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Data Stream Processor

Splunk Data Stream Processor is a separate service that can be used to collect and facilitate real-time stream processing. For more information, visit the Splunk Data Stream Processor documentation.

The Splunk Docker image supports native integration with DSP through forwarders. Both universal and heavy forwarders can be automatically provisioned to send traffic to DSP, wherein custom pipelines can be configured to redirect and reformat the data as desired.


Forwarding Traffic

Splunk DSP pipelines can be used to process forwarder data, either from a splunk_universal_forwarder or a splunk_heavy_forwarder role.

You will need scloud before proceeding.

User-generated certificates

In order to get data into DSP, you must generate a client certificate and register it to the DSP forwarder service. Instructions for this can be found here, or as follows:

$ openssl genrsa -out my_forwarder.key 2048
$ openssl req -new -key "my_forwarder.key" -out "my_forwarder.csr" -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/O=my_organization/CN=my_forwarder/"
$ openssl x509 -req -days 730 -in "my_forwarder.csr" -signkey "my_forwarder.key" -out "my_forwarder.pem" -sha256
$ cat my_forwarder.pem my_forwarder.key > my_forwarder-keys.pem
$ scloud forwarders add-certificate --pem "$(<my_forwarder.pem)" 

Once you have the resulting my_forwarder-keys.pem, this can be mounted into the container and used immediately. Refer to the following docker-compose.yml example below:

version: "3.6"

    image: splunk/splunk:8.0.5
    hostname: hf1
      - SPLUNK_ROLE=splunk_heavy_forwarder
      - SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license
      - SPLUNK_PASSWORD=helloworld
      - SPLUNK_DSP_ENABLE=true
      - SPLUNK_DSP_CERT=/opt/splunk/etc/auth/mycerts/my_forwarder-keys.pem
      - SPLUNK_DSP_SERVER=dsp-master-node.hostname:30001
      - 8000
      - 8089
      - ./my_forwarder-keys.pem:/opt/splunk/etc/auth/mycerts/my_forwarder-keys.pem

Alternatively, this can also be done using the default.yml as so:

    enable: True
    server: dsp-master-node.hostname:30001
    cert: /opt/splunk/etc/auth/mycerts/my_forwarder-keys.pem

Auto-generated Certificates

If you're just getting your feet wet with DSP and these Docker images, it can be helpful to rely on the Docker image to generate the certificates for you. Using SPLUNK_DSP_CERT=auto or splunk.dsp.cert: auto will let the container to create the certificate and print it out through the container's logs for you to register yourself:

$ scloud forwarders add-certificate --pem "<copied from cert printed to container stdout>" 

Defining Pipelines

In addition to native support for sending data, the Docker image is also capable of configuring the pipeline in DSP which can be useful in declaratively defining the full end-to-end parsing and ingest

You will need scloud before proceeding. In addition, you'll need an scloud.toml and .scloud_context with permissions enabled to read/write to your DSP installation.

Pipeline specifications are defined using SPL2. Refer to the following docker-compose.yml example below:

version: "3.6"

    image: splunk/splunk:8.0.5
    hostname: hf1
      - SPLUNK_ROLE=splunk_heavy_forwarder
      - SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license
      - SPLUNK_PASSWORD=helloworld
      - SPLUNK_DSP_ENABLE=true
      - SPLUNK_DSP_CERT=auto
      - SPLUNK_DSP_SERVER=dsp-master-node.hostname:30001
      - SPLUNK_DSP_PIPELINE_NAME=ingest-example
      - SPLUNK_DSP_PIPELINE_DESC="Demo using forwarders as source"
      - SPLUNK_DSP_PIPELINE_SPEC='| from receive_from_forwarders("forwarders:all") | into index("", "main");'
      - 8000
      - 8089
      - ./.scloud.toml:/home/splunk/.scloud.toml
      - ./.scloud_context:/home/splunk/.scloud_context

Alternatively, this can also be done using the default.yml as so:

    enable: True
    server: dsp-master-node.hostname:30001
    cert: auto
    pipeline_name: ingest-example
    pipeline_desc: "Demo using forwarders as source"
    pipeline_spec: '| from receive_from_forwarders("forwarders:all") | into index("", "main");'