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File metadata and controls

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  • Installed docker as this projects relies heavily on docker and docker compose for development and deployment.
  • Configure user secrets:
  "Secrets": {
    "ConnectionStringDefaultConnectionPassword": "dockerPhishingTrainingAdminDevelopment_1010"

You can do this by executing the following command inside the Developer PowerShell inside the project \src\Web:

dotnet user-secrets set "Secrets:ConnectionStringDefaultConnectionPassword" "dockerPhishingTrainingAdminDevelopment_1010"

Development settings

Do not forget to change all passwords in production settings

The Webapp settings can be found in \src\Web\appsettings.json and \src\Web\appsettings.Development.json.


  • \src\Web\Dockerfile
  • \src\Infrastructure..

The default user accounts and passwords are created inside the \src\Web\Jobs\DatabaseSeedingJob.cs:

  • "admin", Roles.Admin, "VwE3AdadTta6L1Jodgfj"
  • "manager", Roles.Manager, "3Rnk0hq5kAqoZ19eQdI6"
  • "participant", Roles.Participant, "lGAVsNavtmIDOKyME0hP"

For sending SMS we used If you want to use it, you need provide an API key in appsettings.Development.json

"SmsProvider": {
    "ApiKey": "YOUR_KEY"

Run the project

Set the docker-compose project as startup project. Then by running everything (db, mailserver, proxy, backend) will be setup automatically. Open https://localhost:41443

Endpoint connections

  • Database via SSMS connect to localhost,41433, docker internally db:1433
    • System Administrator user: sa pwd: dockerSqlExpressDevelopment_1040
    • phishingtraining user: phishingtraining_admin pwd: dockerPhishingTrainingAdminDevelopment_1010
  • Mailserver via SMTP localhost:41025, docker internally mail:25 and mail:587
  • Backend is only docker internally exposed on backend:5000
  • Reverse proxy via http and https on http://localhost:41080 https://localhost:41443

Hangfire Dashboard

Here you can find the scheduled tasks for sending emails, sms, etc. Add /hangfire to the base url (e.g., https://URL/hangfire). You need the administrator Role to open the Dashboard.

Debugging steps

  • By running sudo docker ps you can se the state of the running containers.
  • By running sudo docker logs phishing-training-prod_backend_1 | more you can check the logs of the backend container. You can also check the logs of the other containers by using the other containernames.
  • To execute commands on the database do something similar to this sudo docker exec -it phishing-training-prod_db_1 /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P "thesapwdfrom/srv/phishingtraining/secrets/db_sa_password" -Q "SELECT 1"
  • Log files on the prod. server can be found at /var/phishingtraining/ (see docker-compose.production.yml) (Development: &AppData% = ...\AppData\Roaming\PhishingTraining\)
  • Log levels can be set in /srv/phishingtraining/secrets/backend_appsettings.Production.json (/run/secrets in the backend image)

Production deployment

  1. To build new containers from the latest commit to the master branch execute sudo /srv/phishingtraining/
  2. To replace the running containers with the new ones run sudo docker-compose --file /srv/phishingtraining/git/src/docker-compose.yml --file /srv/phishingtraining/git/src/docker-compose.production.yml --project-name phishing-training-prod up --detach --no-build --remove-orphans.

Setting up the database

Prepare the database by connecting interactivly to the db with sqlcmd. Use the scripts from src/Infrastructure/db-init:

sudo docker exec -it phishing-training-prod_db_1 /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd \
   -S localhost -U SA -P "justforSetup_1"

Ensure the password for the phishingtraining_admin is the same as in file defined in /srv/phishingtraining/secrets/backend_appsettings.Production.json.

Change the SA users password with the following command:

sudo docker exec -it phishing-training-prod_db_1 /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd \
   -S localhost -U SA -P "justforSetup_1" \
   -Q 'ALTER LOGIN SA WITH PASSWORD="PWDfrom/srv/phishingtraining/secrets/db_sa_password"'

Setting up letsencrypt

Use this guide.