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Configuring Amazon Pay
Configure and integrate Amazon Pay into the Spryker Commerce OS by following the instructions from this article.
Jun 16, 2021
title link
Handling orders with Amazon Pay API
title link
Amazon Pay - State Machine
title link
Amazon Pay - Sandbox Simulations
title link
Obtaining an Amazon Order Reference and information about shipping addresses

{% info_block errorBox %}

There is currently an issue when using giftcards with Amazon Pay. Our team is developing a fix for it.

{% endinfo_block %}

{% info_block infoBox "Note" %}

Please refer to config/Shared/config.dist.php for the module configuration example.

{% endinfo_block %}

To set up the Amazon Pay initial configuration, use the credentials you received after registering as an Amazon seller:

$config[AmazonPayConstants::WIDGET_SCRIPT_PATH] = '';
$config[AmazonPayConstants::WIDGET_SCRIPT_PATH_SANDBOX] = '';
$config[AmazonPayConstants::CLIENT_ID] = '';
$config[AmazonPayConstants::CLIENT_SECRET] = '';
$config[AmazonPayConstants::SELLER_ID] = '';
$config[AmazonPayConstants::ACCESS_KEY_ID] = '';
$config[AmazonPayConstants::SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] = '';
$config[AmazonPayConstants::SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] = '';

In case an order is being rejected by Amazon, the module will do a redirect. The default recommendation is to redirect to cart. You need to configure this:

$config[AmazonPayConstants::PAYMENT_REJECT_ROUTE] = 'cart';

Next, specify your country and shop:

$config[AmazonPayConstants::REGION] = 'DE';
$config[AmazonPayConstants::STORE_NAME] = 'The Shop';

For development purposes, sandbox mode must be enabled:

$config[AmazonPayConstants::SANDBOX] = true;

The ERROR_REPORT_LEVEL parameter is used for internal purposes and specifies the log verbosity level.

There are three options:

  1. Log all API responses.
  2. Log errors only.
  3. Disable logging.
$config[AmazonPayConstants::ERROR_REPORT_LEVEL] = TransactionLogger::REPORT_LEVEL_ERRORS_ONLY;

To configure look-and-feel of Amazon Pay button, you can use the following config values:

$config[AmazonPayConstants::WIDGET_BUTTON_TYPE] = AmazonPayConfig::WIDGET_BUTTON_TYPE_FULL;
$config[AmazonPayConstants::WIDGET_BUTTON_SIZE] = AmazonPayConfig::WIDGET_BUTTON_SIZE_MEDIUM;
$config[AmazonPayConstants::WIDGET_BUTTON_COLOR] = AmazonPayConfig::WIDGET_BUTTON_COLOR_DARK_GRAY;

According to Amazon Pay restrictions, a module can run either on a localhost domain or via HTTPS. If it is not possible to use localhost, HTTPS connection should be configured. For testing purposes, register a test account in the Amazon Pay dashboard.

{% info_block warningBox "Important" %}

Keep in mind that does not qualify as localhost. Therefore, if you are running your project locally via our standard, you cannot have Amazon Pay work locally. To make it work, you need to change Yves to show on http://locahost/.

{% endinfo_block %}

OMS Configuration

Activate the following processes. If you plan to use only one process, drop the other one.

$config[OmsConstants::PROCESS_LOCATION][] = APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR . '/vendor/spryker-eco/amazon-pay/config/Zed/Oms';
$config[OmsConstants::ACTIVE_PROCESSES][] = 'AmazonPayPaymentAsync01';
$config[OmsConstants::ACTIVE_PROCESSES][] = 'AmazonPayPaymentSync01';

Default implementation for commands and options should be added to Pyz/Zed/Oms/OmsDependencyProvider.php

  1. Commands:
$container->extend(OmsDependencyProvider::COMMAND_PLUGINS, function (CommandCollectionInterface $commandCollection) {
    ->add(new CancelOrderCommandPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/CancelOrder')
    ->add(new CloseOrderCommandPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/CloseOrder')
    ->add(new RefundOrderCommandPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/RefundOrder')
    ->add(new ReauthorizeExpiredOrderCommandPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/ReauthorizeExpiredOrder')
    ->add(new CaptureCommandPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/Capture')
    ->add(new UpdateSuspendedOrderCommandPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/UpdateSuspendedOrder')
    ->add(new UpdateAuthorizationStatusCommandPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/UpdateAuthorizationStatus')
    ->add(new UpdateCaptureStatusCommandPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/UpdateCaptureStatus')
    ->add(new UpdateRefundStatusCommandPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/UpdateRefundStatus');

 return $commandCollection;
} );
  1. Conditions:
$container->extend(OmsDependencyProvider::CONDITION_PLUGINS, function (ConditionCollectionInterface $conditionCollection) {
    ->add(new IsClosedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsClosed')
    ->add(new IsCloseAllowedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsCloseAllowed')

    ->add(new IsCancelledConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsCancelled')
    ->add(new IsCancelNotAllowedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsCancelNotAllowed')
    ->add(new IsCancelledOrderConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsOrderCancelled')

    ->add(new IsOpenConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsAuthOpen')
    ->add(new IsDeclinedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsAuthDeclined')
    ->add(new IsPendingConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsAuthPending')
    ->add(new IsSuspendedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsAuthSuspended')
    ->add(new IsAuthExpiredConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsAuthExpired')
    ->add(new IsClosedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsAuthClosed')
    ->add(new IsAuthTransactionTimedOutConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsAuthTransactionTimedOut')
    ->add(new IsSuspendedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsPaymentMethodChanged')

    ->add(new IsCompletedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsCaptureCompleted')
    ->add(new IsDeclinedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsCaptureDeclined')
    ->add(new IsPendingConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsCapturePending')

    ->add(new IsCompletedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsRefundCompleted')
    ->add(new IsDeclinedConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsRefundDeclined')
    ->add(new IsPendingConditionPlugin(), 'AmazonPay/IsRefundPending');

 return $conditionCollection;

All default commands and conditions are stored in SprykerEco\Zed\AmazonPay\Communication\Plugin\Oms\ namespace.

IPN Configuration

In order to allow everyone to send push notifications, please extend config_default.XXX.php for desired environments:

$config[AclConstants::ACL_USER_RULE_WHITELIST][] = [
 'bundle' => 'amazonpay',
 'controller' => 'ipn',
 'action' => 'endpoint',
 'type' => 'allow',

Depending on your SSL configuration, you may have to extend as well:

$config[ApplicationConstants::ZED_SSL_EXCLUDED][] = 'amazonpay/ipn/endpoint';
$config[ApplicationConstants::YVES_SSL_EXCLUDED]['aie'] = '/amazonpay/ipn/endpoint';

Yves Controllers

In order to enable processing of AmazonPay commands on front end, please add AmazonPayControllerProvider to YvesBootstrap:

 * @param bool|null $isSsl
 * @return \Pyz\Yves\Application\Plugin\Provider\AbstractYvesControllerProvider[]
protected function getControllerProviderStack($isSsl)
 return [
 new AmazonPayControllerProvider($isSsl),

Theme Support

To make Spryker Eco themes usable, add the following line into the function addCoreTemplatePaths in Pyz/Yves/Twig/TwigConfig:

$paths[] = APPLICATION_VENDOR_DIR . '/spryker-eco/%1$s/src/SprykerEco/Yves/%1$s/Theme/' . $themeName;

In the section include of tsconfig.json, add the following:


In the section paths of frontend/settings.js, add the following:

// eco folders
eco: {
 // all modules
 modules: './vendor/spryker-eco'

In the section module.exports property dirs of frontend/settings.js add the following:


No matter how many SprykerEco modules you are using, these changes are required to be made only once.

Make sure to rebuild front-end script by running npm run yves.

Checkout Integration

To plug into checkout process, you need to add plugins into CheckoutDependencyProvider:

protected function getCheckoutPreConditions(Container $container)
 return [
 new AmazonPayConfirmOrderPreConditionPlugin(),

protected function getCheckoutOrderSavers(Container $container)
 return [
 new AmazonPaySaveOrderPlugin(),

AmazonPayConfirmOrderPreConditionPlugin should be placed as the last plugin for preconditions.

AmazonPay expects that order is not placed in some cases. For example, it happens when Synchronos mode is on, and payment cannot be processed.

In order to handle this, extend SuccessStep in your project.

 * @param \Spryker\Shared\Kernel\Transfer\AbstractTransfer|\Generated\Shared\Transfer\QuoteTransfer $quoteTransfer
 * @return bool
public function postCondition(AbstractTransfer $quoteTransfer)
 if ($quoteTransfer->getAmazonpayPayment() === null) {
 return true;

 if ($quoteTransfer->getAmazonpayPayment()->getOrderReferenceId() === null) {
 return false;

 return true;