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Google font loading breaks build on v9.5.7 (resolved in current release) #7012

4 tasks done
lmmx opened this issue Apr 5, 2024 · 1 comment
4 tasks done


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lmmx commented Apr 5, 2024

[Note this issue is resolved and just reported here for reference, please close as desired]


I’ve been merrily deploying to Vercel for the last few months, and all was well until last week all of a sudden 4 or 5 of my builds suddenly broke.

These were pre-commit CI bot auto-updates, but upon review the breakage occurs even when I just re-run previous builds that succeeded.

I don’t suppose you have any idea why this might have happened?

The traceback seems to point to attempting to load a Google font and then getting something that’s not a zip file

I fixed by simply running pdm update to update my dependencies, and bumping to mkdocs-material 9.5.17

I thought I should report as I couldn’t find this reported anywhere else, and was surprised to see breakage introduced ‘retrospectively’ in this way, on a build that had previously succeeding.

Bug description

[20:10:36.075] DEBUG   -  Loading configuration file: /vercel/path0/mkdocs.yml
[20:10:36.241] DEBUG   -  Loaded theme configuration for 'material' from '/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/material/templates/mkdocs_theme.yml': {'language': 'en', 'direction': None, 'features': [], 'font': {'text': 'Roboto', 'code': 'Roboto Mono'}, 'icon': None, 'favicon': 'assets/images/favicon.png', 'static_templates': ['404.html']}
[20:10:37.060] DEBUG   -  Config value 'config_file_path' = '/vercel/path0/mkdocs.yml'
[20:10:37.060] DEBUG   -  Config value 'site_name' = 'Classipypi'
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[20:10:37.060] DEBUG   -  Config value 'pages' = None
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[20:10:37.060] DEBUG   -  Config value 'not_in_nav' = None
[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'site_url' = ''
[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'site_description' = "Neural PyPI package 'Trove classifier' selector."
[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'site_author' = 'Louis Maddox'
[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'theme' = Theme(name='material', dirs=['/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/material/templates', '/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mkdocs/templates'], static_templates={'sitemap.xml', '404.html'}, name='material', locale=Locale('en'), language='en', direction=None, features=['announce.dismiss', '', 'content.code.annotate', 'content.code.copy', 'header.autohide', 'navigation.indexes', 'navigation.instant', 'navigation.instant.progress', 'navigation.prune', 'navigation.tabs', 'navigation.tabs.sticky', 'navigation.sections', 'search', 'search.suggest'], font={'text': 'Inter', 'code': 'Source Code Pro'}, icon={'repo': 'fontawesome/brands/github'}, favicon='assets/images/favicon.png', palette=[{'scheme': 'default', 'primary': 'white'}])
[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'docs_dir' = '/vercel/path0/docs'
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[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'copyright' = 'Copyright © 2024 Louis Maddox'
[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'google_analytics' = None
[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'dev_addr' = _IpAddressValue(host='', port=8000)
[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'use_directory_urls' = True
[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'repo_url' = ''
[20:10:37.061] DEBUG   -  Config value 'repo_name' = 'lmmx/classipypi'
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[20:10:37.062] DEBUG   -  Config value 'edit_uri' = 'edit/master/docs/'
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[20:10:37.062] DEBUG   -  Config value 'mdx_configs' = {'pymdownx.emoji': {'emoji_index': <function twemoji at 0x7f29feb09800>, 'emoji_generator': <function to_svg at 0x7f29fea314e0>}, 'pymdownx.highlight': {'anchor_linenums': True, 'line_spans': '__span', 'pygments_lang_class': True, 'noclasses': True, 'pygments_style': 'lovelace'}, 'toc': {'permalink': True}, 'pymdownx.tasklist': {'custom_checkbox': True}}
[20:10:37.062] DEBUG   -  Config value 'strict' = True
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[20:10:37.063] DEBUG   -  Config value 'remote_name' = 'origin'
[20:10:37.063] DEBUG   -  Config value 'extra' = {'social': [{'icon': 'fontawesome/brands/github', 'link': ''}], 'generator': False}
[20:10:37.063] DEBUG   -  Config value 'plugins' = {'autorefs': <mkdocs_autorefs.plugin.AutorefsPlugin object at 0x7f29fe167bd0>, 'macros': <mkdocs_macros.plugin.MacrosPlugin object at 0x7f29fe168ad0>, 'mkdocstrings': <mkdocstrings.plugin.MkdocstringsPlugin object at 0x7f29fe165910>, 'material/search': < object at 0x7f29fdd59ad0>, 'section-index': <mkdocs_section_index.plugin.SectionIndexPlugin object at 0x7f29fde1bbd0>, 'material/social': < object at 0x7f29fde1b610>}
[20:10:37.063] DEBUG   -  Config value 'hooks' = {}
[20:10:37.063] DEBUG   -  Config value 'watch' = ['/vercel/path0/src']
[20:10:37.063] DEBUG   -  Config value 'validation' = {'nav': {'omitted_files': 20, 'not_found': 30, 'absolute_links': 20}, 'links': {'not_found': 30, 'absolute_links': 20, 'unrecognized_links': 20}}
[20:10:37.063] DEBUG   -  Running 1 `startup` events
[20:10:37.064] DEBUG   -  Running 5 `config` events
[20:10:37.064] DEBUG   -  mkdocs_autorefs: Adding AutorefsExtension to the list
[20:10:37.064] INFO    -  [macros] - Macros arguments: {'module_name': 'docs/hooks/macros', 'modules': [], 'render_by_default': True, 'include_dir': '', 'include_yaml': [], 'j2_block_start_string': '', 'j2_block_end_string': '', 'j2_variable_start_string': '', 'j2_variable_end_string': '', 'on_undefined': 'keep', 'on_error_fail': False, 'verbose': False}
[20:10:37.082] DEBUG   -  [macros] - Project dir '/vercel/path0'
[20:10:37.082] INFO    -  [macros] - Found local Python module 'docs/hooks/macros' in: /vercel/path0
[20:10:37.083] INFO    -  [macros] - Found external Python module 'docs/hooks/macros' in: /vercel/path0
[20:10:37.083] DEBUG   -  [macros] - Variables: ['extra', 'config', 'environment', 'plugin', 'git', 'social', 'generator']
[20:10:37.083] INFO    -  [macros] - Extra variables (config file): ['social', 'generator']
[20:10:37.083] DEBUG   -  [macros] - Content of extra variables (config file): {'social': [{'icon': 'fontawesome/brands/github', 'link': ''}], 'generator': False}
[20:10:37.083] INFO    -  [macros] - Extra filters (module): ['pretty']
[20:10:37.083] DEBUG   -  [macros] - Docs directory: /vercel/path0/docs
[20:10:37.083] DEBUG   -  [macros] - Includes directory: /vercel/path0/docs
[20:10:37.083] DEBUG   -  [macros] - Undefined behavior: <class 'jinja2.runtime.DebugUndefined'>
[20:10:37.084] DEBUG   -  mkdocstrings: Adding extension to the list
[20:10:37.084] DEBUG   -  mkdocstrings: Picked up existing autorefs instance <mkdocs_autorefs.plugin.AutorefsPlugin object at 0x7f29fe167bd0>
[20:10:37.084] DEBUG   -  Looking for translations for locale 'en'
[20:10:37.084] DEBUG   -  No translations found here: '/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mkdocs/templates/locales'
[20:10:37.084] DEBUG   -  No translations found here: '/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/material/templates/locales'
[20:10:37.095] DEBUG   -  Looking for translations for locale 'en'
[20:10:37.095] DEBUG   -  No translations found here: '/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mkdocs/templates/locales'
[20:10:37.095] DEBUG   -  No translations found here: '/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/material/templates/locales'
[20:10:37.104] DEBUG   -  Looking for translations for locale 'en'
[20:10:37.104] DEBUG   -  No translations found here: '/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mkdocs/templates/locales'
[20:10:37.105] DEBUG   -  No translations found here: '/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/material/templates/locales'
[20:10:37.250] Traceback (most recent call last):
[20:10:37.250]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/bin/mkdocs", line 8, in <module>
[20:10:37.250]     sys.exit(cli())
[20:10:37.250]              ^^^^^
[20:10:37.250]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/click/", line 1157, in __call__
[20:10:37.250]     return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
[20:10:37.250]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:10:37.250]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/click/", line 1078, in main
[20:10:37.250]     rv = self.invoke(ctx)
[20:10:37.250]          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:10:37.250]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/click/", line 1688, in invoke
[20:10:37.250]     return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
[20:10:37.251]                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:10:37.251]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/click/", line 1434, in invoke
[20:10:37.251]     return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
[20:10:37.251]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:10:37.251]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/click/", line 783, in invoke
[20:10:37.251]     return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
[20:10:37.251]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:10:37.251]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mkdocs/", line 286, in build_command
[20:10:37.251], dirty=not clean)
[20:10:37.251]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mkdocs/commands/", line 277, in build
[20:10:37.251]     config = config.plugins.on_config(config)
[20:10:37.251]              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:10:37.251]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mkdocs/", line 527, in on_config
[20:10:37.251]     return self.run_event('config', config)
[20:10:37.252]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:10:37.252]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mkdocs/", line 507, in run_event
[20:10:37.252]     result = method(item, **kwargs)
[20:10:37.252]              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:10:37.252]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/material/plugins/social/", line 138, in on_config
[20:10:37.252]     self.font = self._load_font(config)
[20:10:37.252]                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:10:37.252]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/material/plugins/social/", line 454, in _load_font
[20:10:37.252]     self._load_font_from_google(name)
[20:10:37.252]   File "/vercel/path0/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/material/plugins/social/", line 477, in _load_font_from_google
[20:10:37.252]     zip = ZipFile(tmp)
[20:10:37.252]           ^^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:10:37.252]   File "/vercel/micromamba/lib/python3.11/", line 1304, in __init__
[20:10:37.252]     self._RealGetContents()
[20:10:37.252]   File "/vercel/micromamba/lib/python3.11/", line 1371, in _RealGetContents
[20:10:37.253]     raise BadZipFile("File is not a zip file")
[20:10:37.253] zipfile.BadZipFile: File is not a zip file
[20:10:37.393] Error: Command "bash ./docs/vercel/" exited with 1

Related links

Fonts docs


This occurred on my package classipypi for example which uses Google fonts

Steps to reproduce

mkdocs-material 9.5.7 using this config for example


No response

Before submitting

@lmmx lmmx changed the title Load font from google plugin suddenly breaking build Load font from google plugin suddenly breaking build on v9.5.7 (resolved in current release) Apr 5, 2024
@lmmx lmmx changed the title Load font from google plugin suddenly breaking build on v9.5.7 (resolved in current release) Google font loading breaks build on v9.5.7 (resolved in current release) Apr 5, 2024
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Thanks for reporting. You're correct that this is resolved in 9.5.17 – so nothing more to be done here ☺️

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