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Package structure

KimBomm edited this page Apr 8, 2024 · 11 revisions


*.tir which means Tire.


Compress and upload the file with an extension of zip and include a 3rdparty folder. and change extension as tir.


├ ld.txt        # Specify pragma(load lib) for cling compier. cip will not write auto load lib sequence if this file exists.
├ op.txt        # Specify pragma(whatever) for msvc compier. cip will write auto load lib sequence with this options.
├ include
├ lib
│ ├ .           # Library files that are independent of the compilation(e.g *.a for gnuc)
│ ├ Debug       # Debug Library Files for Visual Studio
│ └ Release     # Release Library Files for Visual Studio
└ bin
  ├ .           # Shared library files that are independent of the compilation(e.g *.so for gnuc)
  ├ Debug       # Debug Shared library Files for Visual Studio
  └ Release     # Release Shared library Files for Visual Studio

Example of id.exe

#pragma cling load("libmkl_core")
#pragma cling load("libmkl_sequential")
#pragma cling load("libmkl_intel_lp64")

Example of op.txt

#pragma comment(linker,"-INCLUDE:?warp_size@cuda@at@@YAHXZ")

Visual Studio

[구성 속성]->[C/C++]->[일반]->[추가 포함 디렉터리]


[구성 속성]->[링커]->[일반]->[추가 라이브러리 디렉터리]


[구성 속성]->[빌드 이벤트]->[빌드 후 이벤트]->[명령줄]

xcopy /d /i /Y "$(SolutionDir)3rdparty\bin\$(Configuration)\*.*" "$(TargetDir)"
xcopy /d /i /Y "$(SolutionDir)3rdparty\bin\*.*" "$(TargetDir)"

[구성 속성]->[디버깅]->[작업 디렉터리]

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