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Using PayPal Standard with Encrypted Buttons

Use this method to encrypt your button so sneaky gits don't try to hack it. Thanks to Jon Atkinson for the tutorial.

  1. Encrypted buttons require the M2Crypto library:

    pip install M2Crypto
  2. Encrypted buttons require certificates. Create a private key:

    openssl genrsa -out paypal.pem 1024
  3. Create a public key:

    openssl req -new -key paypal.pem -x509 -days 365 -out pubpaypal.pem
  4. Upload your public key to the paypal website (sandbox or live).

  5. Copy your cert id - you'll need it in two steps. It's on the screen where you uploaded your public key.
  6. Download PayPal's public certificate - it's also on that screen.
  7. Edit your to include cert information:

    PAYPAL_PRIVATE_CERT = '/path/to/paypal.pem'
    PAYPAL_PUBLIC_CERT = '/path/to/pubpaypal.pem'
    PAYPAL_CERT = '/path/to/paypal_cert.pem'
    PAYPAL_CERT_ID = 'get-from-paypal-website'
  8. Swap out your unencrypted button for a PayPalEncryptedPaymentsForm:


    from paypal.standard.forms import PayPalEncryptedPaymentsForm
    def view_that_asks_for_money(request):
        # Create the instance.
        form = PayPalPaymentsForm(initial=paypal_dict)
        # Works just like before!

Using PayPal Payments Standard with Encrypted Buttons and Shared Secrets

This method uses Shared secrets instead of IPN postback to verify that transactions are legit. PayPal recommends you should use Shared Secrets if:

  • You are not using a shared website hosting service.
  • You have enabled SSL on your web server.
  • You are using Encrypted Website Payments.
  • You use the notify_url variable on each individual payment transaction.

Use postbacks for validation if:

  • You rely on a shared website hosting service
  • You do not have SSL enabled on your web server
  1. Swap out your button for a PayPalSharedSecretEncryptedPaymentsForm:


    from paypal.standard.forms import PayPalSharedSecretEncryptedPaymentsForm
    def view_that_asks_for_money(request):
        # Create the instance.
        form = PayPalSharedSecretEncryptedPaymentsForm(initial=paypal_dict)
        # Works just like before!
  2. Verify that your IPN endpoint is running on SSL - request.is_secure() should return True!