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File metadata and controls

106 lines (78 loc) · 3.61 KB


The Makefile contains a few commands for development tasks such as running tests, checking formatting or installing the package.

For example, the following command would install the package and run tests:

VENV_PATH='' make install test

If you would like to create a virtual environment and install to it, remove VENV_PATH='' from the above command.

Specific Package Versions

The DACE_VERSION and TORCH_VERSION variables can be used to install specific versions of those packages over the recommended ones. For example, you can use a local dace repository using:

DACE_VERSION='-e /path/to/dace/' make clean install

Makefile Targets

The CI runs several tests using the Makefile:

make test, make test-parallel & make test-gpu

Run pytest on the tests/ directory. CPU tests can be run in parallel using the test-parallel target.

make doctest

Run doctests; this executes the code samples in the documentation and docstrings.

make doc

Build the documentation.

make check-formatting

This runs the formatting checks. The DaCeML codebase is formatted using yapf.

make format

Interactively (with confirmation) format the codebase.


DaCeML uses pytest to run tests. Tests can be parallelized using xdist by passing the arguments -n auto --dist loadfile.

Fixtures and Arguments

The pytest runner takes several custom arguments: --gpu, --gpu-only, --skip-cpu-blas.

There are also a few useful fixtures in use. For example the gpu fixture parameterizes the test to run twice, once with True and once with False. The fixture is written to interact correctly with the pytest arguments like --gpu.

There are some subtle, but hopefully intutitive interactions between the fixtures and the arguments. See to understand the expected behavior, and for their implementation.

Setting the default implementation

Nodes can be expanded to different implementations (See node_implementations). To control the default implementation that is used, tests can be decorated with the following two markers.


Use the ONNXRuntime expansion as default


Use the pure expansion as default when possible (falling back to ONNXRuntime)

If you provide the fixture (i.e., an argument to the test) with name default_implementation, then the test will be parameterized to test both implementations.

Useful Snippets

GPU Leak checker

Put this code in tests/

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import subprocess
import shlex

import torch
# initialize torch cuda context
a = torch.ones(1, 1).cuda()

def _get_gpu_mem_usage():
    result = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split("nvidia-smi -x -q"))
    usage_str = ET.fromstring(result).find("gpu").find("fb_memory_usage").find("used").text
    if not usage_str.endswith(" MiB"):
        raise RuntimeError("Couldn't parse nvidia-smi output")

    return int(usage_str[:-4])

def memory_printer():
    before = _get_gpu_mem_usage()
    log.debug(f"Usage before: {before}")
    after = _get_gpu_mem_usage()
    log.debug(f"Usage after: {after}, delta: {after - before}")
    assert after - before < 200