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Debugging go code running in Kubernetes

This tells how to prepare code and GoLand IDE to debug Go code of the application running on the cluster.

It works with minikube and GKE/Infra clusters.

It should be possible to use other debugging UIs/front-ends but wasn’t tested.


Main instructions are available here:

If you’re using GoLand, get familiar with its features available for debugging.

Use GoLand for remote debugging

  1. One-time setup
    In GoLand open Run | Edit Configurations …, click on the + icon to add new configuration, choose Go Remote template.
    Give configuration some name, chose Host: localhost and Port: 40000.
    Select On disconnect: option Leave it running.

    Screenshot of JetBrains "New Run/Debug Configuration

  2. Connect to remote debugger
    Make sure remote debugger is launched/attached and port forwarding is enabled. See corresponding section in
    Next, select Run | Debug… and select Go Remote configuration you’ve created.

    Screenshot of "Run|Debug" Dialog

    If all done right, you should see Connected message in the Debug | Debugger | Variables window

    Screenshot of JetBrains IDE "Debug" tab

    Don’t forget to set up some code breakpoints.

  3. Stopping debugger
    When hitting the stop button in GoLand, you may be asked if you want to stop the dlv debugger instance. It is recommended to choose No because otherwise GoLand may start missing breakpoints.

    Screenshot of "Stop Remove Delve" modal

    Next, you may be asked if you want to kill the process where debugger was attached. It is recommended to choose No because otherwise you’d have to restart the pod.

    Screenshot of "Kill Remote Process" modal

Caveats / what to expect / troubleshooting

  • Update your GoLand. JetBrains Toolbox is a good tool for this. GoLand's support for debugging is relatively new, and stability fixes usually come with new IDE releases.

  • After you disconnect GoLand (or it gets disconnected because of a process crash, etc.) and then reconnect, sometimes it happens that GoLand does not stop on breakpoints even though you know it must. I wasn’t able to trace the origin, but here’s what may help:

    • Restart GoLand via File | Invalidate Caches… | Just Restart.
  • Occasionally, when stepping through, the debugged process crashes (with abort signal in logs) and GoLand shows a dialog what to do when disconnecting from it. If that happens, you’ll need to delete the pod so that the process can be started again.
    This happens when you run into a section protected by mutex_dev and spend there more than 5 seconds, see You may want to override MUTEX_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_SECS=0 environment variable on debugged deployment (or temporarily comment-out kill() line) to prevent pods from getting killed.

  • Breakpoints suspend execution of all goroutines and so pod lifecycle probes might fail if the execution is suspended for too long. Make sure you’re familiar with effects of failing probes - and you know which probes are configured for the pod you’re debugging.

  • If the Central pod crashed and restarted, you’ll have to re-establish port forward to be able to reach StackRox UI and/or back-end. Use kubectl -n stackrox port-forward svc/central 8000:443 & for this.
