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File metadata and controls

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Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of how to tweak the setup of your containerized Splunk deployment. This section goes over in detail various features and functionality that a traditional Splunk Enterprise solution is capable of.


Runtime configuration

The Splunk Docker image has several functions that can be configured by either supplying a default.yml file or by passing in environment variables. These configurations are consumed by an inventory script in the splunk-ansible project.

Supported environment variables can be found in the splunk-ansible documentation.

Using default.yml

The purpose of the default.yml is to define a standard set of variables that controls how Splunk gets set up. This is particularly important when deploying clustered Splunk topologies, as there are frequent variables that you need to be consistent across all members of the cluster (ex. keys, passwords, secrets).


The image contains a script to enable dynamic generation of this file automatically. Run the following command to generate a default.yml:

$ docker run --rm -it splunk/splunk:latest create-defaults > default.yml

You can also pre-seed some settings based on environment variables during this default.yml generation process. For example, you can define SPLUNK_PASSWORD with the following command:

$ docker run --rm -it -e SPLUNK_PASSWORD=<password> splunk/splunk:latest create-defaults > default.yml


When starting the docker container, the default.yml can be mounted in /tmp/defaults/default.yml or fetched dynamically with SPLUNK_DEFAULTS_URL. Ansible provisioning will read in and honor these settings.

Environment variables specified at runtime will take precedence over anything defined in default.yml.

# Volume-mounting option using --volumes/-v flag
$ docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=<password>" \
             -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" \
             -v "$(pwd)/default.yml:/tmp/defaults/default.yml" \

# Volume-mounting option using --mount flag
$ docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=<password>" \
             -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" \
             --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/default.yml,target=/tmp/defaults/default.yml

# URL option
$ docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=<password>" \
             -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" \
             -e "SPLUNK_DEFAULTS_URL=" \

Additionally, note that you do not need to supply the full default.yml if you only choose to modify a portion of how Splunk Enterprise is configured upon boot. For instance, if you wish to take advantage of the ability to write conf files through the splunk.conf key, the full default.yml passed in will simply look like the following:

    - key: indexes
        directory: /opt/splunk/etc/system/local
            homePath: $SPLUNK_DB/test/db
            coldPath: $SPLUNK_DB/test/colddb
            thawedPath: $SPLUNK_DB/test/thaweddb

Configuration specs for default.yml

Global variables

Variables at the root level influence the behavior of everything in the container, as they have global scope.


retry_num: 100
Variable Name Description Parent Object Default Value Required for Standalone Required for Search Head Clustering Required for Index Clustering
retry_num Default number of loop attempts to connect containers none 100 yes yes yes

Configure Splunk

The major object splunk in the YAML file contains variables that control how Splunk operates.


  opt: /opt
  home: /opt/splunk
  user: splunk
  group: splunk
  exec: /opt/splunk/bin/splunk
  pid: /opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/
  password: "{{ splunk_password | default(<password>) }}"
  svc_port: 8089
  s2s_port: 9997
  http_port: 8000
    enable: True
    ssl: True
    port: 8088
    # hec.token is used only for ingestion (receiving Splunk events)
    token: <default_hec_token>
  smartstore: null
Variable Name Description Parent Object Default Value Required for Standalone Required for Search Head Clustering Required for Index Clustering
opt Parent directory where Splunk is running splunk /opt yes yes yes
home Location of the Splunk Installation splunk /opt/splunk yes yes yes
user Operating System User to Run Splunk Enterprise As splunk splunk yes yes yes
group Operating System Group to Run Splunk Enterprise As splunk splunk yes yes yes
exec Path to the Splunk Binary splunk /opt/splunk/bin/splunk yes yes yes
pid Location to the Running PID File splunk /opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/ yes yes yes
root_endpoint Set root endpoint for SplunkWeb (for reverse proxy usage) splunk none no no no
password Password for the admin account splunk none yes yes yes
svc_port Default Admin Port splunk 8089 yes yes yes
s2s_port Default Forwarding Port splunk 9997 yes yes yes
http_port Default SplunkWeb Port splunk 8000 yes yes yes
hec.enable Enable / Disable HEC splunk True no no no
hec.ssl Force HEC to use encryption splunk True no no no
hec.port Default HEC Input Port splunk 8088 no no no
hec.token Token to enable for HEC inputs splunk none no no no
smartstore Configuration params for SmartStore bootstrapping splunk null no no no

Configure app installation paths

The app_paths section under splunk controls how apps are installed inside the container.


    default: /opt/splunk/etc/apps
    shc: /opt/splunk/etc/shcluster/apps
    idxc: /opt/splunk/etc/master-apps
    httpinput: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/splunk_httpinput
Variable Name Description Parent Object Default Value Required for Standalone Required for Search Head Clustering Required for Index Clustering
default Normal apps for standalone instances will be installed in this location splunk.app_paths none no no no
shc Apps for search head cluster instances will be installed in this location (usually only done on the deployer) splunk.app_paths none no no no
idxc Apps for index cluster instances will be installed in this location (usually only done on the cluster master) splunk.app_paths none no no no
httpinput App to use and configure when setting up HEC based instances. splunk.app_paths none no no no

Configure search head clustering

Search Head Clustering is configured using the shc section under splunk.


    enable: false
    secret: <secret_key>
    replication_factor: 3
    replication_port: 9887
Variable Name Description Parent Object Default Value Required for Standalone Required for Search Head Clustering Required for Index Clustering
enable Instructs the container to create a search head cluster splunk.shc false no yes no
secret A secret phrase to use for all SHC communication and binding. Once set, this cannot be changed without rebuilding the cluster. splunk.shc none no yes no
replication_factor Consult the docs for valid settings for your use case splunk.shc 3 no yes no
replication_port Default port for the SHC to communicate on splunk.shc 9887 no yes no

Configure indexer clustering

Indexer Clustering is configured using the idxc section under splunk.


    secret: <secret_key>
    search_factor: 2
    replication_factor: 3
    replication_port: 9887
Variable Name Description Parent Object Default Value Required for Standalone Required for Search Head Clustering Required for Index Clustering
secret Secret used for transmission between the cluster master and indexers splunk.idxc none no no yes
search_factor Search factor to be used for search artifacts splunk.idxc 2 no no yes
replication_factor Bucket replication factor used between index peers splunk.idxc 3 no no yes
replication_port Bucket replication Port between index peers splunk.idxc 9887 no no yes

Install apps

Apps can be installed by using the SPLUNK_APPS_URL environment variable when creating the Splunk container:

$ docker run --name splunk -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=<password>" \
              -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" \
              -e "SPLUNK_APPS_URL=" \
              -it splunk/splunk:latest

See the full app installation guide to learn how to specify multiple apps and how to install apps in a distributed environment.

Apply Splunk license

Licenses can be added with the SPLUNK_LICENSE_URI environment variable when creating the Splunk container:

$ docker run --name splunk -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=<password>" \
              -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" \
              -e "SPLUNK_LICENSE_URI=" \
              -it splunk/splunk:latest

See the full license installation guide to learn how to specify multiple licenses and how to use a central, containerized license manager.

Create custom configs

When Splunk boots, it registers all the config files in various locations on the filesystem under ${SPLUNK_HOME}. These are settings that control how Splunk operates. See About configuration files for more information.

Using the Splunk Docker image, users can also create their own config files, following the same INI file format that drives Splunk. This is a power-user/admin-level feature, as invalid config files can break or prevent start-up of your Splunk installation.

User-specified config files are set in default.yml by creating a conf key under splunk, in the format below:

    - key: user-prefs
        directory: /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/users/admin/user-prefs/local
            default_namespace: appboilerplate
            search_syntax_highlighting: dark

NOTE: Previously, the splunk.conf entry supported a dictionary mapping. Both types will continue to work, but it is highly recommended you move to the new array-based type, as this will become the standard.

This generates a file user-prefs.conf, owned by the correct Splunk user and group and located in the given directory (in this case, /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/users/admin/user-prefs/local).

Following INI format, the contents of user-prefs.conf will resemble the following:

search_syntax_highlighting = dark
default_namespace = appboilerplate

For multiple custom configuration files, add more entries under the conf key of default.yml.

CAUTION: Using this method of configuration file generation may not create a configuration file the way Splunk expects. Verify the generated configuration file to avoid errors. Use at your own discretion.

Enable SmartStore

SmartStore utilizes S3-compliant object storage to store indexed data.

This is a capability only available for indexer clusters (cluster_master + indexers). Learn more About SmartStore and Decoupling compute and storage from Splunk documentation and blog posts.

The Splunk Docker image supports SmartStore in a bring-your-own backend storage provider format. Due to the complexity of this option, SmartStore is only enabled if you specify all the parameters in your default.yml file.

Sample configuration that persists all indexes (default) with a SmartStore backend:

      - indexName: default
        remoteName: remote_store
        scheme: s3
        remoteLocation: <bucket-name>
          access_key: <access_key>
          secret_key: <secret_key>

Configure cache manager

The SmartStore cache manager controls data movement between the indexer and the remote storage tier. It is configured here in parallel with server.conf and indexes.conf options:

This example defines cache settings and retention policy:

      max_cache_size: 500
      max_concurrent_uploads: 7
      - indexName: custom_index
        remoteName: my_storage
        scheme: http
        maxGlobalDataSizeMB: 500
        maxGlobalRawDataSizeMB: 200
        hotlist_recency_secs: 30
        hotlist_bloom_filter_recency_hours: 1

Forward to Data Stream Processor

See the DSP integration document to learn how to directly send data from a forwarder to Splunk Data Stream Processor.

Use a deployment server

Deployment servers can be used to manage otherwise unclustered or disjoint Splunk instances. A primary use-case would be to stand up a deployment server to manage app or configuration distribution to a fleet of 100 universal forwarders.

See the full deployment server guide to understand how you can leverage this role in your topology.

Deploy distributed topology

While a standalone Splunk instance may be fine for testing and development, you may eventually want to enable better performance by running Splunk at scale. The Splunk Docker image supports a fully-vetted distributed Splunk environment, networking everything together and using environment variables that enable specific containers to assume specified roles.

See Starting a Splunk cluster to learn how to set up a distributed, containerized environment.

Enable SSL Internal Communication

To secure network traffic from one Splunk instance to another (e.g. forwarders to indexers), you can enable forwarding and receiving to use SSL certificates.

If you are enabling SSL on one tier of your Splunk topology, it's likely all instances will need it. To achieve this, generate your server and CA certificates and add them to the default.yml, which gets shared across all Splunk docker containers.

Sample default.yml snippet to configure Splunk TCP with SSL:

    ca: /mnt/certs/ca.pem
    cert: /mnt/certs/cert.pem
    enable: true
    password: abcd1234
    port: 9997
    ssl: true

Fore further instructions, see Configure Splunk forwarding to use your own certificates.

Build from source

Building your own images from source is possible, but neither supported nor recommended.It can be useful for incorporating very experimental features, testing new features, or using your own registry for persistent images.

The supplied Makefile in the root of this project contains commands to control the build:

  1. Fork the docker-splunk GitHub repository
  2. Clone your fork using git and create a branch off develop
    $ git clone
    $ cd docker-splunk
  3. Use the appropriate make targets to build your images
    $ make splunk-redhat-8
    $ make uf-redhat-8
  4. Run the corresponding tests to verify your environment
    $ make test_redhat8

Supported platforms

Platform Image Suffix
Red Hat 8 -redhat-8
Debian 9 -debian-9
Debian 10 -debian-10
CentOS 7 -centos-7

Base image

The base/ directory contains Dockerfiles for base platform images on top of which all other images are built.

$ make base-redhat-8

WARNING: Modifications made to the "base" image can result in Splunk being unable to start or run correctly.

Splunk image

The splunk/common-files directory contains a Dockerfile that extends the base image by installing Splunk and adding tools for provisioning. Advanced Splunk provisioning capabilities are provided by an entrypoint script and playbooks published separately, via the splunk-ansible project.

  • Minimal image

    Build a stripped-down Splunk base image with many files excluded. This is primarily intended for experimental use.

    $ make minimal-redhat-8
  • Bare image

    Build a full Splunk base image without Ansible.

    $ make bare-redhat-8
  • Full image

    Build a full Splunk base image with Ansible.

    $ make splunk-redhat-8

Universal Forwarder image

The uf/common-files directory contains a Dockerfile that extends the base image by installing Splunk Universal Forwarder and adding tools for provisioning. This image is similar to the Splunk Enterprise image (splunk-redhat-8), except the more lightweight Splunk Universal Forwarder package is installed instead.

$ make uf-redhat-8