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13 lines (8 loc) · 834 Bytes


File metadata and controls

13 lines (8 loc) · 834 Bytes

Steps to reproduce:

  1. run mvn test; note BUILD SUCCESSFUL
  2. edit src/test/java/poc/configurable/ and uncomment someMethod(Entity)
  3. run mvn test; note BUILD FAILED

You'll notice in the pom that tests are being run with


Examine the small application and the assertion in ServiceInjectionTests and you'll see that Entity is a @Configurable and uses @Autowired to receive injection of a Service. The assertion shows that this injection fails when someMethod(Entity) is present in ServiceInjectionTests. If this method is commented out or placed within any other type in the application, the injection occurs as expected and the test passes.

See for analysis of the causes of this problem