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Spring Data 2024.0 Release Notes

Christoph Strobl edited this page Jan 25, 2024 · 12 revisions

General Themes

  • Support for Property Placeholder Syntax

  • MongoDB 7.0 and MongoDB Java Driver 5.0 *

Participating Modules


New and Noteworthy

Spring Data Commons - 3.3

Spring Data JPA - 3.3

Spring Data Relational - 3.3

Spring Data MongoDB - 4.3

Upwards Compatibility with MongoDB 5.0 Driver — GH-4578

The MongoDB Java Driver generation 5.0 ships with a couple of new features but also previously deprecated API now removed.
To allow users to upgrade on their own pace the spring-data-mongodb 4.3.x line will remain using the 4.x MongoDB driver while supporting users already upgrading their applications to the new MongoDB bits. This can be easily done by setting the Spring Boot version property for mongodb.version to 5.0.0.
Spring Data MongoDB adapts to changed driver API where possible and will only error for code paths no longer available using the new driver. Compiler warnings for those spots have been in place for several releases already and we strongly recommend to move off deprecated API as soon as possible.

Spring Data Neo4j - 7.3

Spring Data Elasticsearch - 5.3

Spring Data Couchbase - 5.3

Spring Data for Apache Cassandra - 4.3

Spring Data Redis - 3.3

Spring Data KeyValue - 3.3

Spring Data REST - 4.3

RFC-compliant handling of entities in arrays in merge patches — GH-2358

RFC-7386 requires elements within arrays to completely replace the original data. In previous releases, the patch handling was propagated to nested array elements (originally requested in GH-1294). This was now reverted to properly apply out PUT behavior to such elements. In other words, missing, exposed properties are nulled out. Properties hidden are still kept around.

Spring Data LDAP - 3.3

Release Dates

  • M1 - Jan, 2024

  • M2 - Feb, 2024

  • M3 - March, 2024

  • RC1 - April, 2024

  • GA - May, 2024

  • OSS Support until: May, 2025

  • End of Life: Sept 2026

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