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EnvoyFilter Patching

Based on ADR01, the implementation of the ACL extension was shifted from AuthorizationPolicies to EnvoyFilters. (For the reasoning behind this decision, see the ADR.)

Implementing access control with EnvoyFilters came with its own set of challenges, and this ADR aims at recording the reasoning behind the solutions we found for them.

The Role of EnvoyFilters in Istio

While Istio comes with a bunch of "high-level" CRDs to define the networking behavior of a cluster (like e.g. Ingress), EnvoyFilters are a way to directly patch and manipulate the Envoy configuration that results from the higher-level resources. EnvoyFilters are very powerful, but also complex. Usually, if you can implement a desired networking behavior without EnvoyFilters, you should definitely do it. As discussed in ADR01, we must chose EnvoyFilters for the task at hand, though.

The ingress of seed clusters is where the configuration of ACL rules takes place, and consequently, where we must hook in with our extension.

Gardener already comes pre-equipped with a few EnvoyFilter objects (see any seed cluster in your environment) that already influence the ingress behavior.

There are three areas where a user-defined ACL needs to be respected:

  1. The API server networking config
  2. The VPN networking config
  3. The internal networking config

While the API server networking configuration is easier to achieve, a special workaround is necessary for the other two areas.

Simple Case: Deploying Additional EnvoyFilters

The general idea of most Gardener extension controllers is to deploy additional resources (usually using the Gardener Resource Manager) which then have some effect in the shoot namespace of the cluster that requested the extension. We considered the same approach for the ACL extension.

The original Gardener networking configuration for API server networking (the first item on the list) stems from an Istio Gateway resource. This makes it easy for us to alter it after the fact by adding an EnvoyFilter, patching the resulting config with user-defined rules.

We could therefore solve one of our three requirements by creating a Helm template for an additional EnvoyFilter resource. This template is filled with the user-defined rules from the extensions spec.providerConfig field. This is the main task of the actuator.

The internal networking config (item three) also comes from an EnvoyFilter deployed by Gardener. Due to the fact that it hooks into the patching mechanism of Istio differently, we were unable to patch this EnvoyFilter like we did for VPN networking. In fact, we couldn't find any way to insert the additional ACL rules into this EnvoyFilter patch whatsoever, which we consider a bug in Istio. Istio even provides a priority field for EnvoyFilters, but it also didn't have any effect. (See the issue we opened with Istio for our problem.)

Because of this perceived bug, even a change to the Gardener core codebase (e.g. adding a name to the filter_chain or the filters fields in the original EnvoyFilter) wouldn't solve the problem at the moment.

Complicated Case 1: Mutating Webhook for Specific EnvoyFilters

Because of this challenge with Istio not merging several EnvoyFilters as we'd expect, case three needs special treatment. The idea we had was to implement a mutating webhook that acts on specific EnvoyFilters and injects the user-defined ACL rules into the original EnvoyFilter produced by Gardener upon creation or updates.

See the webhook code for the details of the implementation. In short, we trigger the webhook only for EnvoyFilters whose name starts with shoot--. This is the naming pattern for EnvoyFilters containing the internal networking configuration. We then check if there is an Extension of type: acl in the corresponding shoot namespace. If yes, and if it contains rules, we patch the incoming EnvoyFilter with those rules and send the result back to the API server.

The following description of the hashing procedure to trigger the webhook has been superseded by ADR04.

A challenge with this approach is that the webhook (in contrast to the extension controller) is only triggered when EnvoyFilters are created or updated. However, the webhook also needs to act when a change is made to the Extension resource (e.g. if the user changed their ACL rules). This was solved on the actuator side in the controller. Additionally to creating the aforementioned EnvoyFilters as managed resources, it also calculates a hash of the rule in the Extension spec. This hash is inserted as an annotation in the appropriate EnvoyFilter resource (shoot--...). This update triggers the webhook. It fetches the changed Extension and patches the EnvoyFilter with the updated rules.

In case of extension deletion (the user doesn't need ACL anymore), the annotation is removed and the webhook removes all ACL-based rules, recreating the original state of the shoots EnvoyFilter resource.

Complicated Case 2: A Single EnvoyFilter for All VPN Rules

The VPN listener is also special, in that it bundles the entire traffic for all shoots. (The other two flows have one listener per shoot.) The reason for this is that all VPN traffic goes to the VPN auth server first and from there to the respective API server.

This means, to adequately support ACLs in the case of VPN, we need to create a combined EnvoyFilter (exactly one per seed). It roughly looks like this (abbreviated example):

  - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
      context: GATEWAY
      operation: INSERT_FIRST
        name: acl-vpn
            action: ALLOW
              # this is the policy that allows all other shoots to pass through
                  - any: true
                    - and_ids:
                          - not_id:
                                name: reversed-vpn
                                  contains: .shoot--projectname--shootname1.
                          - not_id:
                                name: reversed-vpn
                                  contains: .shoot--projectname--shootname2.
              # this is the shoot-specific policy, matching on both the header
              # AND the provided list of allowed IP ranges
                - any: true
                - and_ids:
                    - or_ids:
                        - remote_ip:
                            prefix_len: 0
                        - remote_ip:
                            prefix_len: 16
                        - remote_ip:
                            prefix_len: 11
                    - header:
                        name: reversed-vpn
                          contains: .shoot--projectname--shootname.
              # one more policy for each shoot that has the extension enabled

You can see that we construct one policy for each shoot with enabled ACL extension, and another rule matching all shoots without ACL extension (called acl-vpn-inverse) that prevents those shoots from being denied VPN access.

This case of combining all rules into a single EnvoyFilter object means that we can only support either a DENY or an ALLOW rule, but not both. We decided to go with ALLOW, because it makes the most sense for Kubernetes API servers in our opinion.

A possible idea we had to solve this problem and allow the user to define multiple rules would be to not deal with VPN traffic access control in the Envoy configuration. Instead, Envoy would pass all the VPN traffic to the VPN auth server unhindered.

The auth server currently only checks for a regex match on the reversed-vpn header. It could be extended to read in a ConfigMap written by the ACL extension (containing the shoot access rules). Based on data from this ConfigMap, it could do more sophisticated authorization by also checking for those rules.