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File metadata and controls

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Importing Data Into Specviz

By design, Specviz only supports data that can be parsed as :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D` objects, as that allows the Python-level interface and parsing tools to be defined in specutils instead of being duplicated in Jdaviz. :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D` objects are very flexible in their capabilities, however, and hence should address most astronomical spectrum use cases.

.. seealso::

    `Reading from a File <>`_
        Specutils documentation on loading data as :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D` objects.

Importing data through the Command Line

You can load your data into the Specviz application through the command line:

jdaviz specviz /my/directory/spectrum.fits

Importing data through the GUI

You can load your data into the Specviz application by clicking the :guilabel:`Import Data` button at the top left of the application's user interface. This opens a dialogue where the user can select a file that can be parsed as a :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`.

After clicking :guilabel:`Import`, the data file will be parsed and loaded into the application. A notification will appear to let users know if the data import was successful. Afterward, the new data set can be found in the :guilabel:`Data` tab of each viewer's options menu as described in :ref:`cubeviz-selecting-data`.

Importing data via the API

Alternatively, users who work in a coding environment like a Jupyter notebook can access the Specviz helper class API. Using this API, users can load data into the application through code with the :py:meth:`~jdaviz.configs.specviz.helper.Specviz.load_spectrum` method, which takes as input a :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D` object.

FITS Files

The example below loads a FITS file into Specviz:

from specutils import Spectrum1D
spec1d ="/path/to/data/file")
specviz = Specviz()
specviz.load_spectrum(spec1d, data_label="my_spec")

You can also pass the path to a file that ~specutils.Spectrum1D understands directly to the :py:meth:`~jdaviz.configs.specviz.helper.Specviz.load_spectrum` method:


Creating Your Own Array

You can create your own array to load into Specviz:

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from specutils import Spectrum1D
from jdaviz import Specviz

flux = np.random.randn(200) * u.Jy
wavelength = np.arange(5100, 5300) * u.AA
spec1d = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=wavelength, flux=flux)
specviz = Specviz()
specviz.load_spectrum(spec1d, data_label="my_spec")

JWST datamodels

If you have a jwst.datamodels object, you can load it into Specviz as follows:

from specutils import Spectrum1D
from jdaviz import Specviz

# mydatamodel is a jwst.datamodels.MultiSpecModel object
a = mydatamodel.spec[0]
flux = a.spec_table['FLUX']
wave = a.spec_table['WAVELENGTH']

spec1d = Spectrum1D(flux=flux, spectral_axis=wave)
specviz = Specviz()
specviz.load_spectrum(spec1d, data_label="MultiSpecModel")

There is no plan to natively load such objects until datamodels is separated from the jwst pipeline package.

Importing a SpectrumList

The :py:meth:`~jdaviz.configs.specviz.helper.Specviz.load_spectrum` also accepts a ~specutils.SpectrumList object, in which case it will both load the individual ~specutils.Spectrum1D objects in the list and additionally attempt to stitch together the spectra into a single data object so that they can be manipulated and analyzed in the application as a single entity:

from specutils import SpectrumList
spec_list = SpectrumList([spec1d_1, spec1d_2])

In the screenshot below, the combined spectrum is plotted in gray, and one of the single component spectra are also selected and plotted in red. Note that the "stitching" algorithm to combine the spectra is a simple concatenation of data, so in areas where the wavelength ranges of component spectra overlap you may see the line plot jumping between points of the two spectra, as at the beginning and end of the red region in the screenshot below:


This functionality is also available in limited instances by providing a directory path to the :py:meth:`~jdaviz.configs.specviz.helper.Specviz.load_spectrum` method. Note that the read method of :class:`~specutils.SpectrumList` is only set up to handle directory input in limited cases, for example JWST MIRI MRS data, and will throw an error in other cases. In cases that it does work, only files in the directory level specified will be read, with no recursion into deeper folders.