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API Reference

SpiceClient(apiKey, url)

The top-level object that connects to

  • apiKey(string, required): API key to authenticate with the endpoint
  • url(string, optional): URL of the endpoint to use (default:
import { SpiceClient } from "@spiceai/spice";

const spiceClient = new SpiceClient('API_KEY');

SpiceClient Methods

query(queryText: string, onData: (partialData: Table) => void) => Table

  • queryText: (string, required): The SQL query to execute
  • onData: (callback, optional): The callback function that is used for handling streaming data.

query returns an Apache Arrow Table.

To get the data in JSON format, iterate over each row by calling toArray() on the table and call toJSON() on each row.

const table = await spiceClient.query("SELECT * from eth.recent_blocks LIMIT 10")
table.toArray().forEach((row) => {

Get all of the elements for a column by calling getChild(name: string) and then calling toJSON() on the result.

const table = await client.query(
  'SELECT number, base_fee_per_gas / 1e9 AS base_fee_per_gas_gwei FROM eth.recent_blocks limit 3'

let baseFeeGwei = tableResult.getChild("base_fee_per_gas_gwei");

getLatestPrices(pairs: string[]) => LatestPrices

  • pairs: (Array of string, required): The crypto/currency pairs, for example ["BTC-USD", "USD-ETH"].

getLatestPrices returns the latest prices for a list of asset pairs. getLatestPrices returns

LatestPrice {
  [pair: string]: {
    prices?: { [exchange: string]: string };
    minPrice?: string;
    maxPrice?: string;
    avePrice?: string;

Example API query

  let pairs = ["BTC-USD", "USD-ETH"]; 
  const price = await client.getLatestPrices([pairs]);
  pairs.forEach((v: string) => {
    price[v].prices.forEach((exchange: string) => {
      console.log("pair=" + v, "exchange=" + exchange, price[v].prices[exchange])

getPrices(pair: string[], startTime?: number, endTime?: number, granularity?: string) => HistoricalPrices

  • pairs: (Array of string, required): The crypto/currency pairs, for example ["BTC-USD", "USD-ETH"].
  • startTime: start time milliseconds since Unix Epoch
  • endTime: end time milliseconds since Unix Epoch
  • granularity: valid duration

getPrices returns prices for a list of asset pairs for a given period of time. getPrices returns

HistoricalPrices {
  [pair: string]: {
    timestamp: string;
    price: number;
    high?: number;
    low?: number;
    open?: number;
    close?: number;

Example API Query

const prices = await client.getPrices(
  new Date('2023-01-01').getTime() / 1000,
  new Date('2023-01-02').getTime() / 1000,

pairs.forEach((v: string) => {