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File metadata and controls

379 lines (276 loc) · 39.4 KB

Ethlogger Configuration

For fine-grained control over ethlogger's operation you can create a configuration file and tweak any of the settings available. Some settings can also be adjusted using CLI flags or environment variables (CLI flags and environment variables do take precedence over settings in the configuration, if specified).

The configuration file can be created either in YAML or in JSON format. You can specify the configuration file path using the --config-file (short -c) CLI flag:

$ ethlogger -c path/to/myconfig.yaml

or, if omitted, ethlogger will look for a file called ethlogger.yaml in the current working directory. If this file is not present either, then ethlogger will go with the default configuration.

The configuration file content will be layered on top of the defaults, so it is only necessary to specify settings where the default needs to be overridden.



    network: xdai
        url: https://localhost:8088
        token: 44422111-0000-3232-9821-26664c2e7515
        validateCertificate: false
        # Splunk 8.0 or higher support compact metrics HEC messages
        multipleMetricFormatEnabled: true
            index: myevents
            index: mymetrics
    startAt: latest
    directory: ./abis
    enabled: false

Debugging Ethlogger Configuration

Ethlogger has a dedicated flag --print-config to show the effective configuration after merging defaults, config file, environment variables and CLI flags.

$ ethlogger -c myconfig.yaml --print-config

JSON Schema

You can find a JSON Schema for ethlogger's configuration files here: config.schema.json.

Editor Integrations

Several editors can use JSON schemas to provide validation and auto-complete as you edit the config file.



Root configuration schema for ethlogger

Name Type Description
eth Ethereum Ethereum node configuration
output HecOutput | ConsoleOutput | FileOutput | DevNullOutput In the output configuration you can specify where ethlogger will send generated metrics and events to. By default it will send all information to Splunk HEC, but you can instead send it to console output or a file.
hec HecClients HTTP event collector
checkpoint Checkpoint Checkpoint configuration - how ethlogger keeps track of state between restarts
abi AbiRepository ABI repository configuration
contractInfo ContractInfo Contract info cache settings
blockWatcher BlockWatcher Block watcher settings, configure how blocks, transactions, event logs are ingested
nodeMetrics NodeMetrics Settings for the node metrics collector
nodeInfo NodeInfo Settings for the node info collector
pendingTx PendingTx Settings for collecting pending transactions from node
peerInfo PeerInfo Settings for collecting peer informataion from the node
internalMetrics InternalMetrics Settings for internal metrics collection


General Ethereum configuration including client and transport, defining how ethlogger talks to the ethereum node

Name Type Description
url string URL of JSON RPC endpoint
network string Network name logged as a field with every event and metric. Ethlogger will attempt to automatically determine if not specified but there are only a handful of known public networkIds associated with particular networks (ethereum mainnet, ropsten, ...). Typical values of the network name are "mainnet" or "testnet".
chain string Chain name logged as a field with every event and metric. Ethlogger will attempt to automatically determine if not specified but there are only a handful of known public chainIds associated with particular ethereum-based chains. This value will allow consumers of data to distinguish between different chains in case multiple chains are being logged to one place.

http HttpTransport HTTP tansport configuration
client EthereumClient Ethereum client configuration


Settings for ethlogger connecting to the ethereum node via JSON RPC over HTTP

Name Type Description
timeout Duration Time before failing JSON RPC requests. Specify a number in milliseconds or a golang-style duration expression.

Example: "30s"
validateCertificate boolean If set to false, the HTTP client will ignore certificate errors (eg. when using self-signed certs)
requestKeepAlive boolean Keep sockets to JSON RPC open
maxSockets number Maximum number of sockets HEC will use (per host)


Etherem client settings - configure batching multiple JSON RPC method calls into single HTTP requests

Name Type Description
maxBatchSize number Maximum number of JSON RPC requests to pack into a single batch. Set to 1 to disable batching.
maxBatchTime Duration Maximum time to wait before submitting a batch of JSON RPC requests


Name Type Description
type "hec"
sourcetypes Sourcetypes Sourcetypes to use for different kinds of events we send to Splunk
metricsPrefix string A common prefix for all metrics emitted to Splunk


Configurable set of sourcetype field values emitted by ethlogger

Name Type Default
block string "ethereum:block"
transaction string "ethereum:transaction"
event string "ethereum:transaction:event"
pendingtx string "ethereum:transaction:pending"
nodeInfo string "ethereum:node:info"
nodeMetrics string "ethereum:node:metrics"
gethPeer string "ethereum:geth:peer"


Console output prints all generated events and metrics to STDOUT

Name Type
type "console"


File output will append all generated messages to a file. (this output type has not been implemented)

Name Type Description
type "file"
path string Path to otuput file


Null output will just drop all generated events and metrics

Name Type
type "null"


Name Type Description
default Hec Base settings that apply to all HEC clients. Overrides for events, metrics and internal metrics will be layered on top of the defaults and allow for using different HEC tokens, URL or destination index.
events Hec HEC settings (overrides for default) for events sent to Splunk
metrics Hec HEC settings (overrides for default) for metrics sent to Splunk
internal Hec HEC settings (overrides for default) for internal metrics sent to Splunk


Settings for the Splunk HTTP Event Collector client

Name Type Description Default
url string The URL of HEC. If only the base URL is specified (path is omitted) then the default path will be used
token string The HEC token used to authenticate HTTP requests
defaultMetadata object Defaults for host, source, sourcetype and index. Can be overriden for each message

See Use variables in metadata
defaultFields object Default set of fields to apply to all events and metrics sent with this HEC client

See Use variables in metadata
maxQueueEntries number Maximum number of entries in the HEC message queue before flushing it
maxQueueSize number Maximum number of bytes in the HEC message queue before flushing it
flushTime Duration Maximum number of milliseconds to wait before flushing the HEC message queue
gzip boolean Gzip compress the request body sent to HEC (Content-Encoding: gzip)
maxRetries number Maximum number of attempts to send a batch to HEC. By default this there is no limit
timeout Duration Number of milliseconds to wait before considereing an HTTP request as failed
requestKeepAlive boolean Set to false to disable HTTP keep-alive for connections to Splunk
validateCertificate boolean If set to false, the HTTP client will ignore certificate errors (eg. when using self-signed certs)
maxSockets number Maximum number of sockets HEC will use (per host)
userAgent string User-agent header sent to HEC

See Use variables in metadata
retryWaitTime WaitTime Wait time before retrying to send a (batch of) HEC messages after an error
multipleMetricFormatEnabled boolean Enable sending multipe metrics in a single message to HEC. Supported as of Splunk 8.0.0
waitForAvailability Duration If set to > 0, then ethlogger will wait for the HEC service to become available for the given amount of time by periodically attempting to request the collector/health REST endpoint. This can be useful when starting Splunk and ethlogger for example in docker-compose, where Splunk takes some time to start.


The checkpoint is where ethlogger keeps track of its state, which blocks have already been processed. This allows it to resume where it left off after being shut down and restarted.

Name Type Description Default
filename string File path (relative to the current working directory) where the checkpoint file will be stored checkpoints.json
saveInterval Duration Maximum duration before saving updated checkpoint information to disk


The ABI repository is used to decode ABI information from smart contract calls and event logs. It generates and adds some additional information in transactions and events, including smart contract method call parameter names, values and data types, as well as smart contract names associated with a particular contract address.

Name Type Description
directory string If specified, the ABI repository will recursively search this directory for ABI files
searchRecursive boolean true to search ABI directory recursively for ABI files
abiFileExtension string Set to .json by default as the file extension for ABIs
fingerprintContracts boolean If enabled, the ABI repsitory will creates hashes of all function and event signatures of an ABI (the hash is the fingerprint) and match it against the EVM bytecode obtained from live smart contracts we encounter.
requireContractMatch boolean If enabled, signature matches will be treated as anonyomous (parameter names will be omitted from the output) if a contract cannot be tied to an ABI definition via either a fingerprint match, or a contract address match (when the ABI file includes the address of the deployed contract). Enabled by default. Setting this to false will output parameter names for any matching signature.
decodeAnonymous boolean If enabled, ethlogger will attempt to decode function calls and event logs using a set of common signatures as a fallback if no match against any supplied ABI definition was found.


Ethlogger checks for each address it encounters whether it is a smart contract by attempting to retrieve the contract code. To reduce the performance hit by this operation, ethlogger can cache contract information in memory.

Name Type Description
maxCacheEntries number Maximum number of contract info results to cache in memory. Set to 0 to disable the cache.


Block watcher is the component that retrieves blocks, transactions, event logs from the node and sends them to output.

Name Type Description
enabled boolean Specify false to disable the block watcher
pollInterval Duration Interval in which to look for the latest block number (if not busy processing the backlog)
blocksMaxChunkSize number Max. number of blocks to fetch at once
maxParallelChunks number Max. number of chunks to process in parallel
startAt StartBlock If no checkpoint exists (yet), this specifies which block should be chosen as the starting point.
retryWaitTime WaitTime Wait time before retrying to fetch and process blocks after failure


The node metrics colletor retrieves numeric measurements from nodes on a periodic basis.

Name Type Description
enabled boolean Specify false to disable node metrics collection
collectInterval Duration Interval in which to collect node metrics
retryWaitTime WaitTime Wait time before retrying to collect node metrics after failure


Platform specific node information is collection on regular interval

Name Type Description
enabled boolean Specify false to disable node info collection
collectInterval Duration Interval in which to collect node info
retryWaitTime WaitTime Wait time before retrying to collect node info after failure


Periodic collection of pending transactions

Name Type Description
enabled boolean Enable or disable collection of pending transactions
collectInterval Duration Interval in which to collect pending transactions
retryWaitTime WaitTime Wait time before retrying to collect pending transactions after failure


Periodic collection of detailed peer information. Note that this is only possible with certain types of ethereum nodes (geth atm)

Name Type Description
enabled boolean Enable or disable collection of peer informataion
collectInterval Duration Interval in which to collect peer information
retryWaitTime WaitTime Wait time before retrying to collect peer information after failure


Ethlogger-internal metrics allow for visibility into the operation of ethlogger itself.

Name Type Description
enabled boolean Specify false to disable internal metrics collection
collectInterval Duration Interval in which to collect internal metrics


A duration in ethlogger's config can be specified either as as a number or a string.

Type Description Examples
number Number of milliseconds 500
string Golang-style duration string
"1h", "3m30s500ms"


Wait time expresses how long to wait between retry attempts based on the number of attempts made so far.

Type Description
Duration Absolute and static time to wait after each attempt
ExponentalBackoff Exponentially increasing wait time with randomness
LinearBackoff Linear increasing wait time


Exponentially increasing wait time with randomness. The wait time will be a random number between min and 2attempts (up to max) after each attempt.

Name Type Description
type "exponential-backoff"
min Duration Minimum wait time
max Duration Maximum wait time


{ "type": "exponential-backoff", "min": 0, "max": "5m" }


Linear increasing wait time

Name Type Description
type "linear-backoff"
min Duration Minimum wait time (after the first failure)
step Duration Increase of wait time for each failure after the first until max is reached
max Duration Maximum wait time


{ "type": "linear-backoff", "min": 0, "step": "30s", "max": "5m" }


Specify where ethlogger's block watcher will start to monitor and ingest blocks, transactions and log events from.

Type Description
"genesis" Start from the genesis block. Note that on a larger chain, such as mainnet, it may take a long time to processes historic blocks.
"latest" Start from the latest block at the time ethlogger is first launched without a checkpoint
number (positive) Start at a particular (absolute) block number
number (negative) Start at a particular number of blocks before the latest block at the time ethlogger is first launched without a checkpoint

Metadata Variables

Ethlogger supports a set of variables you can use in metadata sent to Splunk (host, sourcetype, source and other fields). Those variables will be automatically substituted. Below is a list of variables available:

Variable Description
$HOSTNAME Hostname of the machine ethlogger is running on
$ENODE Enode retrieved from the node via platform-specific APIs
$PLATFORM The name of the ethereum node platform (geth, quorum, parity) or "generic" if the platform couldn't be determined.
$NETWORK_ID The numberic ID of the ethereum network
$NETWORK The network name supplied via ethlogger config or auto-detected for known networks from the network ID. Typical values are "mainnet" or "testnet"
$CHAIN_ID Chain ID is the currently configured CHAIN_ID value used for signing replay-protected transactions, introduced via EIP-155
$CHAIN The chain name supplied via ethlogger config or auto-detected for known networks from the chain ID and network ID
$PID The ethlogger PID
$VERSION Ethlogger version
$NODE_VERSION The node.js version ethlogger is running on
$ETH_NODE_HOSTNAME Hostname (or IP) of the ethereum node from the transport used. For HTTP transport the host portion of the URL (without port) is used.