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Become a sponsor to Marten Seemann

My main work is the development of quic-go. quic-go started as a just-for-fun project in 2016, and evolved into a production-ready, optimized QUIC stack written in pure Go. quic-go is used by a wide variety of projects.

In order to ensure interoperability between QUIC implementations, I created the QUIC Interop Runner. It runs a large number of interoperability tests every couple of hours and publishes an interop matrix.

I've also been a member of the IETF's QUIC working group since its inception in early 2017, and made significant contributions to the QUIC RFCs. Since the publication of the RFCs, I've been authoring a number of QUIC-related IETF drafts, such as:

quic-go has more than 100 contributors, and while managing a big open-source project that many people rely on is a lot of fun, it also consumes a lot of time and energy.

Outside of these sponsorship tiers, I'm also offering development and consulting services. If you're interested in collaborating, please send me an email at!


It would mean the world to me if I had 10 sponsors. 💖

Current sponsors 7

Private Sponsor
Private Sponsor

Featured work

  1. quic-go/quic-go

    A QUIC implementation in pure Go

  2. quic-go/webtransport-go

    WebTransport implementation based on quic-go (

70% towards 10 monthly sponsors goal

@Wondertan @MixinNetwork
@junhochoi @mholt @CloudSoda

Wondertan and 6 others sponsor this goal

Select a tier

$ a month

Choose a custom amount.

$25 a month



Thanks for supporting the project!

$100 a month



Thanks for your support!


  • Occasional email support
  • If you want, you get listed in the Sponsors section of the quic-go README.

$250 a month




  • Occasional email support
  • If you want, you get listed in the Sponsors section of the quic-go README, including a logo

$995 a month




  • Occasional email support
  • If you want, you get listed in the Sponsors section of the quic-go README, including a logo
  • Jump on a call

$5,000 a month



For customers that critically rely on QUIC's and HTTP/3's performance.


  • Dedicated support (email, phone, video calls)
  • Optional publicity (brand sharing, case study page, tweets, etc.)
  • Triage priority

$11,000 a month



The ultimate plan to support your business' QUIC usage.


  • Dedicated support (email, phone, video calls)
  • Optional publicity (brand sharing, case study page, tweets, etc.)
  • Triage priority
  • Custom patches