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302 lines (264 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

302 lines (264 loc) · 12.1 KB


This bash environment provides prompt with 2 segments

Left portion

  1. short form of git status and git local branch name if current working directory is subdirectory/maindirectory of a git repo
  2. Current working directory path
  3. Status code of previously executed command

Right portion

  1. Remote name/Remote branch name, if current working directory is either git repo or subdirectory of a git repo.
  2. User name and host name.
  3. Date and time stamp. This can be used for observing time taken by any command

Bash Shortcuts

Please find below shortcuts provided by bashrc.


Shortcut Description
hfzf fzf with hidden files enabled

Devenv management

Shortcut Description
vdbash To edit bashrc provided by this repository, This works only if this repo cloned to home directory.
genhelp Generate help documents of devenv
tmhelp Show tmux shortcuts help
bhelp Show bashrc shortcuts help
vhg Show help of any command from vim help
vhg Show help of any query from vim help
vhelp Show custom vim shortcuts help


Shortcut Description
csd Open cscope with available cscope files in current directory
cs Create cscope db and open cscope. This also takes directories as arguments to which cscopedb need to be created.
csf Similar to above cs but removes all the cscope db files before creating new set of files. This can used to refresh the db if source is changed.


Shortcut Description
tmux Run tmux command with predefined env settings aliased to EDITOR=nvim TERM=tmux-256color tmux -2 -u
rnp Sets a titile which inturn renames a pane in tmux
tm Open new tmux session with given name, or attach if its already exist, if used first time opens resurrected tmux sessions and connect them
tml list currently running tmux sessions
vtm Open tmux custom config provided by this repository for editing in vim
tmk Kill tmux server and kill all processes having tmux in their command
tmks Kill session with given name
tmkap kill all panes other than current pane in tmux
ftwind Find tmux windows in popup
ftpanes Find all panes on server using fzf and switch to the selected one


Shortcut Description
d2u Dos to unix command
gettimestamp Prints time in YYYYMMDD_hhmmss format. Usefull for generating any filenames based on timestamp
gettimestampbb Prints time in YYYY.MM.DD-hh:mm:ss format. Usefull for generating any filenames based on timestamp
getsource Get any git repo as a tar ball witout git information.
fsw Find any swap files in current directory
hugelist Find top 5 space consuming files or directories
cdsize Current directory size
? Get details of an alias/command example "? fsw"
countdown Countdown timer become handy to track time sometimes.ex. countdown 60 countdown $((2*60*60)) countdown $((24*60*60))
stopwatch Stopwatch kind of display on terminal
man Similar to man but presented colorful
bkp Just create a backup of file/directory with appending timestamp to its name.
tarbkp Just create a backup of file/directory with timestamp as tarball.
myecho echo command wrapper with colored errors,warnings and highlighted directory entries and exits.
mmk Make command wrapper with colored errors,warnings and highlighted directory entries and exits.
batch_mv batch_mv x y Renames files containing x in their names and replaces x with y
batch_rename batch_rename x y Renames files containing x in their names and replaces x with y. This also replaces file contents having x to y
compress creates .tar.gz from files uses first file name as tarball name
bestcompress creates tar.xz from files uses firstfile name as tarball name
ex archive extractor usage: ex
glow Fill a pane(tmux) or split terminal with all white color, might be useful if you dont have other light source
vitmp Create and open temporary file in vim
clean_tmp Remove all temporary files created by mktemp command
dirdiff Terminal based interactive directory diff tool using vim
uncrust 'uncrust [file names or wild char]' format given files as per the found config.

Cheat sheet

Shortcut Description
cheat get help on given programing languages or tools using + fzf
tmch Same as cheat command but opens in new tmux window and closes with Ctrl-C

Text formatting

Shortcut Description
printcolors Test terminal supports 256 colors or not. Also outputs color numbers.
rgbtest Test your terminal supports rgb colors or not and print them
- Function naming as (t)(clr)(t)(b) --> (true)(color)(text)(bold)
- tclrtb, tclrt. tclrbg are single argument functions which take one color code
- tclr and tclrb takes two arguments first one background and second one foreground
- tclre ends color coding. All color codes to be given in hex format
tclrtb Color only foreground and set text to bold
tclrt Color only foreground
tclrbg Color only background
tclrb Color background and foreground and make text to bold
tclrb Color background and foreground.
tclre Ends color coding.
print_u8charset Print whole UTF-8 char set. Not working correctly as there are several unwanted characters
rtxt print given arguments right aligned
ctxt print given arguments center aligned
ctxtf print given arguments center aligned with trailing spaces(f)
drawline print horizontal line useful for screen seperation in some scripts

Ssh management

Shortcut Description
create_pkeys create ssh keys for automatic ssh logins.
setup_ssh Auto ssh login helper which set sshkeys to remote server, ex. setup_ssh user@host

Taskwarrior tmux

Shortcut Description
devtask Dashboard tmux window for task management with taskwarrior
devtaskkill Kill Dashboard tmux window for task management with taskwarrior
devtaskstop Stop Dashboard tmux window for task management with taskwarrior
devtaskrelaod Restart tracking tasks in Dashboard tmux window for task management with taskwarrior


Shortcut Description
gid git diff
gids git diff with staged changes
gidw git diff ignoring white space
pgid patch formatted git diff
gidls git diff only output file names changed
pgids patch formatted git diff with staged changes
pgidw patch formatted git diff ignoring white space
vgid git diff open in vim
vgids git diff with staged changes opens in vim
vgidw git diff ignoring white space opens in vim
gicl git clone
gigt git get theirs
gigo git get ours
gipsf git push force
gipsof git push origin force
gips git push
gipso git push origin
gipla git pull all
gipl git pull
gir git rebase
girc git rebase continue
girs gir rebase skip
gira gir rebase abort
gia git add
gis git status
gich git checkout
gicb git checkour new branch with given name
gib git branch
giba git show all branches including remotes
gibd git branch delete
gibD git branch force delete
gibda git all branches delete except current one
gibDa git all branches force delete except current one
gico git commit with adding signature
gicoa git commit with adding signature and amending
gicoane git commit with adding signature amend without editing message
girepl git replace given commit with head commit
gifa git fetch all
gipure git rebase and pull
gickhpush git check current branch is pushed or not
gicht git checkout a branch from tag with branch_tag name
gil git log
gilo git log in oneline format
gilol awesome git log replacement
gilod git log same as above, but ISO date
gilobi git log using build-in standards
gilobc git log to show branches and their last commits
gigl git graph by log
gigb git graph by branches
get_git_ls Get git local status
get_git_is Get git index status information about ahead or behind
get_git_lb Get git local branch
get_git_rb Get git origin branch.
get_git_sc Get git stash count
gucfg Global git user config
lgucfg Local git user config for repository level


Shortcut Description
tnPN Tag READY to next task in a project with name PN , you need to replace PN with actual project name
taPN Add task to project with name PN , you need to replace PN with actual project name
taPN Mark a task to done in project with name PN , you need to replace PN with actual project name
trmPN Delete task from project with name PN , you need to replace PN with actual project name
tlPN Add task to project with name PN , you need to replace PN with actual project name
twstPN Start timewarrior for project, you need to replace PN with actual project name
t Show tasks
tn Show next task
tnu Show next task urgency
ta add task
trm task delete
td task done
ts task start
tan Annotate a Task
tl Show task log
tac Show active tasks
tap Task add to personal project
taw Add task to work project
twork Set context to work tasks
tpers Set context to personal tasks
tts Show task time sheet
tt Show tasks completed today
ty Show tasks completed yesterday
tey Show tasks completed after yesterday
tlw Show task I completed in the last week
tbdd task burndown daily
tbdw task burndown weekly
tbdy task burndown yearly
twst Start tracking time
twc Continue tracking time
twstop Stop tracking time
tws This Week time summary
twlw Last week time summary
twd Day time summary
tsl show tasks per project
wtsl watch tasks per project
wtb watch task burndown daily, weekly and monthly
wtt watch tasks
wtt watch tasks completed today
wty Watch tasks completed yesterday
wtey Watch tasks completed after yesterday
wtlw Watch task I completed in the last week
twaddholiday Add holiday to taskwarrior takes two params date and description
twundoholiday undo recently addedholiday to taskwarrior
twholidays import holidays to taskwarrior provide csv file with two columns date and description


Shortcut Description
install_nf Install any nerd font from github release
install_all_nf Install all nerd fonts from github release


Shortcut Description
v Opens nvim
vi Opens nvim
nv Opens nvim
vim Opens nvim
ovim Opens old/original vim instead of nvim
vdbg Debug neovim with log file
vbash To edit .bashrc inside user home directory
sbash Source bash environment again after unaliasing all shortcuts
l List files with colors, show sizes in readable format and sort to print latest file at last
cl List files with colors, show sizes in readable format and sort to print latest file at last
lv List files with colors, show sizes in readable format and sort by name
ls List files with colors
mygrep Grep recursive, prints numbers, excludes binaries, files with extensions .o, .o.cmd, .d, .htm, .map, .xsl files with names cscope*, *tags
myrg Grep recursive, prints numbers, excludes binaries, files with extensions .o, .o.cmd, .d, .htm, .map, .xsl files with names cscope*, *tags
ai shortcut to apt-get install
sau shortcut to sudo apt-get update and upgrade
sai shortcut to sudo apt-get install
cho Make current user as owner for all given files
chx Give executable permission to given files
r Refresh command, if some programs delte and recreate some directory you can just press r to refresh it. works mostly ;)
f Simple find command to find given patterned files in current directory
lf List file with fullpath usefull while remote copying.
mkcd Make directory and cd to it


Shortcut Description
getsymbolo Debugging helper find any symbol from compile .o files in any subdirectory.


Shortcut Description
gh_rel Get latest github release file from a repo Usage gh_rel <repo name> <file regex pattern>
ghkey copy github key to clipboard one should add their github key to ~/.ghkey file


Shortcut Description
worldclock live search zones and get time of any time zone
worldclockshow show times at different zones
swc show times at different zones
fwc live search zones and get time of any time zone