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squarespace-cldr - Java CLDR code generation.

WARNING: This code is a work in progress and the API may change.


Build Status Coverage Status

License: Apache 2.0

Using the library




compile 'com.squarespace.cldr:cldr-runtime:0.0.22'


Clone the source code including the relevant unicode-cldr JSON submodules, generate the code, compile and run all test cases.

git clone --recursive
cd cldr
./gradlew check

Usage examples

Resolving Locales

Given an IETF BCP 47 language tag, Java locale string or object, the resolver substitutes language and territory aliases, and then adds likely subtags.

CLDR.Locale locale = CLDR.get().resolve("zh-CN");

//>  "zh-Hant-CN"

locale = CLDR.get().resolve("zh-HK");
System.out.printf("%s / %s / %s\n", locale.language(), locale.script(), locale.territory());

//>  "zh-Hant-HK"
//>  "zh / Hant / HK"

locale = CLDR.get().resolve("sr");

//>  "sr-Cyrl-RS"

locale = CLDR.get().resolve(java.util.Locale.CANADA_FRENCH);

//>  "fr-Latn-CA"

locale = CLDR.get().resolve(java.util.Locale.JAPANESE);

//>  "ja-Jpan-JP"

locale = CLDR.get().resolve("en_XY");

//>  "en-Latn-XY"

locale = CLDR.get().resolve("und-Zzzz-ZZ");

//>  "en-Latn-US"

locale = CLDR.get().resolve("en");

//>  "en-Latn-US"

Minimize by removing likely subtags

locale = CLDR.get().minimize(locale);

//>  "en"

Enhanced Language Matching

This implements enhanced language matching which, given a list of desired locales, tries to find the best match among the application's supported locales.

LanguageMatcher matcher = new LanguageMatcher("es-419, es-ES, es-PT");
Match match = matcher.match("es-AR");
System.out.println(match.bundleId() + "  distance=" + match.distance());

//>  "es-419  distance=4"

match = new LanguageMatcher("es, es-419, es-PT").match("es-MX");

//>  "es-419"

match = new LanguageMatcher("es, es-419, es-MX").match("es-PT");

//>  "es"

match = new LanguageMatcher("es-419, es-PT, es-MX").match("es");

//>  "es-PT"

match = new LanguageMatcher("en, en-GU, en-IN, en-GB").match("en-VI");

//>  "en"

match = new LanguageMatcher("en, en-GU, en-IN, en-GB").match("en-AU");

//>  "en-GB"

match = new LanguageMatcher("en-US, en-GU, en-IN, en-GB").match("en-019");

//>  "en-US"

match = new LanguageMatcher("en-US, en-GU, en-IN, en-GB").match("en-150");

//>  "en-GB"

match = new LanguageMatcher("en_US, fr_FR, de_DE").match("fr");

//>  "fr_FR"

Default returns maximum distance

matcher = new LanguageMatcher("en-US, en-GB, de-DE");
match = matcher.match("zh");

//>  Match(en-US, 100)

Return all distances below the threshold

matcher = new LanguageMatcher("zh, zh-TW, zh-HK");
List<Match> matches = matcher.matches("zh-MO");

//>  [Match(zh-HK, 4), Match(zh-TW, 5), Match(zh, 23)]

matches = matcher.matches("zh-MO", 15);

//>  [Match(zh-HK, 4), Match(zh-TW, 5)]

Accessing Formatters

Below are some examples of resolving a locale to get a reference to a formatter. Formatters are identified by their bundle identifier.

You can use a pre-defined locale directly:

NumberFormatter f = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(CLDR.Locale.en_US);

//>  "en"

.. or resolve a Java format locale string:

CLDR.Locale locale = CLDR.get().resolve("en_US");
f = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(locale);

//>  "en"

.. or resolve a Java locale object:

locale = CLDR.get().resolve(java.util.Locale.US);
f = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(locale);

//>  "en"

.. or resolve a BCP 47 language tag:

locale = CLDR.get().resolve("en-Latn-US");
f = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(locale);

//>  "en"

Date and Time formatting

StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

long epoch = 1288648500000L;
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("America/New_York");
ZonedDateTime datetime = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(epoch), zoneId);
CalendarFormatter f = CLDR.get().getCalendarFormatter(CLDR.Locale.en_US);
CalendarFormatOptions options = new CalendarFormatOptions();
f.format(datetime, options, buffer);

//>  "11/1/2010"

options = new CalendarFormatOptions().setDateSkeleton(CalendarSkeleton.GyMMMd);
f.format(datetime, options, buffer);

//>  "Nov 1, 2010 AD"

options = new CalendarFormatOptions().setDateFormat(CalendarFormat.MEDIUM);
f.format(datetime, options, buffer);

//>  "Nov 1, 2010"

options = new CalendarFormatOptions().setTimeFormat(CalendarFormat.MEDIUM);
f.format(datetime, options, buffer);

//>  "5:55:00 PM"

options = new CalendarFormatOptions().setWrapperFormat(CalendarFormat.MEDIUM);
f.format(datetime, options, buffer);

//>  "Nov 1, 2010, 5:55:00 PM"

epoch = 1288598100000L;
datetime = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(epoch), zoneId);
options = new CalendarFormatOptions().setWrapperFormat(CalendarFormat.FULL);
f.format(datetime, options, buffer);

//>  "Monday, November 1, 2010 at 3:55:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time"

zoneId = ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles");
datetime = datetime.withZoneSameInstant(zoneId);
f.format(datetime, options, buffer);

//>  "Monday, November 1, 2010 at 12:55:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time"

Formatting individual date and time fields

f.formatField(datetime, "EEEE", buffer);

//>  "Monday"

f.formatField(datetime, "LLLL", buffer);

//>  "November"

Formatting date time intervals

long epoch = 1288648500000L;
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("America/New_York");
ZonedDateTime start = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(epoch), zoneId);
ZonedDateTime end = start.withYear(2020).withMonth(12);

CalendarFormatter f = CLDR.get().getCalendarFormatter(CLDR.Locale.en_US);
f.format(start, end, DateTimeIntervalSkeleton.y, buffer);

//>  "2010 – 2020"

f.format(start, end, DateTimeIntervalSkeleton.yMMM, buffer);

//>  "Nov 2010 – Dec 2020"

end = start.withMonth(12);
f.format(start, end, DateTimeIntervalSkeleton.yMMM, buffer);

//>  "Nov – Dec 2010"

end = start.withDayOfMonth(23);
f.format(start, end, DateTimeIntervalSkeleton.yMMMd, buffer);

//>  "Nov 1 – 23, 2010"

end = start.withHour(22);
f.format(start, end, DateTimeIntervalSkeleton.hmv, buffer);

//>  "5:55 – 10:55 PM ET"

start = start.withMinute(1);
end = start.withMinute(27);
f.format(start, end, DateTimeIntervalSkeleton.Hm, buffer);

//>  "17:01 – 17:27"

A helper method exists to find the field of greatest difference, which will help you choose whether to use a date or time skeleton:

end = start.withMonth(12);
DateTimeField field = CalendarUtils.fieldOfGreatestDifference(start, end);

//>  MONTH

Decimal number formatting

StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
NumberFormatter f = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(CLDR.Locale.en_US);
BigDecimal n = BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.PI);
DecimalFormatOptions options = new DecimalFormatOptions();
f.formatDecimal(n, buffer, options);

//>  "3.142"

options = new DecimalFormatOptions().setMaximumFractionDigits(5);
f.formatDecimal(n, buffer, options);

//>  "3.14159"

options = new DecimalFormatOptions().setRoundMode(NumberRoundMode.FLOOR);
f.formatDecimal(n, buffer, options);

//>  "3.141"

n = new BigDecimal("10000");
options = new DecimalFormatOptions().setMinimumFractionDigits(2).setGrouping(true);
f.formatDecimal(n, buffer, options);

//>  "10,000.00"

n = new BigDecimal("12.345");

options = new DecimalFormatOptions().setStyle(DecimalFormatStyle.PERCENT).setGrouping(true);
f.formatDecimal(n, buffer, options);

//>  "1,234%"

Indicate number is already scaled in percent and permille styles

options = new DecimalFormatOptions().setStyle(DecimalFormatStyle.PERCENT_SCALED).setGrouping(true);
f.formatDecimal(n, buffer, options);

//>  "12%"

Compact forms

n = new BigDecimal("999.95");
options = new DecimalFormatOptions(DecimalFormatStyle.LONG);
f.formatDecimal(n, buffer, options);

//>  "1 thousand"

CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(, buffer, options);

//>  "1 millier"

Pattern is chosen using plural category of the formatted number, not the input.

for (String num : new String[] { "1000", "1200", "2000", "5000" }) {
    n = new BigDecimal(num);
    CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(, buffer, options);

//>  "1 tysiąc"
//>  "1,2 tysiąca"
//>  "2 tysiące"
//>  "5 tysięcy"

Unit formatting

StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
UnitFormatOptions options = new UnitFormatOptions();
NumberFormatter f = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(CLDR.Locale.en_US);

UnitConverter converter = CLDR.get().getUnitConverter(CLDR.Locale.en_CA);


converter = CLDR.get().getUnitConverter(CLDR.Locale.en_GB);

//>  UK

converter = CLDR.get().getUnitConverter(CLDR.Locale.en_US);

//>  US

UnitValue value = new UnitValue(("1234567", Unit.FOOT);
UnitValue converted = converter.convert(value, Unit.KILOMETER);
f.formatUnit(converted, buffer, options);

//>  UnitValue(376.2960216, KILOMETER)
//>  "376.3km"

value = new UnitValue("125.785", Unit.MEGABYTE);
f.formatUnit(value, buffer, options);

//>  "125.8MB"

converted = converter.convert(value, Unit.GIGABYTE);
f.formatUnit(converted, buffer, options);

//>  UnitValue(0.1228369140625, GIGABYTE)
//>  "0.1GB"

value = new UnitValue("112233445566778899", Unit.BYTE);
converted = converter.bytes(value);
f.formatUnit(converted, buffer, options);

//>  "102,075.7TB"

options = new UnitFormatOptions(UnitFormat.LONG).setGrouping(true);
f = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(;
f.formatUnit(converted, buffer, options);

//>  "102075,7 téraoctets"

Unit sequence formatting

StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
UnitFormatOptions longOptions = new UnitFormatOptions(UnitFormat.LONG);
UnitFormatOptions narrowOptions = new UnitFormatOptions(UnitFormat.NARROW);

UnitConverter converter = CLDR.get().getUnitConverter(CLDR.Locale.en_US);
UnitValue degrees = new UnitValue("13.536613", Unit.DEGREE);
List<UnitValue> angle = converter.sequence(degrees, UnitConstants.ANGLE_FACTORS);

//>  [UnitValue(13, DEGREE), UnitValue(32, ARC_MINUTE), UnitValue(11.8068, ARC_SECOND)]

NumberFormatter fmt = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(CLDR.Locale.en_US);
fmt.formatUnits(angle, buffer, longOptions);

//>  "13 degrees 32 arcminutes 11.8 arcseconds"

fmt.formatUnits(angle, buffer, narrowOptions);

//>  "13° 32′ 11.8″"

UnitValue days = new UnitValue("753", Unit.DAY);
List<UnitValue> duration = converter.sequence(days, UnitConstants.DURATION_FACTORS);
fmt.formatUnits(duration, buffer, longOptions);

//>  "2 years 22 days 12 hours 21 minutes 36 seconds"

fmt.formatUnits(duration, buffer, narrowOptions);

//>  "2y 22d 12h 21m 36s"

fmt = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(CLDR.Locale.ko);
fmt.formatUnits(duration, buffer, narrowOptions);

//>  "2년 22일 12시간 21분 36초"

Formatting with custom unit factor sets

fmt = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(CLDR.Locale.en_US);
days = new UnitValue("753.35", Unit.DAY);
UnitFactorSet durationFactors = new UnitFactorSet(UnitFactors.DURATION, Unit.WEEK, Unit.HOUR);
duration = converter.sequence(days, durationFactors);

//>  [UnitValue(107, WEEK), UnitValue(104.4, HOUR)]

fmt.formatUnits(duration, buffer, longOptions);

//>  "107 weeks 104.4 hours"

UnitValue inches = new UnitValue("1234567", Unit.INCH);
UnitFactorSet lengthFactors = new UnitFactorSet(UnitFactors.LENGTH, Unit.MILE, Unit.FOOT);
List<UnitValue> length = converter.sequence(inches, lengthFactors);

//>  [UnitValue(19, MILE), UnitValue(2560.583333333333, FOOT)]

fmt.formatUnits(length, buffer, narrowOptions);

//>  "19mi 2560.6′"

Switching on Metric vs English

for (CLDR.Locale locale : new CLDR.Locale[] { CLDR.Locale.en_CA, CLDR.Locale.en_US }) {
    converter = CLDR.get().getUnitConverter(locale);
    if (converter.measurementSystem().usesMetric(UnitCategory.LENGTH)) {
        lengthFactors = UnitFactorSets.LENGTH;
    } else {
        lengthFactors = UnitFactorSets.LENGTH_ENGLISH;
    length = converter.sequence(inches, lengthFactors);

    buffer.append(locale).append(' ');
    fmt.formatUnits(length, buffer, longOptions);

//>  "en-CA 31 kilometers 358 meters 0.2 centimeters"
//>  "en-US 19 miles 853 yards 1 foot 7 inches"

Currency formatting

StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
NumberFormatter f = CLDR.get().getNumberFormatter(CLDR.Locale.en_US);

BigDecimal n = new BigDecimal("1");
CurrencyFormatOptions options = new CurrencyFormatOptions();
f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.USD, buffer, options);

//>  "$1.00"

n = new BigDecimal("-1");
options = new CurrencyFormatOptions(CurrencyFormatStyle.ACCOUNTING);
f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.USD, buffer, options);

//>  "($1.00)"

n = new BigDecimal("69900");
options = new CurrencyFormatOptions(CurrencyFormatStyle.NAME);
f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.USD, buffer, options);

//>  "69,900.00 US dollars"

options = new CurrencyFormatOptions(CurrencyFormatStyle.CODE);
f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.USD, buffer, options);

//>  "69,900.00 USD"

n = new BigDecimal("1.491");
options = new CurrencyFormatOptions().setRoundMode(NumberRoundMode.CEIL);
f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.USD, buffer, options);

//>  "$1.50"

options = new CurrencyFormatOptions(CurrencyFormatStyle.SHORT)
n = new BigDecimal("1200");
f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.USD, buffer, options);

//>  "$1.2K"

n = new BigDecimal("999999");
f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.USD, buffer, options);

//>  "$1M"

f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.EUR, buffer, options);

//>  "€1M"

Currency fraction digit defaulting

Currency fraction digits will be defaulted for specific currencies, e.g. USD uses 2 while JPY uses 0. Use the options if you need to override the defaults, for example when displaying exchange rates.

options = new CurrencyFormatOptions(CurrencyFormatStyle.CODE);

n = new BigDecimal("123.4567");

f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.USD, buffer, options);

//> 123.46 USD

f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.JPY, buffer, options);

//> 123 JPY

options = new CurrencyFormatOptions(CurrencyFormatStyle.CODE)

f.formatCurrency(n, CLDR.Currency.JPY, buffer, options);

//> 123.457 JPY

Currency display names

CLDR cldr = CLDR.get();
BiFunction<String, String, String> getDisplayName = (language, code) -> {
  CLDR.Locale locale = cldr.resolve(language);
  CLDR.Currency currency = CLDR.Currency.fromString(code);
  NumberFormatter f = cldr.getNumberFormatter(locale);
  return f.getCurrencyDisplayName(currency);

String name = getDisplayName.apply("es-ES", "USD");

//> "dólar estadounidense"

name = getDisplayName.apply("en-US", "JPY");

//> "Japanese Yen"

name = getDisplayName.apply("es-419", "ARS");

//> "peso argentino"

name = getDisplayName.apply("zh-ZH", "CNY");

//> "人民币"

Message Formatter

The MessageFormat class allows you to extract localized strings from your application with inline formatting of typed arguments.

The types available are: plural, select, selectordinal, number, currency, datetime, datetime-interval and unit.

ZoneId tzNewYork = ZoneId.of("America/New_York");
ZoneId tzParis = ZoneId.of("Europe/Paris");
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

String format = "Transmission of {0 unit compact:bytes} "
    + "took {1 unit in:second sequence:hour,minute,second format:long}";

MessageFormat msg = new MessageFormat(CLDR.Locale.en_US, tzNewYork, format);
MessageArgs args = MessageArgs.newBuilder()
msg.format(args, buf);

//>  "Transmission of 1.1GB took 3 hours 25 minutes 45 seconds"

msg = new MessageFormat(CLDR.Locale.fr_FR, tzParis, format);
msg.format(args, buf);

//>  "Transmission of 1,1 Go took 3 heures 25 minutes 45 secondes"

Positional or named arguments

This demonstrates plural, currency and datetime arguments.

format = "The total for the {count, plural, one{product} other{# products}} "
    + "you ordered is {amount currency} "
    + "on {2 datetime wrap:full}.";

msg = new MessageFormat(CLDR.Locale.en_US, tzNewYork, format);
StringMessageArg amount = new StringMessageArg("1234.56");
args = MessageArgs.newBuilder()
    .add("count", "1")
    .add("amount", amount)
msg.format(args, buf);

//>  "The total for the product you ordered is $1,234.56 on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 1:22:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time."

msg = new MessageFormat(CLDR.Locale.en_US, tzNewYork, format);
args = MessageArgs.newBuilder()
    .add("count", "23")
    .add("amount", amount)
msg.format(args, buf);

//>  "The total for the 23 products you ordered is $1,234.56 on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 1:22:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time."

Date time intervals

format = "The event takes place from {0;1 datetime-interval MMMd} and we hope to "
    + "raise {2 currency style:short} for our foundation.";

msg = new MessageFormat(CLDR.Locale.en_US, tzNewYork, format);
amount = new StringMessageArg("999990");
args = MessageArgs.newBuilder()
msg.format(args, buf);

//>  "The event takes place from Nov 2 – 4 and we hope to raise €1M for our foundation."

Plural ordinals

format = "Congratulations, you came in {0 selectordinal one{#st} two{#nd} few{#rd} other{#th}} place, "
    + "up from {1 selectordinal one{#st} two{#nd} few{#rd} other{#th}}, "
    + "that's quite an improvement!";
msg = new MessageFormat(CLDR.Locale.en_US, tzNewYork, format);
args = MessageArgs.newBuilder()
msg.format(args, buf);

//>  "Congratulations, you came in 3rd place, up from 27th, that's quite an improvement!"


format = "{name} has successfully enabled {gender select male {his} female {her} other {their}} account.";
msg = new MessageFormat(CLDR.Locale.en_US, tzNewYork, format);
args = MessageArgs.newBuilder()
    .add("name", "Sally")
    .add("gender", "female")
msg.format(args, buf);

//>  "Sally has successfully enabled her account."

args = MessageArgs.newBuilder()
    .add("name", "Squarespace")
    .add("gender", "unknown")
msg.format(args, buf);

//>  "Squarespace has successfully enabled their account."


Java library for localization using Unicode CLDR JSON data







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