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Build Edge Artifacts
Build Edge Artifacts
Learn how to build Edge artifacts, such as the Edge Installer ISO and provider images using Spectro Cloud's CanvOS utility.

Palette's Edge solution requires Edge hosts to be ready with the required dependencies and user data configurations before deploying a Kubernetes cluster. An Edge host requires the following artifacts to prepare for successful cluster deployment:

  • Edge installer ISO image - This bootable ISO image installs the necessary dependencies and configurations on a bare host machine. During installation, the host machine will boot from the Edge installer ISO, partition the disk, copy the image content to the disk, install the Palette Edge host agent and metadata, and perform several configuration steps. These configuration steps include registering the host with Palette, setting user privileges, and configuring network or security settings.

  • Provider Images - These are Kairos-based images containing the OS and the desired Kubernetes versions. These images install an immutable Operating System (OS) and software dependencies compatible with a specific Kubernetes version at runtime, i.e., during the cluster deployment. A provider image is used in the OS and the Kubernetes layer when creating a cluster profile.

In this guide, you will use the utility, CanvOS, to build an Edge installer ISO image and provider images for all the Palette-supported Kubernetes versions. The utility builds multiple provider images, so you can use either one that matches the desired Kubernetes version you want to use with your cluster profile.

If you want to build the ISO image and the provider images individually, refer to Build Provider Images and Build Installer ISO.


CanvOS is a utility that helps you build Edge artifacts. CanvOS is part of the EdgeForge workflow.


The diagram below shows the high-level steps to building the Edge artifacts and pushing the provider images to an image registry.

Overarching diagram showing the workflow in the current guide.

This guide presents two workflows - Basic and Advanced.

The basic workflow has minimal customizations and offers a quick start to build Edge artifacts. This workflow builds an Ubuntu based Edge installer ISO and provider images. You will also push the provider images to the default image registry,

The advanced workflow uses more customization options. This workflow builds an openSUSE based Edge installer ISO and provider images. You will push the provider images to your Docker Hub image registry.

You can follow either of the workflows below that suits your use case.


To complete this basic guide, you will need the following items:

  • A physical or virtual Linux machine with AMD64 (also known as x86_64) processor architecture to build the Edge artifacts. You can issue the following command in the terminal to check your processor architecture.

    uname -m
  • Minimum hardware configuration of the Linux machine:

    • 4 CPU
    • 8 GB memory
    • 50 GB storage
  • Git. You can ensure git installation by issuing the git --version command.

  • Docker Engine version 18.09.x or later. You can use the docker --version command to view the existing Docker version. You should have root-level or sudo privileges on your Linux machine to create privileged containers.

  • A Spectro Cloud account. If you have not signed up, you can sign up for a free trial.

  • Palette registration token for pairing Edge hosts with Palette. You will need tenant admin access to Palette to generate a new registration token. For detailed instructions, refer to the Create Registration Token guide.


Use the following instructions on your Linux machine to create all the required Edge artifacts with minimal customization.

  1. Check out the CanvOS GitHub repository containing the starter code.

    git clone
  2. Change to the CanvOS/ directory.

    cd CanvOS
  3. View the available git tag.

    git tag
  4. Check out the newest available tag. This guide uses the tag v4.0.6 as an example.

    git checkout v4.0.6
  5. Review the files relevant for this guide.

    • .arg.template - A sample .arg file that defines arguments to use during the build process.
    • Dockerfile - Embeds the arguments and other configurations in the image.
    • Earthfile - Contains a series of commands to create target artifacts.
    • - Script to invoke the Earthfile, and generate target artifacts.
    • user-data.template - A sample user-data file.
  6. Issue the command below to assign an image tag value that will be used when creating the provider images. This guide uses the value palette-learn as an example. However, you can assign any lowercase and alphanumeric string to the CUSTOM_TAG argument.

    export CUSTOM_TAG=palette-learn
  7. Issue the command below to create the .arg file containing the custom tag. The remaining arguments in the .arg file will use the default values. For example, ubuntu is the default operating system, demo is the default tag, and is the default image registry. Refer to the existing .arg.template file in the current directory or the README to learn more about the available customizable arguments.


    The default image registry is free and does not require a sign-up. Images pushed to are ephemeral and will expire after the 24 hrs time limit. Should you need to use a different image registry, refer to the Advanced workflow on this page.


    Using the arguments defined in the .arg file, the final provider images you generate will have the following naming convention, [IMAGE_REGISTRY]/[IMAGE_REPO]:[CUSTOM_TAG]. For example, one of the provider images will be

    cat << EOF > .arg

    View the newly created file to ensure the customized arguments are set correctly.

    cat .arg
  8. Issue the command below to save your tenant registration token to an environment variable. Replace [your_token_here] with your actual registration token.

    export token=[your_token_here]
  9. Use the following command to create the user-data file containing the tenant registration token.

    cat <<EOF > user-data
         edgeHostToken: $token
       poweroff: true
       - name: "Core system setup"
               - admin
             passwd: kairos

    View the newly created user data file to ensure the token is set correctly.

    cat user-data
  10. The CanvOS utility uses Earthly to build the target artifacts. By default, images are created for all the Palette-supported Kubernetes versions. Comment out the versions you do not need in the file Earthfile to speed up the build process and save disk space.

    #    BUILD  +provider-image --K8S_VERSION=1.24.6
      BUILD  +provider-image --K8S_VERSION=1.25.2
      BUILD  +provider-image --K8S_VERSION=1.26.4
      BUILD  +provider-image --K8S_VERSION=1.27.2
  11. Issue the following command to start the build process.

    sudo ./ +build-all-images
    ===================== Earthly Build SUCCESS =====================
    Share your logs with an Earthly account (experimental)! Register for one at


    If you plan to build Edge artifacts using a content bundle, use the +build-provider-images option instead of the +build-all-images option in the command above. The command, sudo ./ +build-provider-images, will build the provider images but not the Edge installer ISO.


    This command may take up to 15-20 minutes to finish depending on the resources of the host machine. Upon completion, the command will display the manifest, as shown in the example below, that you will use in your cluster profile later in this tutorial. Note that the system.xxxxx attribute values in the manifest example are the same as what you defined earlier in the .arg file.

    Copy and save the output attributes in a notepad or clipboard to use later in your cluster profile.

          - image: "{{.spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.uri}}"
      # Below config is default value, please uncomment if you want to modify default values
      # drain:
      #cordon: true
      #timeout: 60 # The length of time to wait before giving up, zero means infinite
      #gracePeriod: 60 # Period of time in seconds given to each pod to terminate gracefully. If negative, the default value specified in the pod will be used
      #ignoreDaemonSets: true
      #deleteLocalData: true # Continue even if there are pods using emptyDir (local data that will be deleted when the node is drained)
      #force: true # Continue even if there are pods that do not declare a controller
      #disableEviction: false # Force drain to use delete, even if eviction is supported. This will bypass checking PodDisruptionBudgets, use with caution
      #skipWaitForDeleteTimeout: 60 # If pod DeletionTimestamp older than N seconds, skip waiting for the pod. Seconds must be greater than 0 to skip.
        "{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.registry }}/{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.repo }}:{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.k8sDistribution }}-{{ .spectro.system.kubernetes.version }}-{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.peVersion }}-{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.customTag }}"
      system.repo: ubuntu
      system.k8sDistribution: k3s
      system.osName: ubuntu
      system.peVersion: v4.0.6
      system.customTag: palette-learn
      system.osVersion: 22
  12. List the Docker images to review the provider images created. By default, provider images for all the Palette's Edge-supported Kubernetes versions are created. You can identify the provider images by reviewing the image tag value you used in the .arg file's CUSTOM_TAG argument.

    docker images --filter=reference='*/*:*palette-learn'
    REPOSITORY             TAG                                   IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE          k3s-1.27.2-v4.0.6-palette-learn       075134ad5d4b   10 minutes ago   4.11GB          k3s-1.25.2-v4.0.6-palette-learn       02424d29fcac   10 minutes ago   4.09GB          k3s-1.26.4-v4.0.6-palette-learn       4e373ddfb53f   10 minutes ago   4.11GB
  13. To use the provider images in your cluster profile, push them to the image registry mentioned in the .arg file. The current example uses the image registry. This image registry is free to use and does not require a sign-up. Images pushed to are ephemeral and will expire after the 24 hrs time limit. Use the following commands to push the provider images to the image registry.

    docker push
    docker push
    docker push


    As a reminder, is a short-lived image registry. If you do not use these provider images in your cluster profile within 24 hours of pushing to, they will expire and must be re-pushed. Refer to the Advanced workflow in the current guide to learn how to use another registry, such as Docker Hub, and tag the docker images accordingly.


  14. After pushing the provider images to the image registry, open a web browser and log in to Palette. Ensure you are in the Default project scope before creating a cluster profile.

  15. Navigate to the left Main Menu and select Profiles. Click on the Add Cluster Profile button, and fill out the required basic information fields to create a cluster profile for Edge.

  16. Add the following BYOS Edge OS pack to the OS layer in the Profile Layers section.

    Pack Type Registry Pack Name Pack Version
    OS Public Repo BYOS Edge OS 1.0.0
  17. Replace the cluster profile's BYOOS pack manifest with the following custom manifest so that the cluster profile can pull the provider image from the image registry.

    The system.xxxxx attribute values below refer to the arguments defined in the .arg file. If you modified the arguments in the .arg file, you must modify the attribute values below accordingly.

          - image: "{{.spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.uri}}"
      # Below config is default value, please uncomment if you want to modify default values
      # drain:
      #cordon: true
      #timeout: 60 # The length of time to wait before giving up, zero means infinite
      #gracePeriod: 60 # Period of time in seconds given to each pod to terminate gracefully. If negative, the default value specified in the pod will be used
      #ignoreDaemonSets: true
      #deleteLocalData: true # Continue even if there are pods using emptyDir (local data that will be deleted when the node is drained)
      #force: true # Continue even if there are pods that do not declare a controller
      #disableEviction: false # Force drain to use delete, even if eviction is supported. This will bypass checking PodDisruptionBudgets, use with caution
      #skipWaitForDeleteTimeout: 60 # If pod DeletionTimestamp older than N seconds, skip waiting for the pod. Seconds must be greater than 0 to skip.
        "{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.registry }}/{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.repo }}:{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.k8sDistribution }}-{{ .spectro.system.kubernetes.version }}-{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.peVersion }}-{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.customTag }}"
      system.repo: ubuntu
      system.k8sDistribution: k3s
      system.osName: ubuntu
      system.peVersion: v4.0.6
      system.customTag: palette-learn
      system.osVersion: 22

    The screenshot below displays how to reference a provider image in the BYOOS pack of your cluster profile.

    Screenshot of a sample cluster profile's OS layer


    The BYOOS pack's system.uri attribute references the Kubernetes version selected in the cluster profile by using the {{ .spectro.system.kubernetes.version }} macro. This is how the provider images you created and pushed to a registry are tied to the OS and Kubernetes version you selected in the .arg file.


  18. Add the following Palette Optimized K3s pack to the Kubernetes layer of your cluster profile. Select the k3s version 1.27.x because earlier in this how-to guide, you pushed a provider image compatible with k3s v1.27.2 to the image registry.

    Pack Type Registry Pack Name Pack Version
    Kubernetes Public Repo Palette Optimized k3s 1.27.x
  19. Add the network layer to your cluster profile, and choose a Container Network Interface (CNI) pack that best fits your needs, such as Calico, Flannel, Cilium, or Custom CNI. For example, you can add the following network layer. This step completes the core infrastructure layers in the cluster profile.

    Pack Type Registry Pack Name Pack Version
    Network Public Repo Calico 3.25.x
  20. Add add-on layers and manifests to your cluster profile per your requirements.

  21. If there are no errors or compatibility issues, Palette displays the newly created complete cluster profile for review. Verify the layers you added, and finish creating the cluster profile.


List the Edge installer ISO image and checksum by issuing the following command from the CanvOS/ directory.

ls build/

You can validate the ISO image by creating a bootable USB flash drive using any third-party software and attempting to flash a bare host machine. Most software that creates a bootable USB drive will validate the ISO image. Here, the flash process means installing the necessary tools and configurations on a host machine.


To complete this advanced guide, you will need the following items:

  • A physical or virtual Linux machine with AMD64 (also known as x86_64) processor architecture to build the Edge artifacts. You can issue the following command in the terminal to check your processor architecture.

    uname -m
  • Minimum hardware configuration of the Linux machine:

    • 4 CPU
    • 8 GB memory
    • 50 GB storage
  • Git. You can ensure git installation by issuing the git --version command.

  • Docker Engine version 18.09.x or later. You can use the docker --version command to view the existing Docker version. You should have root-level or sudo privileges on your Linux machine to create privileged containers.

  • A Spectro Cloud account. If you have not signed up, you can sign up for a free trial.

  • Palette registration token for pairing Edge hosts with Palette. You will need tenant admin access to Palette to generate a new registration token. For detailed instructions, refer to the Create Registration Token guide.

  • An account with Docker Hub. If you do not have an account with Docker Hub already, refer to the Create an account page for signing-up instructions.


This guide uses Docker Hub as an example. You can use any other image registry that suit your requirements.


  • A public repository named opensuse-leap in your image registry. Refer to the Create a repository instructions for creating a Docker Hub repository and setting the repository's visibility to public.


Use the following instructions on your Linux machine to customize the arguments and Dockerfile and then create all the required Edge artifacts.

  1. Check out the CanvOS GitHub repository containing the starter code.
git clone
  1. Change to the CanvOS/ directory.
cd CanvOS
  1. View the available git tag.
git tag
  1. Check out the newest available tag. This guide uses v3.4.3 tag as an example.
git checkout v4.0.6
  1. Review the files relevant for this guide.

    • .arg.template - A sample .arg file that defines arguments to use during the build process.
    • Dockerfile - Embeds the arguments and other configurations in the image.
    • Earthfile - Contains a series of commands to create target artifacts.
    • - Script to invoke the Earthfile, and generate target artifacts.
    • user-data.template - A sample user-data file.
  2. Review the .arg file containing the customizable arguments, such as image tag, image registry, image repository, and OS distribution. The table below shows all arguments, their default value, and allowed values.

    Argument Description Default Value Allowed Values
    CUSTOM_TAG Tag for the provider images demo Lowercase alphanumeric string without spaces.
    IMAGE_REGISTRY Image registry name Your image registry hostname, without http or https
    OS_DISTRIBUTION OS Distribution ubuntu ubuntu, opensuse-leap
    IMAGE_REPO Image repository name.
    It is the same as the OS distribution.
    $OS_DISTRIBUTION Your image repository name.
    OS_VERSION OS version, only applies to Ubuntu 22 20, 22
    K8S_DISTRIBUTION Kubernetes Distribution k3s k3s, rke2, kubeadm
    ISO_NAME Name of the Installer ISO palette-edge-installer Lowercase alphanumeric string without spaces. The characters - and _ are allowed.
    ARCH Architecture of the image. amd64 amd64, arm64
    FIPS_ENABLED to generate FIPS compliant binaries trueorfalse false true, false
    HTTP_PROXY URL of the HTTP Proxy server. "" URL string
    HTTPS_PROXY URL of the HTTPS Proxy server. "" URL string
    NO_PROXY URLS that should be excluded from the proxy. "" Comma separated URL string
    PROXY_CERT_PATH Absolute path of the SSL Proxy certificate in PEM format. "" Absolute path string
    UPDATE_KERNEL Determines whether to upgrade the Kernel version to the latest from the upstream OS provider false true, false

    Next, you will customize these arguments to use during the build process.

  3. Issue the command below to assign an image tag value that will be used when creating the provider images. This guide uses the value palette-learn as an example. However, you can assign any lowercase and alphanumeric string to the CUSTOM_TAG argument.

    export CUSTOM_TAG=palette-learn
  4. Use the command below to save the Docker Hub image registry hostname in the IMAGE_REGISTRY argument. Before you execute the command, replace [DOCKER-ID] in the declaration below with your Docker ID. Your image registry hostname must comply with standard DNS rules and may not contain underscores.

  5. Issue the following command to use the openSUSE Leap OS distribution.

    export OS_DISTRIBUTION=opensuse-leap
  6. Issue the command below to create the .arg file containing the custom tag, Docker Hub image registry hostname, and openSUSE Leap OS distribution. The .arg file uses the default values for the remaining arguments. You can refer to the existing .arg.template file to learn more about the available customizable arguments.

    cat << EOF > .arg

    View the newly created file to ensure the customized arguments are set correctly.

    cat .arg


    Using the arguments defined in the .arg file, the final provider image name will have the following naming pattern, [IMAGE_REGISTRY]/[IMAGE_REPO]:[CUSTOM_TAG]. Ensure the final artifact name conforms to the Docker Hub image name syntax - [HOST]/[DOCKER-ID]/[REPOSITORY]:[TAG].


  7. Use the following command to append the WireGuard installation instructions to the Dockerfile. You can install more tools and dependencies and configure the image to meet your needs. Add your customizations below the line tagged with the Add any other image customizations here comment in the Dockerfile. Do not edit or add any lines before this tagged comment.

    echo 'RUN sudo zypper refresh && sudo zypper install --non-interactive wireguard-tools' >> Dockerfile

    View the newly created file to ensure the instruction to install WireGuard is appended correctly.

    cat Dockerfile


    Using the -y option with the sudo zypper install command is critical to successfully build the images. The default behavior for package installations is to prompt the user for permission to install the package. A user prompt will cause the image creation process to fail. This guidance applies to all dependencies you add through the Dockerfile.


  8. Issue the command below to save your tenant registration token to a local variable. Replace [your_token_here] with your actual registration token.

    export token=[your_token_here]
  9. Use the following command to create the user-data file containing the tenant registration token.

    cat << EOF > user-data
        edgeHostToken: $token
        projectName: stores
          key1: value1
          key2: value2
          key3: value3
        name: edge-randomid
                  type: static
                  type: dhcp
          - |
            ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE------
            ------END CERTIFICATE------
          - |
            ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE------
            ------END CERTIFICATE------
        username: bob
        password: ####
        insecure: false
      poweroff: true
      - name: kairos
        passwd: kairos


    If you need to pull images from a private image registry, you can supply the credentials for the registry in the user data file in the registryCredentials field or in the cluster profile. Credentials specified in user-data overwrites the credentials provided in the cluster profile. To learn how to provide credentials in cluster profiles, refer to Deploy Cluster with a Private Registry.


    View the newly created user data file to ensure the token is set correctly.

    cat user-data

    If you want further customization, check the existing user-data.template file, and refer to the Edge Configuration Stages and User Data Parameters documents to learn more.

  10. CanvOS utility uses Earthly to build the target artifacts. Issue the following command to start the build process.

    sudo ./ +build-all-images
    # Output condensed for readability
    ===================== Earthly Build SUCCESS =====================
    Share your logs with an Earthly account (experimental)! Register for one at


    If you plan to build Edge artifacts using a content bundle, use the +build-provider-images option instead of the +build-all-images option in the command above. The command, sudo ./ +build-provider-images, will build the provider images but not the Edge installer ISO.


    This command may take up to 15-20 minutes to finish depending on the resources of the host machine. Upon completion, the command will display the manifest, as shown in the example below, that you will use in your cluster profile later in this tutorial. Note that the system.xxxxx attribute values in the manifest example are the same as what you defined earlier in the .arg file.

    Copy and save the output attributes in a notepad or clipboard to use later in your cluster profile.

          - image: "{{.spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.uri}}"
      # Below config is default value, please uncomment if you want to modify default values
        #cordon: true
        #timeout: 60 # The length of time to wait before giving up, zero means infinite
        #gracePeriod: 60 # Period of time in seconds given to each pod to terminate gracefully. If negative, the default value specified in the pod will be used
        #ignoreDaemonSets: true
        #deleteLocalData: true # Continue even if there are pods using emptyDir (local data that will be deleted when the node is drained)
        #force: true # Continue even if there are pods that do not declare a controller
        #disableEviction: false # Force drain to use delete, even if eviction is supported. This will bypass checking PodDisruptionBudgets, use with caution
        #skipWaitForDeleteTimeout: 60 # If pod DeletionTimestamp older than N seconds, skip waiting for the pod. Seconds must be greater than 0 to skip.
      system.uri: "{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.registry }}/{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.repo }}:{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.k8sDistribution }}-{{ .spectro.system.kubernetes.version }}-{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.peVersion }}-{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.customTag }}"
      system.repo: opensuse-leap
      system.k8sDistribution: k3s
      system.osName: opensuse-leap
      system.peVersion: v4.0.6
      system.customTag: palette-learn
  11. List the Docker images to review the provider images created. By default, provider images for all the Palette's Edge-supported Kubernetes versions are created. You can identify the provider images by reviewing the image tag value you used in the .arg file's CUSTOM_TAG argument.

    docker images --filter=reference='*/*:*palette-learn'
    REPOSITORY                   TAG                               IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
    spectrocloud/opensuse-leap   k3s-1.27.2-v4.0.6-palette-learn   2427e3667b2f   24 minutes ago   2.22GB
    spectrocloud/opensuse-leap   k3s-1.26.6-v4.0.6-palette-learn   0f2efd533a33   24 minutes ago   2.22GB
    spectrocloud/opensuse-leap   k3s-1.25.2-v4.0.6-palette-learn   2427e3667b2f   24 minutes ago   2.22GB
  12. To use the provider images in your cluster profile, push them to your image registry mentioned in the .arg file. Issue the following command to log in to Docker Hub. Provide your Docker ID and password when prompted.

    docker login
    Login Succeeded
  13. Use the following commands to push the provider images to the Docker Hub image registry you specified. Replace the [DOCKER-ID] and version numbers in the command below with your Docker ID and respective Kubernetes versions that the utility created.

    docker push[DOCKER-ID]/opensuse-leap:k3s-1.27.2-v4.0.6-palette-learn
    docker push[DOCKER-ID]/opensuse-leap:k3s-1.26.6-v4.0.6-palette-learn
    docker push[DOCKER-ID]/opensuse-leap:k3s-1.25.2-v4.0.6-palette-learn
  14. After pushing the provider images to the image registry, open a web browser and log in to Palette. Ensure you are in the Default project scope before creating a cluster profile.

  15. Navigate to the left Main Menu and select Profiles. Click on the Add Cluster Profile button, and fill out the required basic information fields to create a cluster profile for Edge.

  16. Add the following BYOS Edge OS pack to the OS layer in the Profile Layers section.

    Pack Type Registry Pack Name Pack Version
    OS Public Repo BYOS Edge OS 1.0.0
  17. Replace the cluster profile's BYOOS pack manifest with the output that was provided to you earlier and that you copied.

    The system.xxxxx attribute values below refer to the arguments defined in the .arg file. If you modified the arguments in the .arg file, you must modify the attribute values below accordingly.

          - image: "{{.spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.uri}}"
      # Below config is default value, please uncomment if you want to modify default values
      #cordon: true
      #timeout: 60 # The length of time to wait before giving up, zero means infinite
      #gracePeriod: 60 # Period of time in seconds given to each pod to terminate gracefully. If negative, the default value specified in the pod will be used
      #ignoreDaemonSets: true
      #deleteLocalData: true # Continue even if there are pods using emptyDir (local data that will be deleted when the node is drained)
      #force: true # Continue even if there are pods that do not declare a controller
      #disableEviction: false # Force drain to use delete, even if eviction is supported. This will bypass checking PodDisruptionBudgets, use with caution
      #skipWaitForDeleteTimeout: 60 # If pod DeletionTimestamp older than N seconds, skip waiting for the pod. Seconds must be greater than 0 to skip.
        "{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.registry }}/{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.repo }}:{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.k8sDistribution }}-{{ .spectro.system.kubernetes.version }}-{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.peVersion }}-{{
        .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.customTag }}"
      system.repo: opensuse-leap
      system.k8sDistribution: k3s
      system.osName: opensuse-leap
      system.peVersion: v4.0.6
      system.customTag: palette-learn

    The screenshot below displays how to reference a provider image in the BYOOS pack of your cluster profile.

    Screenshot of a sample cluster profile's OS layer


    The BYOOS pack's system.uri attribute references the Kubernetes version selected in the cluster profile by using the {{ .spectro.system.kubernetes.version }} macro. This is how the provider images you created and pushed to a registry are tied to the OS and Kubernetes version you selected in the .arg file.


  18. Add the following Palette Optimized K3s pack to the Kubernetes layer of your cluster profile. Select the k3s version 1.27.x because earlier in this how-to guide, you pushed a provider image compatible with k3s v1.27.2 to the image registry.

    Pack Type Registry Pack Name Pack Version
    Kubernetes Public Repo Palette Optimized K3s 1.27.x
  19. Add the network layer to your cluster profile, and choose a Container Network Interface (CNI) pack that best fits your needs, such as Calico, Flannel, Cilium, or Custom CNI. For example, you can add the following network layer. This step completes the core infrastructure layers in the cluster profile.

    Pack Type Registry Pack Name Pack Version
    Network Public Repo Calico 3.25.x
  20. Add add-on layers and manifests to your cluster profile per your requirements.

  21. If there are no errors or compatibility issues, Palette displays the newly created complete cluster profile for review. Verify the layers you added, and finish creating the cluster profile.


List the Edge installer ISO image and checksum by issuing the following command from the CanvOS/ directory.

ls build/

You can validate the ISO image by creating a bootable USB flash drive using any third-party software and attempting to flash a bare host machine. Most software that creates a bootable USB drive will validate the ISO image. Here, the flash process means installing the necessary tools and configurations on a host machine.

Next Steps

After building the Edge artifacts and creating an Edge cluster profile, the next step is to use the Edge installer ISO image to prepare your Edge host. To learn more about utilizing Edge artifacts to prepare Edge hosts and deploy Palette-managed Edge clusters, we encourage you to check out the reference resources below.