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StackqlMagic Extension for Jupyter

The StackqlMagic extension for Jupyter notebooks provides a convenient interface to run StackQL queries against cloud or SaaS providers directly from within the notebook environment. Results can be visualized in a tabular format using Pandas DataFrames.


To enable the StackqlMagic extension in your Jupyter notebook, use the following command:

%load_ext pystackql.magic

To use the StackqlMagic extension in your Jupyter notebook to run queries against a StackQL server, use the following command:

%load_ext pystackql.magics


The extension provides both line and cell magic functionalities:

  1. Line Magic:

    You can run StackQL queries directly from a single line:

    %stackql DESCRIBE aws.ec2.instances
  2. Cell Magic:

    For multi-line queries or when you need to use specific options:

    SELECT instanceType, COUNT(*) as num_instances
    FROM aws.ec2.instances 
    WHERE region = '$region' GROUP BY instanceType       


When using StackqlMagic as cell magic, you can pass in the following options:

  • --no-display : Suppresses the display of the results. Even when this option is enabled, the results are still saved in the stackql_df Pandas DataFrame.


project = 'stackql-demo'
zone = 'australia-southeast1-a'
region = 'australia-southeast1'
%%stackql --no-display
SELECT SPLIT_PART(machineType, '/', -1) as machine_type, count(*) as num_instances 
FROM google.compute.instances 
WHERE project = '$project' AND zone = '$zone'
GROUP BY machine_type

This will run the query but won't display the results in the notebook. Instead, you can later access the results via the stackql_df variable.


The results of the queries are always saved in a Pandas DataFrame named stackql_df in the notebook's current namespace. This allows you to further process or visualize the data as needed.

An example of visualizing the results using Pandas is shown below:

stackql_df.plot(kind='pie', y='num_instances', labels=_['machine_type'], title='Instances by Type', autopct='%1.1f%%')

This documentation provides a basic overview and usage guide for the StackqlMagic extension. For advanced usage or any additional features provided by the extension, refer to the source code or any other accompanying documentation.