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Objective function

The objective function of SpineOpt expresses the minimization of the total system costs associated with maintaining and operating the considered energy system.

$$\begin{aligned} & \min obj = {unit\_investment\_costs} + {connection\_investment\_costs} + {storage\_investment\_costs}\\\ & + {fixed\_om\_costs} + {variable\_om\_costs} + {fuel\_costs} + {start\_up\_costs} \\\ & + {shut\_down\_costs} + {res\_proc\_costs} \\\ & + {renewable\_curtailment\_costs} + {connection\_flow\_costs} + {taxes} + {objective\_penalties}\\\ \end{aligned}$$

Note that each cost term is reflected here as a separate variable that can be expressed mathematically by the equations below. All cost terms are weighted by the associated scenario and temporal block weights. To enhance readability and avoid writing a product of weights in every cost term, all weights are combined in a single weight parameter p^{weight}_{(...)}. As such, the indices associated with each weight parameter indicate which weights are included.

Unit investment costs

To take into account unit investments in the objective function, the parameter unit_investment_cost can be defined. For all tuples of (unit, scenario, timestep) in the set units_invested_available_indices for which this parameter is defined, an investment cost term is added to the objective function if a unit is invested in during the current optimization window. The total unit investment costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {unit\_investment\_costs} = \sum_{(u,s,t)} v^{units\_invested}_{(u, s, t)} \cdot p^{unit\_investment\_cost}_{(u,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(u,s,t)}\\\ \end{aligned}$$

Connection investment costs

To take into account connection investments in the objective function, the parameter connection_investment_cost can be defined. For all tuples of (connection, scenario, timestep) in the set connections_invested_available_indices for which this parameter is defined, an investment cost term is added to the objective function if a connection is invested in during the current optimization window. The total connection investment costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {connection\_investment\_costs} = \sum_{(conn,s,t)} v^{connections\_invested}_{(conn, s, t)} \cdot p^{connection\_investment\_cost}_{(conn,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(conn,s,t)} \\\ \end{aligned}$$

Storage investment costs

To take into account storage investments in the objective function, the parameter storage_investment_cost can be defined. For all tuples of (node, scenario, timestep) in the set storages_invested_available_indices for which this parameter is defined, an investment cost term is added to the objective function if a node storage is invested in during the current optimization window. The total storage investment costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {storage\_investment\_costs} = \sum_{(n,s,t)} v^{storages\_invested}_{(n, s, t)} \cdot p^{storage\_investment\_cost}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \\\ \end{aligned}$$

Fixed O&M costs

Fixed operation and maintenance costs associated with a specific unit can be accounted for by defining the parameters fom_cost and unit_capacity. For all tuples of (unit, {node,node_group}, direction) for which these parameters are defined, and for which tuples (unit, scenario, timestep) exist in the set units_on_indices, a fixed O&M cost term is added to the objective function. Note that, as the units_on_indices are used to retrieve the relevant time slices, the unit of the fom_cost parameter should be given per resolution of the units_on. The total fixed O&M costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {fixed\_om\_costs} = \sum_{(u,n,d,s,t)} \left( p^{number\_of\_units}_{(u,s,t)} + v^{units\_invested\_available}_{(u, s, t)} \right) \cdot p^{unit\_capacity}_{(u,n,d,s,t)} \cdot p^{fom\_cost}_{(u,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t\\\ \end{aligned}$$

Variable O&M costs

Variable operation and maintenance costs associated with a specific unit can be accounted for by defining the parameter (vom_cost). For all tuples of (unit, {node,node_group}, direction, scenario, timestep) in the set unit_flow_indices for which this parameter is defined, a variable O&M cost term is added to the objective function. As the parameter vom_cost is a dynamic parameter, the cost term is multiplied with the duration of each timestep. The total variable O&M costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {variable\_om\_costs} = \sum_{(u,n,d,s,t)} v^{unit\_flow}_{(u, n, d, s, t)} \cdot p^{vom\_cost}_{(u,n,d,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t\\\ \end{aligned}$$

Fuel costs

Fuel costs associated with a specific unit can be accounted for by defining the parameter fuel_cost. For all tuples of (unit, {node,node_group}, direction, scenario, timestep) in the set unit_flow_indices for which this parameter is defined, a fuel cost term is added to the objective function. As the parameter fuel_cost is a dynamic parameter, the cost term is multiplied with the duration of each timestep. The total fuel costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {fuel\_costs} = \sum_{(u,n,d,s,t)} v^{unit\_flow}_{(u, n, d, s, t)} \cdot p^{fuel\_cost}_{(u,n,d,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t\\\ \end{aligned}$$

Connection flow costs

To account for operational costs associated with flows over a specific connection, the connection_flow_cost parameter can be defined. For all tuples of (conn, {node,node_group}, direction, scenario, timestep) in the set connection_flow_indices for which this parameter is defined, a connection flow cost term is added to the objective function. The total connection flow costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {connection\_flow\_costs} = \sum_{(conn,n,d,s,t)} v^{connection\_flow }_{(conn, n, d, s, t)} \cdot p^{connection\_flow\_cost}_{(conn,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t\\\ \end{aligned}$$

Start up costs

Start up costs associated with a specific unit can be included by defining the start_up_cost parameter. For all tuples of (unit, scenario, timestep) in the set units_on_indices for which this parameter is defined, a start up cost term is added to the objective function. The total start up costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {start\_up\_costs} = \sum_{(u,s,t)} v^{units\_started\_up}_{(u, s, t)} \cdot p^{start\_up\_cost}_{(u,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(u,s,t)}\\\ \end{aligned}$$

Shut down costs

Shut down costs associated with a specific unit can be included by defining the shut_down_cost parameter. For all tuples of (unit, scenario, timestep) in the set units_on_indices for which this parameter is defined, a shut down cost term is added to the objective function. The total shut down costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {shut\_down\_costs} = \sum_{(u,s,t)} v^{units\_shut\_down}_{(u,s,t)} \cdot p^{start\_up\_cost}_{(u,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(u,s,t)}\\\ \end{aligned}$$

Reserve procurement costs

The procurement costs for reserves provided by a specific unit can be accounted for by defining the reserve_procurement_cost parameter. For all tuples of (unit, {node,node_group}, direction, scenario, timestep) in the set unit_flow_indices for which this parameter is defined, a reserve procurement cost term is added to the objective function. The total reserve procurement costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {res\_proc\_costs} = \sum_{(u,n,d,s,t)} v^{unit\_flow}_{(u, n, d, s, t)} \cdot p^{reserve\_procurement\_cost}_{(u,n,d,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t \cdot \left[p^{is\_reserve\_node}_{n}\right] \\\ \end{aligned}$$


$$[p] \vcentcolon = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } p \text{ is true;}\\\ 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases}$$

Renewable curtailment costs

The curtailment costs of renewable units can be accounted for by defining the parameters curtailment_cost and unit_capacity. For all tuples of (unit, {node,node_group}, direction) for which these parameters are defined, and for which tuples (unit, scenario, timestep_long) exist in the set units_on_indices, and for which tuples (unit, {node,node_group}, direction, scenario, timestep_short) exist in the set unit_flow_indices, a renewable curtailment cost term is added to the objective function. The total renewable curtailment costs can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {renewable\_curtailment\_costs} = \sum_{(u,n,d,s,t)} \left(v^{units\_available}_{(u, s, t)} \cdot p^{unit\_capacity}_{(u,n,d,s,t)} \cdot p^{unit\_conv\_cap\_to\_flow}_{(u,n,d,s,t)} - v^{unit\_flow}_{(u, n, d, s, t)} \right) \cdot p^{curtailment\_cost}_{(u,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t\\\ \end{aligned}$$


To account for taxes on certain commodity flows, the tax unit flow parameters (i.e., tax_net_unit_flow, tax_out_unit_flow and tax_in_unit_flow) can be defined. For all tuples of (unit, {node,node_group}, direction, scenario, timestep) in the set unit_flow_indices for which these parameters are defined, a tax term is added to the objective function. The total taxes can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} {taxes} = & \sum_{(u,n,s,t) } v^{unit\_flow}_{(u, n, to\_node, s, t)} \cdot p^{tax\_net\_unit\_flow}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t\\\ & - \sum_{(u,n,s,t)} v^{unit\_flow}_{(u, n, from\_node, s, t)} \cdot p^{tax\_net\_unit\_flow}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t\\\ & + \sum_{(u,n,s,t)} v^{unit\_flow}_{(u, n, from\_node, s, t)} \cdot p^{tax\_out\_unit\_flow}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t\\\ & + \sum_{(u,n,s,t)} v^{unit\_flow}_{(u, n, to\_node, s, t)} \cdot p^{tax\_in\_unit\_flow}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t\\\ \end{aligned}$$

Objective penalties

Penalty cost terms associated with the slack variables of a specific constraint can be accounted for by defining a node_slack_penalty parameter. For all tuples of ({node,node_group}, scenario, timestep) in the set node_slack_indices for which this parameter is defined, a penalty term is added to the objective function. The total objective penalties can be expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} & {objective\_penalties} = \sum_{(n,s,t)} \left(v^{node\_slack\_neg}_{(n, s, t)} - v^{node\_slack\_pos}_{(n, s, t)} \right) \cdot p^{node\_slack\_penalty}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot p^{weight}_{(n,s,t)} \cdot \Delta t \\\ \end{aligned}$$