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RMIT Elevator Simulator

What is this repository for?

  • Fork of elevatorsim
  • Adapted original simulator to allow control over a network.
  • Forked from r162 (0.4+).
  • Developed by final year RMIT CS students as part of their capstone project under the supervision of A/Prof. Sebastian Sardina.

Changes from r162 (0.4+) version

  • Network connectivity to simulation; allows controllers to run outside simulator.
  • Allows to change car destination while car is traveling.
  • People repress floor button if unable to enter car due to lack of capacity.
  • Generate special event when car passes through each floor while traveling.
  • Many bugs fixed.

Running the simulator

You can run the simulation via CLI, Maven, or inside an IDE like Eclipse. The main class is org.intranet.elevator.ElevatorSimulationApplication.

The easiest way is to just obtain the latest JAR file from the release section. Alternatively, you can first produce the JAR file via Maven via mvn clean package, which will leave the JAR file under target/.

To get the options available:

$ java -jar target/elevator-simulator-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar  -h
usage: elevator [-f <STAT_FILE>] [-g] [-h] [-j <JSON_PARAM>] [-s <SPEED>]
 -f,--filestats <STAT_FILE>   store statistics in a CSV file
 -g,--headless                create a headless instance
 -h,--help                    show this help
 -j,--json <JSON_PARAM>       JSON formatted parameter file for simulators
 -s,--speed <SPEED>           run simulation at speed factor times


  • In the csv file, one line will be appended to the file for every simulation that is run. The same csv file should not be used across different application versions.
  • the JSON file contains various simulation configurations and a chosen active one to be used. Change the activeSimulator to select the concrete simulation configuration to run. See an example in simulator-params.json

The application will generate elsimsettings.json in the working directory if it does not already exist:

  • port is the port the server will listen for a connection on
  • timeout is the time in seconds the server will wait for communication from a client before trying to throwing an error
  • set enableOldControllers to true to enable MetaController and SimpleController which do not run over the network
  • set enableHiddenSimulators to true to enable some old simulators from the original project that were created for development purposes

Simulation with GUI

If you have the JAR file, just do:

java -jar elevator-simulator-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

If you have cloned the source, you can just run the system via mvn exec:java

Once the application is up and running:

  1. Select File > New.
  2. Select Random Rider Insertion and click Real time.
  3. Configure simulation settings to your liking or leave them at their defaults.
  4. Select NetworkWrapperController under the Controller option.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Run a client system (e.g., Java, Python, or SARL based) to connect and control the elevators.
  7. Click Go, Dude! once the client is connected and the bottom left panel is showing statistics.
  8. Adjust the time factor in the bottom right to speed up / slow down the simulation.
  9. It is up to the client to control the elevator cars.

A log file elevator-simulator.log will be created and left at the end of the simulation.

Headless simulation with no GUI

One can also run the simulator with no GUI display using the -g option:

java -jar target/elevator-simulator-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar   -g -s 5 -f stats.csv -j simulator-params.json

This will run the simulator as a headless server. The simulation will be the one specified in file simulator-params.json, it will run at speed factor 5. Results stats will be dumped into file stats.csv.

If no JSON file is given, the default set-up is 10 floors, 3 elevators of capacity 8, and 20 people in the building.

One can specify various types of simulation configurations and the "active" one in a json file and use it as follows to run the simulator headless:

java -jar target/elevator-simulator-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar  -j simulator-params.json  -g

See JSON file simulator-params.json for an example.


  • Sebastian Sardina (Project leader & contact -
  • Matthew McNally.
  • Joshua Richards.
  • Joshua Beale.
  • Abhijeet Anand.


This project is using the GPLv3 for open source licensing for information and the license visit GNU website (

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see