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Added example for how to run paired end reads
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ssadedin committed Feb 21, 2013
1 parent 9d2751e commit 14c9a50
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Showing 4 changed files with 104 additions and 0 deletions.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions examples/paired_end_alignment/pipeline.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// ----------- Example: Paired End Alignment
// Illustrates how to align paired end reads from eg. Illumina
// using BWA.
// Notes:
// 1. to run this example you need a human reference genome
// downloaded and indexed in ~/hg19/gatk.ucsc.hg19.fasta"
// or you can change the reference below to point to one
// you already have.
// 2. the magic $threads variable used below will (by default) use
// 50% of all the available cores on your computer for each
// alignment command (thus taking 100% of available threads). You can
// control it by running using the -n command, eg, to run using 4 cores
// in total:
// bpipe run -n 4 pipeline.groovy
// ----------- Reference
// The reference that we are aligning to
// This must have already been indexed using something like:
// bwa index -a bwtsw ~/hg19/gatk.ucsc.hg19.fasta

align_bwa = {

// We are going to transform FASTQ into two .sai files and a .bam file
transform("sai","sai","bam") {

// Alignment with bwa consists of two separate commands:
// 1. finding the SA coordinates by running bwa aln
// 2. converting coordinates to actual read alignments and
// matching ends together with bwa sampe

// Step 1 - bwa aln
multi "gunzip -c $input1.gz | bwa aln -t $threads $REF - > $output1",
"gunzip -c $input2.gz | bwa aln -t $threads $REF - > $output2"

// Step 2 - bwa sampe
exec """
bwa sampe $REF $output1 $output2 $input1.gz $input2.gz |
samtools view -bSu - |
samtools sort - $output.bam.prefix

// Single sample, simple execution
run { align_bwa }

// Multiple samples where file names begin with sample
// name and are separated by underscore from the rest of the
// file name
run { "%_*.fastq.gz" * [ align_bwa ] }
Binary file added examples/paired_end_alignment/sample1_r1.fastq.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added examples/paired_end_alignment/sample1_r2.fastq.gz
Binary file not shown.
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/misc/create_examples.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// A hack script that converts "live" examples into Wiki format
// so that examples can be edited in place and updated on the wiki
// easily.
new File("../../examples").eachDir { exampleDir ->
println " Processing $exampleDir ".center(80,'-')
println "\n"

def lines = new File(exampleDir, "pipeline.groovy").readLines()
int headerIndex = lines.findIndexOf { it.startsWith("// ------") }

int endHeader = lines.findIndexOf(headerIndex+1) { !it.startsWith("//") } - 1

def exampleHumanName = (lines[headerIndex] =~ '^[/ ]*-{1,} (.*$)')[0][1].replaceAll("Example: *","")
def exampleWikiName = exampleHumanName.replaceAll(" ","")+".wiki"

println "Example name is $exampleWikiName"

println "Header is from $headerIndex - $endHeader"

boolean firstHeader = true

// Now transform to simple wiki syntax
output = ["#summary Bpipe Example : $exampleHumanName",
"#sidebar Reference" ] +
lines[headerIndex..endHeader].collect { line ->
line = line.replaceAll("^// *","")
.replaceAll('^-{1,} (.*$)', (firstHeader ? '== $1 ==' : '=== $1 ==='))
firstHeader = false
return line
} +
["{{{"] +
lines[(endHeader+1)..-1] +

println output.join("\n")

new File(exampleWikiName).text = output.join("\n")


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