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Refresh Token in tut-spring-security-and-angular-js/oauth2-vanilla/ #140

lthomassin opened this issue Feb 20, 2017 · 9 comments


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Dear all,

I have question regarding the code of this tutorial tut-spring-security-and-angular-js/oauth2-vanilla/
If in the file of the project authserver I add these lines:
security.oauth2.client.accessTokenValiditySeconds: 10
security.oauth2.client.refreshTokenValiditySeconds: 60
security.oauth2.client.supportRefreshToken: true

After a normal login. I perform some browser refresh during 10 seconds. I have the normal "Hello World" message but after the token expiration, I have an HTTP 401 error. It's seems the refreshToken is not used by the zuul gateway to obtain a new access token.

If it's possible to do that direclty with the zuul gateway?

Thanks for your help.

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dsyer commented Feb 21, 2017

This used to work. There was a change in Spring Boot (1.4 I think) where it stopped creating an OAuth2RestTemplate bean by default. You have to create it yourself, i.e. in the UI app:

	protected OAuth2RestTemplate OAuth2RestTemplate(
			OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resource, OAuth2ClientContext context) {
		return new OAuth2RestTemplate(resource, context);

then it gets injected into the OAuth2TokenRelayFilter and can be used to refresh tokens (until the refresh token expires).

@dsyer dsyer closed this as completed in 9bfaeb0 Feb 21, 2017
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cataclysmuprising commented Aug 28, 2017

@dsyer I can't solve the problem by adding above snippet. I'm currently using with spring-boot version 1.5.4.RELAEASE . The error log was .... A redirect is required to get the users approval
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.doExecute(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.execute(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$aa4e9ed0.invoke()
at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke(
at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
at org.springframework.aop.aspectj.MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint.proceed(

I'm working with JDBC TokenStore with @EnableZuulProxy and @EnableOAuth2Sso

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dsyer commented Aug 28, 2017

How didn't you test it? Where did the log come from?

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I also recently tried the solution above that creates the OAuth2RestTemplate bean. And I am having a similar issue with the UserRedirectRequiredException exception. Basically it appears that it is trying to get a new access token; not refresh an existing one.

I'm not very familiar with the logic of Spring OAuth2, but I did debug down to AccessTokenProviderChain::obtainAccessToken. There is a conditional where request.getExistingToken() needs to be non-null to attempt to refresh. However, it is null.

We are using our own custom ResourceServerTokenServices implementation and running Spring Boot 1.5.7.

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HJK181 commented Jan 16, 2018

I'm also experiencing

{"error":"invalid_token","error_description":"Invalid access token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJwZXRlckBob3RtYWlsLmNvbSIsInNjb3BlIjpbIm9wZW5pZCJdLCJleHAiOjE1MTYxNDg4MTYsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIlJPTEVfQURNSU4iLCJST0xFX0FDVFVBVE9SIl0sImp0aSI6IjdmNTY3MDljLTM1ZTAtNGNjYy04NzdkLTcxNTkxYjE5NjRjNCIsInRlbmFudCI6W3sibmFtZSI6ImxpZGwiLCJjaGFubmVsIjoiaHliX2ZyX0JFIn0seyJuYW1lIjoibGlkbCIsImNoYW5uZWwiOiJoeWJfbmxfTkwifSx7Im5hbWUiOiJsaWRsIiwiY2hhbm5lbCI6Im1nbV9kZV9ERSJ9LHsibmFtZSI6ImxpZGwiLCJjaGFubmVsIjoiaHliX25sX0JFIn1dLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJhcGktZ2F0ZXdheSJ9.VRsVIiw16aYnj78sFhgXPsqfkY1szmS-DVeog03Iolp0cAitYQkjbAIP83-qtSsJ0waQmyE2dGy9mW2JKPAMTWuAy3dh8YHgm7RzLfoo08NFOhkCc0R5m5l7rty5fD7L04uDwalI05j7oYI4Ly0J0BwP8mG6aSRqLwxt3zip-0W_DdkUdC7okbqKe-QF-CyZ4rmLSlweBQG5walPVwZC78l-21jnFEe-LuLLqFDkhgIy5uEH87h_pwQtC87IEefm78R74P7HWna8Ma7K2cbxdKUPHKqNo-jghw80aOcpss91KSRL5TXngyORIiNlbM6ZWUWJgsbFnrVlcICso3sqow"}

When restarting my Oatuh2 server on my development environment with H2 JDBCTokenStore.
How can I configure Zuul, so that it is obtaining a new token?

I'm running a SPA behind Zuul, where Zuul ist the SSOClient. On my SPA I only get the 401 response and I'm not able to clear the JSESSIONID as it's http only. So I need a way that Zuul is redirecting me to the login page or is obtaining a new token. I tried to add the Oauth2RestTemplate mentioned above, without success.

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dsyer commented Jan 16, 2018

@HJK181 that's a JWT token so the JDBCTokenStore won't help you. Probably better to ask a question on Stack Overflow (this issue is closed and doesn't seem particularly relevant).

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HJK181 commented Jan 16, 2018

May I ask you one last question here? Isn't it possible to use a JDBCTokenStore with JWT? I have the following Oauth2 configuration:

	public JdbcTokenStore tokenStore() {
		return new JdbcTokenStore(dataSource);

	public DefaultTokenServices tokenServices() {
		final DefaultTokenServices defaultTokenServices = new DefaultTokenServices();
		return defaultTokenServices;

	public JwtAccessTokenConverter jwtAccessTokenConverter() {
		final JwtAccessTokenConverter converter = new JwtAccessTokenConverter();
		final KeyPair keyPair = new KeyStoreKeyFactory(new ClassPathResource(cxpProperties.getOauth2().getJksFile()),
		return converter;

	public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {

For me it seems to work fine, I also checked the OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN and OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN tables which contain proper tokens (I assume from the Zuul SSOClient?). However the exception is printing a JWT as you said. Do I mix something up?

Thanks in advance.

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dsyer commented Jan 16, 2018

I suppose there's nothing stopping you from storing a JWT in a database. But why would you do that? Anyway, this is not the right forum to be discussing it.

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@lthomassin Is this issue solved? If yes, how?

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