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Challenge: Creating a Sorting Algorithm Visualisor Without GUI Experience - The Noob's Journey


Wanted to test if I could create an app Peacefully using AI (ChatGPT, Bard, Bing) to gain insights about the future.

How To Install

  • Simply install the executable.
  • Alternatively, download the repository, compile it yourself, and follow these steps:
    1. Unzip and enter the directory.
    2. Download Python 3.12.0.
    3. After installation, execute the following:
    python -m venv .venv
    pip uninstall pathlib
    pip install pyinstaller
    python -m pytinstaller



A straightforward app where you enter five numbers under ten in a text box. Submit it to check its correctness. Then select the algorithm type to execute and begin visualization.


For video: Navigate to the Media Files Folder.



  • Used existing Sorting Algorithms from GitHub (initially planned to use those provided by WilliamFiset).
  • Attempted a Java-based module for GUI with moving bars displaying sorting algorithms.

What Happened

  • Bard's Guidance: The journey commenced with Bard's advice, suggesting libraries that felt like a maze of complexity. Despite the uphill battle, delving into these libraries was a learning experience in itself, navigating through a sea of documentation and challenges.
    • D3 Experiment: Initially, the D3 module seemed like the golden ticket, only to spring a surprise – it churned out a web app while I fervently craved a GUI. The frustration was palpable!
      • Shift to Python: With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to the Java to Python API concept, as the search yielded a disappointing outcome. Cue dramatic sighs and a hint of exasperation.
    • New Approach: A glimmer of hope emerged as I stumbled upon a Python-based forked repo – a saving grace amidst the turbulent seas of trial and error.
    • Module Trials:
      1. PyPlot: The initial excitement was met with a shortfall in the animation department. The disappointment was crushing.
      2. Altair: Bard spoke highly of its SHIFT feature, but alas, it failed to harmonize with my animation aspirations. A twist in the plot, yet again!
      3. Matplotlib & Turtle: Playing the field between Matplotlib and Turtle, eventually, my heart was won over by Turtle's charm. Embracing Tkinter despite its tumultuous journey through errors and trials. A rollercoaster ride of frustration and determination.
        • Tkinter-Turtle Drama: Attempting the integration was akin to an emotional rollercoaster, swinging between frustration and the occasional burst of laughter amidst the chaotic coding adventure. Laughter, indeed, to cope with the challenging moments!


  • Relying solely on AI for app creation was tough; learning and self-planning are key.
  • AI tools complement rather than replace developers; future needs might evolve.
  • Better understanding of documentation before AI reliance saves time.
  • AI utilization: Apply critical thinking and modify based on documentation understanding.


  1. Python Algorithms
  2. Executable file


Tkinter GUI App that visualises Sorting Algorithms






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