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Complete source of the demo

In this document we show how Pylightnix can be used in machine learning applications. We focus on inplace subset of Pylightnix API which is a bit simpler than it's default functional API, at the cost of relying on an internal global state.

We will use Pylightnix in well-known MNIST classifier application. TensorFlow 2.0 framework is required to run this demo.

The problem

In MNIST problem, we generally have to write an application performing image classification. The format of input images is defined by the MNIST dataset. It is a set of 28x28-sized images of handwritten digits, part of them are labaled, labels say what digit do we see on given image. Our classifier needs to label the unlabeled part of the dataset.

To solve this problem with a Deep Learning approach, we typically write an application which relies on certain parameters. Some of them are pre-defined (we call them just 'parameters'), others are initially unknown to us (we call them Weights). We then adjust the weights with an algorithm known as 'training', using existing labels as an input data. This process makes the classification work better and better. Eventually, we get a snapshot of weights which work best for our dataset and which we hope will work well for other similar images. This snapshot is called a Checkpoint. We have to save the checkpoint to use it in the imaginary 'production' of our application.


Lets plan the usage of data. As one may see, we need a place to keep the Dataset during training and a place to put the final Checkpoint when it is ready. Also it is often a good idea to save pre-defined Parameters somewhere to be able to re-produce the training if needed. Let's see how does Pylightnix help with that.

First, let's prepare a separate storage for this demo.

from pylightnix import Path, initialize, dirrm
initialize(custom_store='/tmp/pylightnix_mnist_demo', custom_tmp='/tmp')
Initializing non-existing /tmp/pylightnix_mnist_demo

Now we are ready to code.

Stage 1: the dataset

MNIST is a well-known dataset, it is available in many places on the Internet. We pick the closest one by downloading it into mnist.npz file. Pylightnix has a built-in stage called fetchurl for that. Every stage has to be instantiated and than realized.

from pylightnix import DRef, instantiate_inplace, fetchurl

mnist_dataset:DRef = \


By the above instructions we initialized is a mnist_dataset variable of type DRef. It contains a reference to a Derivation of fetchurl builtin stage. The existance of DRefs means that:

  • Configuration object does exist in the storage and it doesn't contain critical errors.
  • Pylighnix knows how to Realize the stage, i.e. what Python function to call on it and which directory to collect the output files from.
  • We could pass this link to subsequent stages to form dependencies or to realize1 to request the realization.

Since the MNIST dataset by itself has no practical meaning for us, we move on to defining the second stage.

Stage 2: the recognizer

In case of recognizer, we have no choice but to implement the stage from scratch. In Pylightnix every stage includes of 3 important components: Config, Matcher and Realizer.


Config is a natural place to include parameters required for training. The more parameters we could move to configuration, the better, because Pylightnix executes all configurations during instantiation, that is before all realizations. Thus we have an opportunity to check the build plan and catch some errors early, which may become a big time-saver.

from pylightnix import Config, RefPath, PromisePath, mkconfig, promise

def mnist_config()->Config:
  learning_rate = 1e-3
  num_epoches = 1
  dataset:RefPath = [mnist_dataset, 'mnist.npz']
  accuracy:PromisePath = [promise, 'accuracy.txt']
  return mkconfig(locals())

In the above code we actually wrap a certain python dictionary with a Config marker object by calling mkconfig helper on the result of locals python builtin magic function. locals collects local variables and mkconfig makes some checks, including the check on JSON-serializability.

Some fileds of the configuration have a special meaning for Pylightnix:

  • Note how do we use mnist_dataset reference, obtained from the previous stage. We have added the stage dependency, just by including it into Config. Pylightnix will handle dependencies and call stage realizers in the appropriate order.
  • Note the list [mnist_dataset, 'mnist.npz']. It is a so-called RefPath expression. Pylightnix has a helper function build_path which translates lists of this kind into real system Paths at the time of realization.
  • Accuracy attribute encodes a so called PromisePath. PromisePaths refer to not-yet-existing files or folders which we promise will be created by the current stage. PromisePaths may be converted by the same build_path function into writable system paths.


Matchers allow us to deal with uncertainty when we work with non-deterministic builders. ML training is often a non-deterministic process, because for any configuration, we could get very different results. While we may attempt to fix results by carefully setting random seeds, there are other factors which could lead to uncertainty, like non-deterministic compilers or cluster/multithreading issues.

Pylightnix tries to let us live with this fact by allowing multiple realizations for every derivation. In order to keep dependency resolution stable in this circumstances, we introduce the concept of Matchers. Matchers match with one or more realizations (or ask the core to produce them) using user-defined criteria. After the matching, The core 'freezes' it's results and use them as current derivation's representation during dependency resolution.

Here we wouldn't go deep into the concept and just use the builtin match_latest matcher which by default picks the latest realization we have built (Build-start time is measured by a timer with platform-dependent sub-second resolution).

from pylightnix import match_latest

def mnist_match():
  return match_latest()


The third component of our Recognizer stage is mnist_build realizer defines how to create new realizations if we need them. It's brief sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. We ask the core of build_outpath directory to put realization artifacts into.
  2. We access the configuration parameters by calling build_cattrs function which returns an object containing config fields as attributes.
  3. We dereference our dataset Refpath into system paths by calling build_path(b, c.dataset)
  4. We start the training. When it is complete, we save the model checkpoint into weights.h5 file and the accuracy into accuracy.txt artifacts.
from pylightnix import ( Build, build_outpath, build_cattrs, build_path )
from os.path import join
from numpy import load
from tensorflow.keras.models import ( Sequential )
from tensorflow.keras.layers import ( Conv2D, MaxPool2D, Dropout, Flatten, Dense )
from tensorflow.keras.utils import ( to_categorical )
from tensorflow.keras.backend import image_data_format

def mnist_build(b:Build)->None:
  o = build_outpath(b)
  c = build_cattrs(b)

  with load(build_path(b, c.dataset), allow_pickle=True) as f:
    x_train, y_train = f['x_train'], f['y_train']
    x_test, y_test = f['x_test'], f['y_test']

  x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], 28, 28, 1).astype('float32') / 255
  y_train = to_categorical(y_train, 10)

  x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], 28, 28, 1).astype('float32') / 255
  y_test = to_categorical(y_test, 10)

  print('x_train shape:', x_train.shape)
  print(x_train.shape[0], 'train samples')
  print(x_test.shape[0], 'test samples')

  model = Sequential()
  model.add(Conv2D(32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation = 'relu', input_shape = (28,28,1)))
  model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation = 'relu'))
  model.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size = (2,2)))
  model.add(Dense(128, activation = 'relu'))
  model.add(Dense(10, activation = 'softmax'))

  model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics = ['accuracy']), y_train, batch_size = 32, epochs = c.num_epoches, verbose = 0)
  accuracy = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose = 0)[-1]
  model.save_weights(join(o, 'weights.h5'), save_format='h5')
  with open(build_path(b,c.accuracy),'w') as f:

Putting it all together


Finally, we have to register our stage by calling mkdrv function. As before, instantiate provides us with a derivation reference. This reference is a proof that safety checks has been completed and a ticket to the realize1 action.

from pylightnix import mkdrv, build_wrapper

def model(m)->DRef:
  return mkdrv(m, mnist_config(), mnist_match(), build_wrapper(mnist_build))

mnist_model = instantiate_inplace(model)

Now we are ready to actually get our dataset and start the training. (note that we didn't access the network up to this moment).

from pylightnix import RRef, realize_inplace

mnist1:RRef = realize_inplace(mnist_model)
x_train shape: (60000, 28, 28, 1)
60000 train samples
10000 test samples

After some time, we get the mnist1 value which is a Realization reference. One good property of RRefs is the possibility to convert them into system paths.

Forced realize1

By default, subsequent calls to realize1 will return the RRef of already existing realization. But Pylightnix do supports multiple realizations, so we could ask it to produce new realizations regardless of what Matcher thinks:

from pylightnix import realize_inplace

mnist2 = realize_inplace(mnist_model, force_rebuild=[mnist_model])
x_train shape: (60000, 28, 28, 1)
60000 train samples
10000 test samples

Note, that if new realization turns out to be identical to the one which does already exist, they will be merged into a single realization.

Best match

In our case MNIST training is (intentionally) non-deterministic, so we have 2 different realizations, called mnist1 and mnist2. Lets see which one is better. As every brave ML practitioner would do, we want to pick the model with best accuracy. First, lets review the accuracies that we have. Pylightnix offers simple bash-like functions for that:

from pylightnix import lsref, catref


We prefer 'mnist2' because it's accuracy is slightly better. This algorithm of choice could be encoded with Pylightnix by using more appropriate builtin matcher. In our case we stick with match_best. It takes one filename argument and matches with the realization, which has the biggest floating point number stored in a file with this name.

from pylightnix import match_best

def model_best(m)->DRef:
  return mkdrv(m, mnist_config(), match_best('accuracy.txt'), build_wrapper(mnist_build))

mnist_best = realize_inplace(instantiate_inplace(model_best))
Overwriting either the matcher or the realizer of 'dref:62bf4c470bd346d4b4431438958999eb-unnamed'. RConfig:
Config({'accuracy': ['__promise__', 'accuracy.txt'], 'dataset': ['dref:90531e2f6d210ae159c0100d59f50b2c-mnist', 'mnist.npz'], 'num_epoches': 1, 'learning_rate': 0.001})

In Python shells like IPython, we could also call shellref(..) function in order to open the Linux shell and inspect the contents of corresponding storage folders with standard command-line tools.

Garbage collection


See rmref.

Stage 3: the application