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Hi! I'm an individual developer, excited to participate in the Hackathon.

About Me

My name is Anton, you can also call me Antonio. I didn't think much about team name, it got to be just my name:). I'm a PHP developer, also good in JavaScript. For backend I'm using PHP framework called Yii 2. This powerful thing leads PHP on completely different level. And of course I like frontend too, so I got to be familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, especially jQuery, an awesome JavaScript library.

Looking forward when the koding battle begins... And let the strongest to win!

Languages and tools I like

-- Yii Framework v2.0 (based on PHP)
-- jQuery (based on JavaScript)
-- HTML 5, CSS 3
-- DBMS: MySQL or MongoDb
-- Twitter Bootstrap (honestly didn't use, but want to try (!) )

-- and Java (I know it is completely different from PHP, but since I tried it, I really liked it. Although I'm not going to use it for the Hackathon, because don't have enough XP for that.)

About my project

Most of all I want my project to be really useful for people. It is a primary purpose, because if it becomes useful, it is always possible to make it awesome.