_item', self.on_change_event, ValueChangeEventFilter())

        def on_change_event(self, event):

            # the parameter can be used like a normal variable, comparison works as expected
            if self.min_value < event.value:

            # The current value can be accessed through the value-property, but don't cache it!
            current_value = self.min_value.value


    # ------------ hide: start ------------
    import HABApp
    HABApp.core.EventBus.post_event('test_watch','test_item', 5, 6))
    # ------------ hide: stop -------------

Created file:

min_value: 10
Rule A:
            - a
            - b
            - c

Changes in the file will be automatically picked up through :class:`~HABApp.parameters.Parameter`.


Since parameters used to provide flexible configuration for automation classes they can get quite complex and error prone. Thus it is possible to provide a validator for a file which will check the files for constraints, missing keys etc. when the file is loaded.

.. autofunction:: HABApp.parameters.set_file_validator


.. exec_code::

    # ------------ hide: start ------------
    from pathlib import Path

    import HABApp
    from HABApp.core.files.folders import add_folder
    from HABApp.parameters.parameters import _PARAMETERS
    from HABApp.parameters.parameter_files import PARAM_PREFIX

    add_folder(PARAM_PREFIX, Path('/params'), 0)
    _PARAMETERS['param_file_testrule'] = {'min_value': 10, 'Rule A': {'subkey1': {'subkey2': ['a', 'b', 'c']}}}
    # ------------ hide: stop -------------
    import HABApp
    import voluptuous

    # Validator can even and should be specified before loading rules

    # allows a dict e.g. { 'key1': {'key2': '5}}
    HABApp.parameters.set_file_validator('file1', {str: {str: int}})

    # More complex example with an optional key:
    validator = {
        'Test': int,
        'Key': {
            'mandatory_key': str,
            voluptuous.Optional('optional'): int
    HABApp.parameters.set_file_validator('file1', validator)

Create rules from Parameters

Parameteres are not bound to rule instance and thus work everywhere in the rule file. It is possible to dynamically create rules from the contents of the parameter file.

It's even possible to automatically reload rules if the parameter file has changed: Just add the "reloads on" entry to the file.

   v: 10
   v: 12
.. exec_code::
    :caption: rule

    # ------------ hide: start ------------
    from HABApp.parameters.parameters import _PARAMETERS
    _PARAMETERS['my_param'] = {'key1': {'v': 10}, 'key2': {'v': 12}}

    from rule_runner import SimpleRuleRunner
    runner = SimpleRuleRunner()
    # ------------ hide: stop -------------
    import HABApp

    class MyRule(HABApp.Rule):
        def __init__(self, k, v):

            print(f'{k}: {v}')

    cfg = HABApp.DictParameter('my_param')    # this will get the file content
    for k, v in cfg.items():
        MyRule(k, v)
    # ------------ hide: start ------------
    # ------------ hide: stop -------------

Parameter classes

.. autoclass:: HABApp.parameters.Parameter

.. autoclass:: HABApp.parameters.DictParameter