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OIDC4VCI Demo Issuer

This is an example issuer built with rocket and oidc4vci-rs.

Endpoints and support

Credential types supported:

  • JWT

Endpoints available:

  • GET /: to access a pre-authorized code in QRCode or link format, no pin support.

  • POST /issuer/preauth?<query..>: to obtain a pre-authorized code with a specific type, pin and user_id.

  • GET /.well-known/openid-configuration: to obtain the OIDC configuration.

  • GET /jwks: to obtain JWKs used by the server.

  • POST /token: to exchange the pre-authorized code by an access token.

  • POST /credential: to issue a credential, requires Authorization provided by the previous step.

Planned improvements

  • Add JSONLD support;
  • Add more configuration options;
    • Supported credential types;
    • Access token expiration time;
  • External credential provider to easily change the hard-coded OpenBadgeCredential;



A .env file must be created with the following variables:


The ISSUER will be used to fill the oidc-configuration endpoint and inside the credential in the .issuer.url field.

The JWK will be used to create a DID and sign the credentials.

There are several ways to create your JWK. There are online tools, but those are of course not feasible for production use. Another way is to use jwk-generator,

java -jar json-web-key-generator.jar -t EC -c P-256 -u sig

or openssl with a pem-jwk converter.

The JWE_SECRET will be used to support PIN enabled Issuance Request, this password will be used with PBES2_HS512_A256KW JWE encryption.


The docker-compose file can be used to run the required Redis instance.

docker compose up -d redis

If you want to point to a different instance of Redis, you can add the URL to the following variable in the .env file:


Rust nightly

The rust-toolchain.toml file is configured to use Rust nightly.

If that doesn't work, you can add the override manually with:

rustup override set nightly


In the Rocket.toml, you can change the port that the server will use as shown below:

port = 8080

For more information on other server options provided by Rocket please refer to its documentation.

Run rocket

Once the database instance is up and running you have to start the Rocket-based web service itself:

cargo run

Example Usage

The following commented bash script is an example of the format and calls made to this issuer.

# Change URL according to the server you're testing with

# If `uuidgen` is not present in your environment, just substitute by a hardcoded value


preauth=$(curl -s -X POST $url/issuer/preauth\?type\=OpenBadgeCredential\&user_id\=$uuid)

# This requires `jq` to extract the `access_token` value from the JSON, could be done manually or in other ways
access_token=$(curl -s -X POST $url/token \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code&pre-authorized_code=$preauth"\
  | jq -r '.access_token')

# Replace `proof.jwt` to one generated by your client.
# In this example, the `jwt` uses `did:key:z6MkwEGcHQYdp8dfiM34VSnEdVRMF9TNRECnhvbRHPCBqQr9`
# has a `http://localhost:9000` audience and a one year duration to facilitate testing.
# `type` and `format` might differ if working with other issuers.
# Only `jwt` is supported for `proof.proof_type` at the moment.
credential_request=$(cat <<EOF
	"type": "OpenBadgeCredential",
	"format": "ldp_vc",
	"proof": {
    "proof_type": "jwt",

curl -X POST $url/credential \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \
  -d "$credential_request"