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Become a sponsor to Vinh Quốc Nguyễn

I run, a weekly newsletter with links aim to help you become a better developer, sharing tips on that as well.

Beside that I build and run, a website and API allow you to check EC2 price on-demand, spot, reserved instance quickly.

I also build, a native app for two factor authentication. Like Google Auth or Authy but 100% open source, including both of client/server. It's a native app, small and lightweight


WIll give me more time and some money to host my own open source projects/tools.

Featured work

  1. yeo/

    Links to improve programing skill

    Elixir 108
  2. yeo/bima

    Native MFA client like Google Auth or Authy

    Elixir 9
  3. yeo/

0% towards $500 per month goal

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$ a month

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$1 a month


Want to support but don't have a lot to spend? How about just $1 per month? That's like your change money or small tip.

$3 a month


Want to invite me for coffee one per month? Great, that can buy me a black ice coffee at Starbuck. If you happen to come to my area, feel free to hit my email and let's meet.

$10 a month


My code or tools save you some time. You enjoy my newsletter content. Great, at this tier you can give some request on features/content to be consider as well.