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This is a jQuery plugin for load your tweets to your site. Simple with many options!

Basic usage

  • Download jQuery.getTweets.js or jQuery.getTweets.min.js
  • Write some lines in your HTML, like the example below
  • Done (:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  // display @your_twitter tweets with default options
    username: "your_twitter"

  // Or you can use options :D
    username: "github",
    remove_content: true,
    count: 100,
    I18n: {
      hour: "AN HOUR AGO",
      day: "ONE DAY AGO"
<div id="my_element">
  This content shows if the Javascript is OFF or remove_content = false (default).


    <title>@orkut_br 2 last tweets</title>
    <script src="jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script src="jquery.getTweets.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
          username: "orkut_br",
          count: 2
    <div id="twitter">
      This content shows if the Javascript is OFF or remove_content = false (default).

Will append #twitter like...

<div id="twitter">
  This content shows if the Javascript is OFF or remove_content = false (default).
  <ul class="">
    <li class="">
      <span class="rt">RT @<a href="" title="Retweet" target="_blank">user_retweeted</a>:
        <span class="rt_content">
          <p>It's a RT. This tweet doesn't exist. Link test: <a href="" title="" target="_blank"></a> mention: @<a href="" target="_blank">twitter</a> hashtag: #<a href="" target="_blank">test</a></p>
        <p class="when">
          <a href="" target="_blank">31 minutes ago</a>
    <li class="">
      <p>Other tweet, not a RT. Just text</p>
      <p class="when">
        <a href="" target="_blank">1 day ago</a>


Checkout the options:

Option name                 Type          Default value               Description

parent_element              String        'ul'                        All tweets node
parent_element_class        String        ''
add_element                 String        'li'                        Individual tweet node
add_element_class           String        ''
tweet_container             String        'p'                         Tweet content node
username                    String        'orkut_br'                  Your twitter username
count                       Integer       5                           Number of tweets
include_rts                 Boolean       true
include_entities            Boolean       true                        Replace links (usernames/hashtags/etc)
exclude_replies             Boolean       false
rt_element                  String        'span'                      "RT @user:" node
rt_class                    String        'rt'
rt_link_el                  String        'span'                      RT content parent node (see the example for understand :P)
rt_link_class               String        'rt_content'
timelapse_element           String        'p'                         Timestamp node
timelapse_class             String        'when'
show_timelapse              Boolean       true                        Show tweet timestamp
remove_content              Boolean       false                       Remove the content before append tweets
I18n.seconds                String        'less than a minute ago'
I18n.minute                 String        'a minute ago'
I18n.minutes                String        '%n% minutes ago'
I18n.hour                   String        'about an hour ago'
I18n.hours                  String        '%n% hours ago'                    String        '1 day ago'
I18n.days                   String        '%n% days ago'


  • The folder I18n have some translations, feels free to send other translations (:
  • Just replace the relative numbers with %n%


  • This plugin works ONLY with Twitter API v1!
  • Twitter's API 1.1 doesn't allows unauthenticated requests.


  • Only public accounts allowed

  • Twitter allows 150 request per hour (for every client). If a user request 150 pages in 10 minutes, nothing will display for 50 minutes (for this user. If another user request, tweets will be showed for there)

  • Max count is 200. Important: This count include retweets and replies. If you disable RTs and replies and yours x (count option) tweets are RT/replies, nothing will displayed

    The value of count is best thought of as a limit to the number of tweets to return because suspended or deleted content is removed after the count has been applied. We include retweets in the count, even if include_rts is not supplied. It is recommended you always send include_rts=1 when using this API method.

Any ideia?

  • Fork
  • Make your changes
  • Open a pull request
  • Wait (:


No description, website, or topics provided.






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